A rebound relationship is one that occurs soon after the end of a previous relationship. They are often entered into hastily because the person who just got out of a relationship is looking for a temporary distraction or the comfort of a new relationship after heartbreak. Rushing into a relationship can result in complications and issues that may threaten the longevity of the new relationship, hurting you. Here are some signs you’re on the wrong side of a rebound relationship.
Just got out of a relationship
This is the most obvious sign that you’re in a rebound relationship. There’s a lot of debate about how long it takes to get over a relationship and no hard and fast dates can be declared, still, if it’s just been a few weeks, you may have reason to be concerned. That being said, everyone heals in their own time.
Rush to commit
You’re likely in a rebound relationship if the person you’re dating seems way into you way too soon. Y’all met 6 minutes ago and they are already calling you ‘The One’. People who’ve experienced this report feeling like a blank canvas their partner is projecting their feelings onto. Like their partner isn’t even seeing them and they’re just a fill-in. A rebound relationship also feels like it’s moving fast and slow at the same time. They’re proclaiming their love fast but you feel like you’ve barely gotten to know each other.
Emotional distance
If you feel like you can’t connect with or reach your partner emotionally, you may be in a rebound relationship. Usually, if you’re someone’s rebound, they have no intention of keeping you around long-term and so they make no attempt to connect emotionally. So there’s reason to be concerned if your partner seems emotionally unavailable or distant.
Hangup on their ex
Do they seem overly interested in what their ex is currently up to? Are they always on their ex’s social media pages? You may be in a rebound relationship. They may insist they are over their last relationship but they lash out and rage over their ex when they come up. They have so many unprocessed emotions that they refuse to so much as acknowledge. Sometimes it manifests as constantly complaining about their ex or using you as a shoulder to cry on about tier past relationship. Other times, they refuse to talk about their ex at all. Like they can’t even bring themselves to say their ex’s name. This refusal is a clear sign they are not over their ex and have not processed the emotions that come with breaking up.
Show you off
It is normal to want to show off a new relationship or partner but if you feel like they’re advertising your relationship too soon and especially if they parade and flaunt you around at social events where their ex is present, you may be in a rebound relationship. If you feel like they’re showing you off to others in a way that is supposed to prove they’ve moved on, there may be a reason to be concerned.
All about sex
If it feels like all they want to do is have sex with zero efforts made towards getting to know each other, you may be in a rebound relationship. While there’s nothing wrong with having tons of sex, it’s important to keep in mind that rebounders often use sex as a way to distract themselves and avoid going deeper into the relationship. This is often accompanied by behaviours where they blow hot and cold so you never know where you really stand in the relationship.
Commitment shy
Rebounders also exhibit signs of commitment avoidance. They are often hesitant to make any future plans with you. It often doesn’t matter if the plans are a few weeks away or months away, they just refuse to commit to any future plans. They may also not introduce you to any of their friends or people close to them because for them is just a temporary thing.
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