Relationships are hard. We hear that all the time. Are they really? The things happy couples do for each other without being asked suggest relationships may not be as hard as advertised. It turns out it’s the little things. The ones each of us know, some we even learnt as children playing with other children. Here are some things happy couples do for each other without being asked.
Check-in with each other
Happy couples stay in touch, checking in on each other throughout the day whether it’s just a call to say “hey” or an update text saying, “We just landed.” These sorts of messages tell your partner you’re thinking of them and make you feel connected to each other even when you’re apart.
Pay compliments
Happy couples pay each other compliments readily without being asked. Compliments about everything from their appearance to something like, “I’m really impressed by how you teach the kids” or “Dinner was delicious.” This shows your appreciation of the effort they make and also makes them feel seen.
Say thanks
It may sound simple, but saying thanks when your partner does something nice for you goes a long way. It can become very easy to take your partner for granted especially after you’ve established each person’s roles and responsibilities. Happy couples appreciate each other and are generous in their expression of gratitude.
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Take on a chore for each other
Few things have the power to build up resentment like house chores and their never-ending nature. Few things can show your partner how much you care about them like taking on one of their chores. For extra points, don’t tell them you did it, just let it be a wonderful unspoken surprise. Happy couples do each other’s chores.
Apologize when they mess up
You’re going to be wrong a lot. You’re going to make mistakes. Happy couples know this and they readily apologize when they mess up. The best couples don’t think twice about admitting it when they’re wrong and have learnt how to apologize to each other.
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Do something that destresses the other
Life is stressful. Happy couples recognize when their partner is stressed about work or just the business of living and do something to help them unwind. For example, setting up a bubble bath for their partner, telling them that their happiness is a priority to you.
Get physical
Happy couple touch each other whether it’s a peck on the cheek or a light touch on the shoulder when you pass them. Marriages thrive on regular physical contact. Touch triggers the release of feel-good hormones and they make people feel loved.
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Alone time
Happy couples give their partner time and space to be with their friends outside the home. In this way their show support for their friendships and interests. It can also take the form of taking the kids out and leaving your partner at home to just get a break and chill out. Giving your partner this time to unwind and catch up on sleep or some TV show is a great way to make them feel appreciated.
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Act generously
Happy couples act generously with each other. They readily do things for the other person, for example, something like watching that movie again because their partner wants to see it again. They do things for each other, being thoughtful and generous without keeping score.
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