Though honesty seems to be the best policy in many instances, people usually lie to get out of some situations or to hide what they are doing. Has anyone ever lied to you in a way that left you wondering how much audacity they had to lie in such a way? Usually, the one who is caught cheating lies to cover up their acts.
Well, a lady posted a question on instances where men lied when caught cheating and the responses gave a peek into how lying happens around us.
Here is the link to the original post.
Responses to this Post
This lie is the worst. Gaslighting.
I caught my ex in a room with another girl and he told me my eyes were deceiving me… “who you going to believe me or your imagination” I’m glad somebody else was with me when it happened lol. @Ky_Denae
Blame it on your identical twin. How convenient. Guess what though, the girl believed him.
Was dating a guy when I was 17. Went to the movies with my best friend. Seen him and some girl. I played it cool(I wanted to slide down a fucking wall!) The next day I called him out on it. Chile this nigga said it was his twin brother. And my goofy ass believed him. @fluffyredbone77
Talk of disappearing and re-appearing boyfriends and their comeback phases. Network problems never lack in these re-appearing phases, like in her case.
He said the reason he didn’t contact me for a while was because his cell phone ONLY worked in this specific city and he was messaging/calling me this whole time from his work phone..mind you we’ve FaceTimed on his iPad and follow each other on IG. @NekaBook
Well, lies about having no children when meeting a potential girlfriend are not new. She found out the truth and to say she was surprised might be an understatement.
he don’t have kids. he has 7. @naeijuaba
People give different lies when caught cheating, but this right here seems like a new one. As a lady, you are left wondering how dumb this dude perceives you to be, for them to give you such a transparent lie.
Literally same. caught him texting a girl “you’re so sexy” and he said it’s because she was depressed and suicidal and just wanted to help her self esteem. @em19ily
People who have checked the direct messages of your significant other will relate to this. A lie like this may be on its way. Sometimes, the lies involve collaboration between your significant other and his friends, you may fall for it.
I caught him dming another girl and he told me his hb had his password to his IG. Then he had his hb dm me and apologize. Then 1 month after we broke up, he was dating her. @AlysiaKiaraa
Even when there is evidence of fishy activity, a well-cooked lie is usually ready to be served. Here, the lady sees some marks on his neck which indicated a hickey. When she asked about it, the guy who was caught lied that he had gotten the marks while trying to walk on hot coals. Then, there is this lie that will leave you wondering how far people will go to avoid telling the truth. The man lied about getting into an accident and went ahead to use crutches for a whole month, yet he had no injury.
The obvious hickies on his neck and chest were burn marks from falling while trying to walk on hot coals. @taayylorsworld
Lies come in different forms. A lie sometimes comes in a way that satisfies one’s ideal fantasy of a partner. Probably, the guy knew that this lady would be impressed to hear him speak about being monogamous. All the while, he was seeing this lady and an ex.
That he was monogamous and single, his ex girlfriend had issues with boundaries, they were friends, and he was checking on her because she had health problems. They were actually still dating for the first two weeks we were dating, I found out later. @d_lobelia
When a person has a family and also wants to be with you, he or she will cook lies to keep you around because the truth would not be good for your ears.
Told me he was adopting a baby because I didn’t wanna have a baby with him. I obviously didn’t believe it but he was very serious. Only to find out he’s been married for almost 3 years and his wife was about to give birth that week. @Nki19
Men’s conference trend might have a link with this lie over here. Man lies about going to a men’s church retreat that he claimed happened over a weekend. Only for it to turn out to be something totally different.
That he was going on a men’s church retreat and would be gone all weekend, my bestie at the time’s husband was also going so her and I got together that Saturday, her husband FaceTime her and casually asked why my husband canceled …… @DreaVegas
This response illustrates that a person can say just anything to avoid telling the truth. How does a coworker ask your man to do him such a favour?
That the picture on his BACKGROUND was a coworkers daughter and he asked him to save the pic on his phone as a favor . Make that make sense. @moviesnmoscato
Lady is delivering her baby and the man is having a party at their home. On coming back home, the guy denies having thrown a party despite the evidence being all over the place.
I was in the hospital giving birth, meanwhile he was at my house having a kickback for his birthday (baby was born on his birthday). He didn’t even pick up afterwards, came home to all the evidence, he still lying about it til this day. @aashlee_x
Other times, the lie is not about cheating, but even about the profession the person is in. While it may seem like trivial information when considering a person to date, honesty goes a long way in setting things right.
He told me he was a nurse the whole time he cleaned the hospital rooms. And I believed him because he wore scrubs. But it didn’t click that he didn’t have a car and no furniture. @beimpecable
When caught doing the wrong, people usually come up with stories that try to shift the mistake to either make it appear differently or completely deny the mistake completely.
Here are others.
Told me that the used condom that I found on the floor was not used with another girl but he himself put it on while he masturbated … wow @taayylorsworld
Set his preference to men on Tinder and said he was looking for a roommate. @NikoleWithaK__
Here are others.
People are still commenting so you can check out @pooooosaa’s tweet. Here is the link to the original post.
What would you do if your partner lied to you?
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