I knew Jack was still in love with me. It wasn’t much of a secret. When we broke up, he promised that he would never leave me alone. I took it as a joke since people say this all the time but after a few months, they move on with their lives. It wasn’t the case with Jack. A few months after we broke up, he still called and texted me regularly. When he found out I was going on my first date since we broke up, he went mad.
I had maintained a cordial relationship with him. After all, he was once my boyfriend and I was quite fond of him. However, he insisted that he was still in love with me and hoped that we would get back together someday. I knew it wasn’t possible. Not only had I fallen out of love with him but also I had been talking to someone else.
I decided to let Jack know that I was going on a date. I thought if he heard it from me, it would make things better. I was wrong.
“Who is he?” He asked after I told him.
“You don’t know him.”
“Is it serious?”
“I like him. I’m actually going on a date with him.”
I let it slip. I knew he wouldn’t be happy to know that I was going on a date but I didn’t expect the reaction I got.
“WTF!??” He shouted then banged the table. “You’re not going on any date.”
“Jack, we broke up months ago. I’m allowed to move on.”
The truth is I moved on whether he accepted it or not and I was going to go on that date regardless of his protests. The only reason I was still friends with Jack was so that he wouldn’t harass me. However, he was getting a bit too comfortable with our relationship and I needed to cut him off sooner than later.
“You’ll regret going on that date.”
I thought they were empty threats as was the norm with Jack. He liked to guilt trip me and when that didn’t work, he’d threaten me. Things seemed a little different this time though. He didn’t insist that I shouldn’t go on the date. He just asked me a simple question.
“Are you going on that date?”
“Yes,” I answered firmly.
He didn’t say anything much after that.
I was so busy preparing for the date that I forgot about my last interaction with Jack. In fact, I hadn’t heard anything from him since that day which made me think he had finally given up on me. It wasn’t until I was about to leave the house and head to the restaurant to meet my date that he called.
“Diana, please don’t go. I’ll take you out anywhere you want to go.”
“Jack, leave me alone. I moved on. You should move on as well.”
He didn’t hear any of it. In fact, he continued to call me after every 5 minutes. I had to put my phone on silent. However, I couldn’t focus on the date. I was so distracted the entire time which made my date a bit irritated.
“Do you need to go somewhere?” He asked.
“No. It’s not important.”
We had dinner in silence. Then, all of a sudden, Jack stopped calling me. I could tell because my phone wasn’t vibrating nonstop in my bag. I waited for a few minutes and confirmed that he had stopped calling before reaching into my bag to remove my phone.
80 missed calls! My mind was racing and burning with anger. I wanted to text him and tell him to stop calling but as I was typing, I received a nude picture of him. I shouted subconsciously which alerted my date.
“Is everything okay?” He asked
I took a deep breath and nodded yes but I couldn’t stop thinking of the nude picture I had just seen. It’s safe to say the date was ruined and I was never going to see the guy again. He was kind enough to pay for dinner and even offered to call me an Uber. However, I felt like I was taking advantage of him so I politely declined. I also wanted to meet with my friend for drinks since I couldn’t go home in that state.
I called one of my close friends and she agreed to meet with me.
“What happened?” She asked after seeing me looking distressed.
“You won’t believe what Jack did?”
“That guy!! I told you to black him a long time ago.”
“Well, I should have listened to you. He sent me a picture.”
“A picture?”
“A nude picture.”
“What? What’s wrong with him?”
“I don’t know.”
“Did your date see it?”
“No, but I wasn’t able to give him my full attention. I don’t think I’m going to hear from him again.”
Once again, I was wrong. The guy called me later that date to make sure that I got home safely. He was worried that someone was harassing me. He also asked if he could take me on another date.
As much as I wanted to go on another date with him, I couldn’t. I didn’t want to jump into another relationship without dealing with my past. The events of that day were an eye-opener for me which made me realize that I had a lot of skeletons in my closet and they could be the reason my relationships were unsuccessful.
The first thing I had to do was cut off Jack and all my other exes. I needed to put that chapter of my life behind me to have healthy relationships. It took a lot of effort and intervention from my friends but I was able to cut off Jack. After they found out that he had sent me a nude picture on my date, they were more than happy to do whatever they could to keep him away from me. He was finally out of my life and I could breathe easy again. However, I’m still healing from the wounds of my past relationships.
Check out
He Shared My Nudes On Socal Media After We Broke Up
I Can’t Move On Because My Ex Keeps Coming Back To Harass Me
My Best Friend Fell For Me And Now Our Relationship Is Ruined
My Ex Destroyed My Car Because We Broke Up
My Ex Asked Me To Get Rid Of My Dog Because He Hated Pets
Her Ex Came Back Into Her Life But Things Took An Unexpected Turn
Her Ex’s Wife Threatened To Bewitch Her Because He Was Still In Love With Her
My Toxic Ex Harassed Me On Social Media Until I Had To Deactivate My Accounts
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