Breaking up or ending a relationship is usually challenging, although sometimes it is necessary. People usually have different reasons for ending a relationship. Your partner could be moving to another country, or it could be because of cheating. Whatever your reason may be, dealing with a breakup is painful.
You go through a cycle of getting to know someone, and then one day, you stop talking to each other. Then you have to start another cycle of letting go and accepting that it was a chapter in your life, and you need to move on.
Everything seems to remind you of your ex for the first few days or weeks. Someone passes by, and you realize it was the same fragrance they used. You bump into someone on the street, and they look like them. As time passes, you end up letting go slowly until you don’t think about them anymore. You feel like you are fully healed and ready to move on with your life. Then one day, you spot your ex, and everything ends up awkward. You’re not sure if you should say hi, ignore them or even hide, so they don’t see you.
The tricky part comes in when they have a plus one. At that moment, you know for sure if you have moved on or are still healing.
A lady on Twitter by the username @FiFi_Originals posted a tweet saying, “Running into your ex at groove fresh after the breakup is hell, boy.” People responded to the post by sharing what they had experienced after running into their exes.
Here are a few interesting responses to the tweet.
This will be a good memory when Bambino pops the ” Where do kids come from?” question.
A perfect example of, If you still want me just say so, don’t go through de corners.
Top ten embarrassing moments. Number one :
“Hello, It’s me Character development. I just want to know if you’re ready for some more or if you’ve grown?”
As if you haven’t been through enough. Now you have to spend time convincing yourself that she’s a rock and you’re the diamond he left behind.
They don’t know her as you do!
You pull the classic ” I have never seen this man in my life” and roll with it.
I need him to see that my life is better without him and other stories.
You end up going through all your cards and money as you go through your gallery when there’s no wifi or data.
” He’s just a friend. Can you chill?”
On the bright side, at least you’ll look back and laugh at this one day.
Make sure you map out all the areas. Disappear completely
When he ignores you the day after because he is with his babe.
Bumping into your ex is sometimes inevitable, especially if you live in the same city. This is something you must always consider. It might be awkward, and you may have a lot of mixed reactions. The best way to handle the situation is to greet them and go about your business. You can make small talk, but if you can avoid conversation, the better.
What has been your experience meeting your ex out there?
Relationships: Block Your Ex On Social Media. Yay Or Nay?
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