If you’re battling acne, chances are you’ve tried to use makeup to try and cover up the blemishes as much as possible. Be there are so many beauty products out there, it’s very easy to use concealer, foundation, and the like to cover up your acne without having to break the bank.
With that said, there are a few makeup mistakes you can make which could lead to acne breakouts. Here are a couple of things that can contribute to this.
You’re not cleaning your face before applying makeup
Even if you are barely awake and bleary-eyed when you are getting ready to leave the house, you’ll want to make sure you wash your face properly before you apply any makeup. Cleaning your face will help you clear the oils and dirt that have accumulated on the face.
If you want to avoid any acne breakouts because of makeup, remove excess dirt, oil, and dead cells from your skin using salicylic acid-based cleansers. Using these kinds of cleansers is a fantastic way to ensure your makeup doesn’t lead to breakouts. 6 Benefits Of Using Cleansers
7 Makeup Mistakes That Causes Acne Breakouts
Applying makeup using your fingers
Fingers can help perfect your beauty look. However, if you are not washing your hands before you put on makeup, you are most likely transferring grime, dirt, and bacteria from your fingers to the face. This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to ensure an acne breakout.
7 Tips To Nail Flawless Makeup On Textured Skin
Using the wrong makeup
All kinds of skin can be prone to acne breakouts, more so if you are using makeup products that are clogging up the pores on your skin and encouraging acne-causing bacteria to thrive and grow. Most experts advise those people that use makeup to avoid using products that have comedogenic ingredients and components that are known to be harmful to the skin.
7 Things To Look For When Shopping For Makeup
Using too much foundation
Even though it can be tempting to use a lot of foundation to cover up particularly aggressive acne breakouts, you don’t have to overload your skin with too much product. Apparently, your supporting tissue cells’ thickness is what you should use to help determine how much product you should apply. Meaning that the thinnest and lightest application should be done where the skin is the thinnest. 8 Tips For Picking The Right Foundation Shade
7 Foundation Hacks You Should Know
Sharing makeup products
Whether you’re just trying out some of your best friend’s makeup products or getting ready to paint the town red with your girls, you should always try to avoid sharing makeup with other people. When you use someone else’s tools or products, you are introducing your skin to their oils and bacteria. This can eventually cause acne breakouts.
Using expired products
All makeup products have a shelf-life, and most of these products are not meant to last as long as you would think. Buy products that have expiration dates. When it comes to mascara, try and replace this every 3 months. Change eyeshadow and eyeliner after every 6 to 12 months. For lipstick, you can use it for about 18 months before you change it.
5 Creative Ways You Can Use Expired Makeup
You’re not removing your makeup properly
Even though you’re very tired at the end of the day, always remove all your makeup before you go to bed. Wash your face thoroughly every single night and ensure all your makeup is off before hitting the sheets. You’ll clog up your pores when you sleep with makeup on which can, in turn, lead to acne breakouts. Skincare: 6 Things You Must Do When Removing Your Makeup
7 Tips And Tricks To Remove Makeup Effortlessly
Using makeup products to cover up your acne can seem like something straightforward. However, there’s a lot that could go wrong if you do some of the mistakes mentioned in this article. Hopefully, now you know what you should and shouldn’t do to avoid such scenarios.
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