Many try out the freelance route then after a few weeks, months, or even years decide to go back to their corporate offices. While there are so many good things about having a 9-to-5 job, it can be a huge transition when going back after being a freelancer. There are many unexpected turns and twists along the way.
Here are some ways you can make this transition easier as a freelancer.
Take advantage of your recent freelancing skills
There were most likely certain specific skills you picked up as a freelancer. You were probably a communication expert, a business analyst, an accountant, a writer, a project manager, etc. Because you were working for yourself, you probably have skills that other employees lack, whether you’re aware of this or not.
There are many companies these days that want agile and flexible workers. The skills you picked as a freelancer can be used to help show that you can perform in many different business environments.
Practice some patience
Most hiring managers these days are looking for a specific kind of candidate. They are in search of talent that comes from a ‘y’ company with ‘x’ experience. Because freelancers are not the cut-and-dry type of individual, a unique scenario might arise.
There’s a lot a freelancer can talk about during an interview. Ensure to make your potential employers know that being in that space didn’t make it an employment gap. You can showcase the different ways you’ve helped companies hit certain milestones. Any sense of accomplishment will impress most interviewers.
Most freelancers watch the clock because they have to, due to necessity. Your clients want the job done and not for you to be all friendly with the other members of your team. However, the corporate world is way different. Here you’re encouraged and expected to join the family and buddy up with the whole team.
Of course, you shouldn’t miss your deadlines, but you shouldn’t miss a chance to socialize with the other new people you work with as well.
Remember that you used to run your own business
As a freelancer, you essentially run your own business and work for yourself. It’s incredibly easy to get yourself into a specific work routine. Some might even say you’re somewhat of a CEO. You should take pride in the fact you were able to work for yourself and on your own terms.
However, you’re going to be leaving a bit of that freedom when you start working for someone else. Respect the wishes of the other people you work with and know how to flow with the new company culture.
Be prepared to concentrate on one specific skillset
After working in the freelance industry, there’s a high chance you have a wide array of new and exciting skill sets. Yes, you might be grateful for these skillsets and experiences, however, some of them might not be needed in your new job capacity. No matter the kind of job you’re applying for, or taking on, concentrate on doing the best you can in that area of expertise you’ll e working in.
Network with other full-time employees
If you aren’t getting the feedback you expected when you started applying or working for other companies, network with other individuals that are in the space you’re in, or would like to be in. Sometimes all it takes to bypass up to the next level is one positive referral. 6 Ways To Set Boundaries Within The Workplace
Do not abruptly abandon your freelance connections and clients
Just like the way, you would exit a full-time gig; is exactly the same way you should leave your long-term relationships. Respectfully and gracefully. Giving your clients ample time is common courtesy. Respect any contract dates you may have. Just because you’re knowing going into the 9-5 world does not mean you should bail out on the prior job commitments you had.
Stay involved in the freelancer space
Don’t abandon your freelancer community and resources when you start that new 9-5. You still know a lot about this space, and you can put this knowledge to good use by educating others about the freelance lifestyle and how to get by. This is also the best way to keep in touch with other freelancers in case you come across new interesting job opportunities.
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