If you love eating shrimp, you’re not alone. This is one of the most popular kinds of seafood and is an ingredient in many dishes including cocktails. Shrimp normally ranges from 1 to 3 inches. However, there are some that can grow to bigger sizes. Despite its small size, one shrimp is a rich source of a number of nutrients including protein, zinc, potassium, calcium and iron. Eating shrimp can nourish your body with the essential nutrients needed to wade off certain diseases. Here are some health benefits of shrimp.
Prevents Hair Loss
Hair loss is a common issue among men and women. In some cases, it’s not preventable due to genetic factors. However, in many cases, it’s due to poor diet or medication which can be prevented. Zinc deficiency can cause hair loss which can be easily remedied. Increasing your consumption of zinc-rich foods such as shrimp can help you strengthen your hair follicles and avoid hair loss. 7 Practical Ways To Grow Your Hairline Back
Reduces Menstrual Cramps
It’s hard to do much when you’re suffering from menstrual cramps. Unfortunately, many women suffer from cramps during that time of the month. At the same time, many are against taking painkillers to relieve the pain. One of the best natural ways to relieve menstrual cramps is to eat shrimp. Shrimp is a good source of Omega-6 fatty acids that reduce inflammation thus reducing pain. So, make sure you have some shrimp ready for that time of the month.
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Improves Thyroid Function
Thyroid hormones perform crucial functions in the body such as regulating metabolism, heart rate and blood pressure. The hormones need iodine for effective synthesis. However, most diets don’t contain this important mineral hence the ever-rising cases of thyroid problems. Thyroid problems can lead to slower metabolism and other weight-related issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Adding shrimp to your diet can mitigate the issue since it contains iodine which helps boost thyroid function. Health: Thyroid Problems – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
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Supports Healthy Pregnancy
Seafood is usually a big no when pregnant due to its high mercury content. However, seafood contains essential nutrients that are needed during pregnancy. Shrimp is one of the few kinds of seafood that you can eat when pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to get pregnant. It may contain mercury but the amount is too little to affect your health. It also contains nutrients that aid in the neurocognitive development of fetuses and infants.
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Aids In Muscle Recovery
Muscle recovery is important, especially for athletes or people who engage in strenuous physical activities to prevent injuries. Protein-rich foods are the most ideal to help in muscle recovery since muscle tissues need amino acids in protein to grow. Shrimp is one of the best sources of protein. 48% of its nutrient content is proteins. Therefore, a serving of shrimp can provide the body with the daily nutritional requirement of proteins.
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Protects Vision
Age-related vision loss is the leading cause of eye problems. This is usually a result of macular degeneration which can be prevented or slowed. Shrimp has anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-coagulant properties that prevent diseases that may cause macular degeneration. Its anti-angiogenic properties prevent rapid blood vessel growth that can increase fluid in the macula. These abnormal blood vessels leak fluid in the retina and macula which damages vision gradually.
Promotes Gut Health
Gut health plays a key role in our overall health. This is why it’s important to take care of it. However, there are lots of bacteria that can affect the normal microbiome in the gut causing infections. There’s a compound found in shrimp known as astaxanthin that shows antimicrobial activity. It acts as a nutritional custodian and guards the gut lining against ethanol-induced injuries. 6 Ways To Improve Your Gut Health
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