Learning happens at home, in religious places, and even in schools. However, some things remain untaught, and people have to find these things out as they live through life. These things seem like they are common sense, but when one looks at them clearly, they should be more frequently discussed than people do. Because not everyone has the privilege of learning these things from the people they know
A Twitter handle named @UberFacts posed this question, and both women and men came to give their thoughts. The answers give you something to think about, but here are a few of the most insightful responses. Here is the link to the original tweet.
@agamoni mentioned financial independence. This sounds like a cliché, especially in the world looking to empower women financially, but it delivers the point. That a woman ought to have a source of income.
Relationship advice was sure to come through. A tweep named @Egygyii stated that how one is treated in relationships depends on the standards she set initially.
It is an age of heavy social media usage, and someone had to mention it. A user named @SoSoulful stated that weighting any advice from social media is important, as it may not necessarily be good.
The information on women’s bodies has been around for quite some time. @beyond shay mentioned how women’s bodies change rapidly and how one needs to work on her dreams or these dreams won’t come to be.
Girls and women live with a softness that sometimes seeks to be liked by people around them. A user named @SimiBGood wanted them to know that having a spine is a good thing. To allow some people to get angry, disappointed and even dislike them and that it is okay.
Another tweep, @Jsamsuga, advocated for healthy selfishness. A girl or woman is selfish with their time, peace, body and feelings. They ought not to allow aspects such as guilt or shame to push them to make some decisions they would not have otherwise made.
This one Twitter user came with a unique perspective. @chadman_hardin reminded all the girls and women that being a stay-at-home mum and home management was not as easy but rewarding and important, just like a full-time job.
While the world advocates for women to be strong and independent, another individual sees the whole issue differently. She specifically mentioned black women, telling them it was okay sometimes to be dependent.
Still, on the issue of being a strong independent woman, a Twitter user by the name of @ntombi_ntebo thought that there should be an exception. Women can sometimes let go of the strong front they display and allow themselves to ask for help.
Someone had to mention something about how to stay at a party. @rsp1615 stated that when at a party, one ought not to leave their drink unattended and go outside and that if they do, they ask for another drink once they return. You never know who is who.
Yet again, someone had to remind everybody that purpose is very important in life. A tweep named @LindiweGrace responded by writing that no guy is worth giving up someone’s dreams for.
Another thing that women ought to know about but should be taught is basic automotive maintenance, from doing an oil change to checking the battery voltage. This will go a long way in helping one with their car.
For this user, it was setting the record straight. There was nothing special about a woman working and earning a decent lifestyle. According to @iam_njenga, this is something that women ought to know. He stated that it was a responsibility to earn a living.
A tweep named @ilanjikariuki came to let ladies know that having one own life is necessary. So that when one starts dating, their life does not become about their man.
Life may happen from time to time, leading someone’s belief away from good things in life, such as true love. @latika17_m thought that ladies should know that true love exists. Also, their feminine nature is very important, and they should embrace it.
Society has had a list of expectations for women in every aspect of life. For the user by the name @wanderlustxo_xx, fulfilment comes in different forms, and that one ought to look out for their type of fulfilment.
People rarely talk about postpartum health. Few people talk about the ups and downs of the postpartum period. @thats-clarissa mentioned this, stating that it ought to be taken seriously.
Women today enjoy freedom because some women in the past stood to make the patriarchal system understand that women are also human. @kdbell32 thought that recognising this would be imperative to every woman since it would open their eyes to the freedom before them, which they ought to enjoy.
Though being nice is a good thing, a tweep by the name @sockmonkeyfeti1 thought that women are not obligated to be nice to people who make them uncomfortable. They ought to have boundaries.
Finally, on the aspect of happiness, a tweep by the name @hauwaglass thought that happiness comes from the evolution one experiences due to life changes. That one should therefore allow themselves to change as per life changes.
All these responses give more insight into womanhood from different perspectives. The bottom line, though, is that women ought to focus on the things that make their lives better.
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