We’ve all had a few bad experiences, felt emotionally manipulated, cheated on – you name it – all in the quest for love. It’s almost unavoidable especially if you have been in the dating scene during the past few years. It seems people are becoming more and more toxic as the years go by. It has got to the point that there are toxic dating trends now. Here are some that you should look out for.
As millennials reach the age of buying houseplants, many can’t help but feel like houseplants in their relationships. Let’s be honest, many of us have killed a couple of plants because we fail to nurture them the right way. Just like a houseplant, people in a houseplanting relationship feel neglected and uncared for. A relationship is high maintenance and many people don’t want to put in the work but want the joy of being in one. Eventually, the relationship will die.
Gaslighting comes from a 1938 play where the husband manipulates his wife to think she is mentally ill. It’s an age-old toxic habit that is still alive and well today. The person doing the gaslighting tries to gain control over the other person by making them question their own sanity. In turn, people who experience gaslighting may feel confused, anxious, or as though they cannot trust themselves. The more it happens the more power the abusive person gets. Relationships: 7 Signs Of An Abusive Partner
Relationships: 5 Common Gaslighting Phrases And How To Respond
Bread Crumbing
This is probably the most immature thing someone can do when dating. In the age of online dating, it can be hard to read the signs of whether someone is into you or not especially when they don’t just come out and say it. The person might drop small hints of their interest in you but doesn’t follow through with it leaving you in love limbo. They might even make plans to meet with you but that never happens. Common Ways We Self-Sabotage Relationships
Breadcrumbing: Signs And How To Deal With It
Relationships fail and dates go wrong. However, how you handle things after will determine the kind of person you are. You owe the person that you were pursuing an explanation as to why you no longer have an interest in them at the very least. Unfortunately, many choose the easy way out – ghosting. This is when you cut off ties with someone without letting them know. This is especially toxic since it leaves the person with unanswered questions.
Cue Jidenna’s Boomerang song. “Do you love or hate me now? Bang, bang, boomerang.” This song perfectly describes a boomeranging relationship. Just like the boomerang, people in this kind of relationship keep leaving and coming back. It’s never a good idea to go back to your ex just because you can. However, if they make an effort to change then you can consider getting back together. Be wary of the empty promises, though.
Though they sound pretty similar, negging has no relation to nagging. It’s simply derived from the abbreviation, neg, meaning negative feedback. It has become the go-to toxic dating trend for many to lower their partner’s self-confidence. They will make comments that may seem sweet and thoughtful but can make the recipient feel bad about themselves. For instance, they may say something like “That dress would look good on you but I don’t think you can fit in it.” This tactic makes the recipient more open to the person’s advances since their confidence has been significantly lowered.
Love Bombing
Love bombing sounds cute, right? That’s what most people thought until psychologists popped their bubbles. Love bombing is actually a toxic trait that, like many other toxic dating traits, is masked as something good. The love bomber showers their significant other with affection, gifts, attention and all they can give during the beginning of the relationship. Then, it suddenly stops. The whole point of love bombing is to make someone fall so deeply in love that they overlook all the other red flags. Love Bombing: Signs, Reasons and Solutions
Check out 7 Signs Of An Abusive Partner
Ladies Here Are 6 Signs That You Are Dating A Selfish Lover
Why Do People Stay In Toxic Relationships?
12 Major First Date Red Flags To Look Out For
Anti-Ghosting: The Polite Dating Trend To Help People Dish Out Or Handle Rejection