With so many resources and information on how to live a healthier and happier life, you’d think we should all be the picture of health. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. There’s surely no shortage of wellness gurus and specialists pushing their guides, books, tutorials and X-step plans that are presumably going to change your life for the better and make you healthier than you’ve ever been. But who has time to sift through all these health and wellness recipes and test them out to see if they work or not?
This goes to prove that you’re not too busy to be healthy, like so many people complain; you’re probably much too overwhelmed by the amount of information on the topic and have a difficult time figuring out which path could help you reach your goals faster. When things seem too complicated, motivation goes out the window. So, if you really want to make meaningful and long-lasting lifestyle changes that will have a positive impact on your health and well-being, you have to start small and make things as easy as possible. And that’s exactly what these next hacks are all about.
Drink water and enjoy the sun
Although it’s often used as a joke, the idea that people are just houseplants with more complicated emotions does contain a grain of truth. It simply means that just like plants, you also need a bit of water and sun to grow strong and healthy.
People often start their day with a cup of coffee and some screen time as they scroll through their social media feeds; they head to work where they’re going to spend the next few hours between four walls, sipping a few more cups of coffee to keep them going, and then they get back home when the sun has set. There’s not much water drinking or sun exposure going on there.
If this scenario sounds familiar, you might want to break the cycle and add a few glasses of water to the equation and some outdoor time as well. Drinking water will help you stay hydrated throughout the day, improve energy levels and rid your body of toxins, while daily sun exposure will boost your mood, improve sleep quality and regulate the immune system.
Stop taking pills like candy
Unless you live in a bubble, you’re going to experience certain health issues at one point or another. Obviously, when this happens, the first step is to see a doctor who can diagnose the problem and prescribe an adequate course of treatment. What you shouldn’t do, however, is to hit the medicine cabinet at the first sign of a minor symptom and self-medicate without consulting your physician.
When you take pills like candy, they can cause more harm than good. So, unless your doctor advises you otherwise, there’s no reason to resort to drugs if you don’t have a condition that requires you to do so. If you lack energy or if you’re feeling a bit stressed out or anxious, you can search for alternative methods to treat the problem like jogging, listening to music or giving cannabis products a try. Or better still, you can grow your own cannabis plants by purchasing feminised seeds and doing a bit of gardening as well. The point is you have plenty of other options that can be far more efficient and cause fewer side effects than pills.
Get moving
There’s a famous quote from Maya Angelou that says nothing will work unless you do. The same principle applies to health and wellness. You don’t necessarily have to move mountains or make drastic changes to improve your lifestyle, but you do have to put in a bit of effort if you want things to move in the right direction. And sometimes this effort needs to be physical.
Modern technology has made life so much easier for us all that you don’t have to lift a finger to make things happen. But this has also encouraged a rather sedentary lifestyle where people spend too much time in front of a screen and completely forget they also have a body that they can and should move. This should serve as a reminder to get up from your desk or your cosy spot on the couch and move a bit. It doesn’t really matter which form of exercise you prefer, as long as you put your body in motion and break a sweat from time to time.
Re-evaluate your purchase habits
Health experts always advise people to be more mindful of what they put on their plates. But it’s no secret that we should cut out on processed foods and include more whole foods, fruits and vegetables in our diets. What no one talks about is that eating habits don’t begin in the kitchen but at the store. And if you take a walk through any supermarket, you’ll notice they aren’t really promoting healthy eating habits.
However, once you realize where the problem lies, you can also find solutions to address it. So, instead of falling into the supermarket trap and purchasing the same unhealthy products and ingredients as everyone else, you should try to spend more time in the fresh food sections. Try to buy fresh products with shorter expiration dates, look for organic food wholesalers and add some cannabis seeds from Seedsman to your shopping list while you’re at it. Purchasing your produce from local suppliers can also help a lot in this respect.
Hit the sack
You’ve probably heard this before, but there’s no harm in reading it once more: you need to get your sleep schedule in check if you want to function like a healthy human being. Good sleep is essential for many vital processes, including brain development, energy conservation, cognitive and behavioural functions, and so on.
And no, you can’t cheat on sleep by getting away with only a few hours of sleep per night during the week and then catching up during the weekend. The only solution is to create a proper schedule where you go to sleep and wake up at the same hour every day and get the rest your body needs.
As you can see, there are plenty of things you can do to improve your health and wellness that only require a few minor tweaks, so you can take the first step right now.