I had heard rumours about Brenda and her not-so-clean house but I found it hard to believe. When you see her, you’ll understand why. It wasn’t because she was beautiful. I know beautiful girls who are extremely dirty. It was the fact that she always looked so well put together. Everything detail about her outfit was always well thought out to create a head-turning look. If you saw her walking down the busy CBD in a swarm of people, you would think she was a CEO of a big company or a business mogul.
She definitely knew how to look the part which attracted me to her. I was even more impressed when I found out she wasn’t the type of girl who lit up at the sight of a rich man. She insisted that she wanted to be my friend first and I was more than happy to oblige. Little did I know it was because she was hiding a dirty secret in her house.
We socialized for months. I got to know her friends and she got to know mine. To be honest, I never saw any red flags or any indication that she might not be the girl she presented herself to be. Her friends were put-together and good-looking as well. So, I knew I had nothing to worry about. On the contrary, I was more determined to make Brenda mine.
However, I later met another group of friends who weren’t as classy as the previous ones.
“These are my friends from high school.” She said. “I like to stay in touch with them because they knew me when I had nothing.”
I believed her since she had told me that she didn’t come from an affluent family and she had to work hard for everything she had. After a few meetings with her “high school” friends, I started to notice a few red flags. I had already come to learn that her friends were wild so it didn’t surprise me but whenever they got drunk, they would talk too much.
“Have you gone to her house?” One of her friends asked. I thought she wanted to ask me to go back with her since Brenda worked the night shift at a hotel.
“No, we’re just friends.”
“Good. Brenda can be quite messy. Her house is full of cockroaches.”
I laughed thinking she was joking or trying to make her friend look bad. However, she insisted on it. In fact, she warned me not to go to her house.
After talking for nearly an hour about how Brenda’s house was a mess, I had had enough. I had also grown tired of waiting for Brenda who was supposed to meet me at the club after her shift.
“I think I should go home,” I said and stood up before she could say anything else.
The following day, I woke up to 10 missed calls from her so I called her back thinking something had happened.
“Hi,” I answered bluntly.
“Hi, where did you go?”
“Home. I wasn’t feeling well but we can meet tonight.”
“Okay. I have the day off. We can go to the usual club.”
I planned on getting to the bottom of things one way or the other before I wasted my time chasing a girl who wasn’t my type. If there’s one thing I cannot stand, it is a dirty house. I can’t even step foot in it. So, I needed to know whether Brenda’s friend was telling me the truth.
I met Brenda at the club waiting for me.
“Where are your friends?”
“They’re not here. I want us to spend some time together.”
It sounded like a dream. My crush wanted to spend time with me. Who was I to refuse? For a moment, I forgot about everything and had one of the best nights of my life. I had never seen Brenda like that. She was wild and carefree. We partied almost the whole night until we were both ready to leave.
“Let’s go back to my place and have a little fun.” She suggested.
I didn’t know what to do and before I could answer she had already called an Uber. I was quiet the entire ride there as I thought of what her friend had told me. My biggest wish was that it wasn’t true because it would kill any feelings I had for her.
The Uber raced through the empty roads and we arrived at our destination in a few minutes. She looked at me and smiled then got out of the car. Her happy demeanour made me feel at ease. I followed her as she walked up one flight of stairs and went towards her house.
“We’re here.” She said and I held my breath expecting the worst.
When she opened the door, I was hit by a smell but it wasn’t the smell I was expecting. It was the smell of her perfume that had put me in a trance the first day we met. Her house was meticulous and nothing like her friend had told me. I walked in, removed my shoes then sat on one of the couches.
“Do you want anything to drink?” She asked
“Whiskey,” I answered.
My eyes followed her as she went to the open kitchen and switched on the lights. I could see the whole kitchen from where I was seated and it passed the cleanliness check. In fact, her house was a perfect reflection of her. It was spotless.
As she poured the drink, I saw something move near my feet. I looked down and was met by the biggest cockroach I had ever seen. I screamed and jumped up to my feet.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“There’s a cockroach.”
“Cockroach? I’ve never seen one in my place. It must be from the neighbour’s house. I have new neighbours and they’re not very clean.” She explained but I was still in doubt.
I asked to use the washroom to relieve myself and she directed me. When I switched on the lights, nearly 10 big cockroaches scattered to different sides of the bathroom. I felt like I was in a horror movie. My screams alerted her and she came running to the bathroom.
“What is it now?”
“Why are there so many cockroaches in your house?” I asked with a terrified look on my face.
“You’re a grown man and you’re scared of cockroaches.”
She tried to make it seem like I was overreacting but what I saw in that bathroom I will never forget in my life. I still don’t understand how she lives in that house but I wasn’t trying to find out. Thank God I didn’t eat anything there. I left shortly after that and never went back.
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She Overhyped Her Cooking Skills But The Food Tasted Terrible
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