The little dipper. Stairway to heaven. David Copperfield. Closed for business. Swiss ball blitz. These are just a few among dozens of sex positions revealed by a cursory search. Each sex position is more interesting than the next.
The Kamasutra documents hundreds of sexual postures to maximize sexual pleasure and get rid of certain physical issues. Sex has numerous benefits among them strengthening the immune system, better sleep, boosting bladder control, lowering blood pressure, lowering the risk of heart attacks, and boosting intimacy among others. Here are the benefits of changing positions frequently.
Appease your partner
Different sexual positions hit different spots. Experimenting with different positions can help a couple discover and recognize sensitive zones they didn’t know or were overlooking.
The little dipper is great for clitoral stimulation and the hot seat allows for g-spot stimulation. While it’s easy for men to achieve orgasm, for women it’s quite different. In fact, heterosexual women report having the least number of orgasm compared to heterosexual men and the entire queer community.
Changing sex positions can help you experiment with your partner’s orgasmic needs and pay more attention to their carnal needs. It also allows you to appease each other frequently in what is hopefully a fair give and take in the bedroom. Changing sex positions can help bridge the gap in sexual satisfaction.
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Know your body better
The different organs in the body are connected so that stimulating one can lead to effects on the other. It’s not just about the genitals. Experimenting together to find sensitive zones and ways of stimulating each other’s bodies is a way of knowing each other.
Changing sex positions stimulates different parts of the body which helps you know your body better and your partner’s body as well. This is an added layer of intimacy. There is a vulnerability in communicating your needs openly and experimenting together that further increases intimacy.
Reduce issues of sexual compatibility
Sexual compatibility refers to partners having shared or similar sexual needs including preferences, turn-ons, and desired frequency. The fact that you are different people with different upbringings, personalities, and interests is enough to expect some differences in preferences including what turns you on and really gets your motor running.
Changing sex positions frequently allows a couple to focus on each persons’ sexual needs and preferences so that hopefully everyone ends up extremely satisfied.
Get rid of monotony
Things can become pretty monotonous especially for couples who have been together longer. Modern life goes so fast and there are so many pressures on individuals and couples that something ends up suffering. That thing more often than not is relationships, romantic and otherwise. Couples end up doing the same thing every time which can get boring pretty quick.
Changing sex positions is a simple way of bringing sexy back and getting rid of monotony. Tweaking your preferred positions even a little can help bring back the oomph factor in your sexual life.
Changing sex postures also has the added benefit of boosting confidence by reducing the chances of premature ejaculation and related issues.
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Experience different emotions
Different positions especially as you experiment together can evoke different feelings. Changing sex positions means you are no longer doing your usual thing and this trying of new things together, not just the different spots you hit by changing positions contribute to experiencing different emotions. Different sex positions also allow for different forms of engagement and levels of vulnerability which elicits different emotions.
From restoring the oomph in your sex life to hopefully bridging that orgasm gap and increasing your intimacy as you talk about your sexual needs and preferences, changing sex positions is something you should consider doing.
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