His name was Meshach and with a name like that, you could understand why he was socially awkward. He limited...
We all have that one friend whose life is like a drama series. There is always an interesting story somewhere....
Have you ever been going about your day and then you see something so crazy that it disorients you for...
As my workmate narrated her relationship ordeal all I could think was if pathological liar had a face, it would...
Whenever my girlfriends and I go out we have made it a tradition to sit at the counter if we...
There’s a running joke in Nairobi about the lines married men use on women. Top of that list is the...
Have you ever gone on a date just to get it out of the way, knowing fully well that the...
How many ‘the one’s’ before you meet the actual ‘one’? Before you start judging me, I’m asking for a friend....
I’m not really one to judge anyone about their past so when this girl I met on Twitter told me...
When you hook up with a sugar daddy, the last thing on your mind is that he could be your...
My ex and I dated for over 5 years before it ended abruptly. By abruptly, I mean I came home...
I met my husband when I was dusty and crusty. All I had between me and poverty was a small...
I hadn’t seen my best friend in over a month and I started to worry because it was very unlike...
It all started with an innocent “hello” during one of our many company meetings. I spotted this handsome, well-mannered man...
I found my first love after I was done with high school. It was surreal, realizing that all the flings...
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