As we observe the 16 Days of Activism 2024, it’s important to look at the role that mass media, social...
One in three women experience gender-based violence globally. Violence against women has reached epidemic status worldwide. As a result, every...
Access to safe abortion remains an important part of the fight for women’s rights. Seven women each day die from...
With how accessible resources are in the present day, it’s alarming to realize that things only changed for the better...
Kenya is not a safe country. The Africa Organised Crime Index 2023 Report showed that Kenya ranked second in the...
Every few weeks small Twitter wars erupt with one side declaring women need to keep their period and menstrual cycle...
Women come to feminism through many different paths. Some people come to feminist thought before they ever know there’s such...
When a couple wants to get married, in certain cultures, the groom’s family has to pay a certain fee to...
The legal status of abortion varies worldwide. As many as 50 countries have liberated abortion laws and codified them as...
Potentash is an award-winning lifestyle blog. We publish lifestyle content that intersects with health, women, beauty, travel, business, relationships, finances and entertainment.