There are two things that I fear when it comes to talking stages and relationships. The first is that prayer where you ask God to reveal someone’s intentions towards you. Once you utter those words, the truth is revealed immediately or in days. The second thing I fear is consistently saying, “My man, my man.” During my campus days, I sang about a man who was giving me the bare minimum and he showed me dust. You would think I learnt from that incident but nope, once again my feelings got the best of me.
The first time I laid eyes on Sebastian I knew that we would end up dating. Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I crossed my fingers that we would end up being in a relationship. Sebastian was obsessed with coffee. Every morning, I would find him buying coffee at a cafe near my place of work. What intrigued me was how he was almost always the first person at the cafe.
One day though, he ended up running late. I could tell from how he was communicating with the barista that he was having a tough morning. Since my order was ready, I offered it to him so he could get to work. You would think that I was not running late but somehow, he seemed to need it more than me. He gave me a shy smile, whispered a thank you and dashed out of the cafe.
The following day, I bumped into him bright and early. He started a casual conversation by thanking me again for the coffee. We exchanged numbers and slowly we got to know each other better. As I got to know him, all I could think about was how unreal he was. He never failed to make me feel wanted and appreciated, which was so refreshing. As the months went by, I couldn’t imagine anything going wrong between us. We handled conflict maturely and we always practiced good communication.
By the fifth month of our relationship, I was consistently praising him for being the best man I had ever dated. Little did I know that I was about to see dust again. My friend Lisa and I made a pact to always find time to hang out every month at least once or twice. Each month we would find something adventurous or interesting to do. Since it was off-peak season, we decided to go to Watamu for a week.
Sebastian had a pile of work to finish so during the trip we didn’t interact much which made me miss him a lot. Therefore, the day we came back I said my farewell to Lisa and went to see my man. When I arrived at his place, I realized that the house smelt like food which was weird. On weekends Sebastian never cooked. What was more shocking was that the food smelt delicious. The only food that Sebastian made that would always smell good was eggs and fried indomie.
“You cooked?” I asked him in a shocked tone.
“Yeah, imagine I just saw a cooking video on TikTok and decided to try the recipe,” He said excitedly.
“Okay, so what did you cook?” I asked, still surprised.
“Rice and pork,” He replied while opening up the pot lids so I could see.
“ Ohh really? Did you make pork? That’s interesting,” I said.
“Just learning how to take care of myself before that becomes your department,” He replied with a smile.
I was so fixated on what he had said that I stopped questioning the fact that he cooked an actual meal. We chilled and talked as I told him about my adventures in Watamu before heading up to unpack. By the time I was done, I was so tired that I went straight to bed. The following day, I woke up to prepare breakfast for Sebastian. The moment he left, I went back to bed and ended up waking up at 2 pm.
Since it was already afternoon, I figured I could try the rice and pork that Sebastian made. I warmed up the food and decided to eat while going through TikTok. I can always tell when food is good by how well the ingredients have been blended. The pork was okay, but I could taste small lumps of spices in the soup. The spices had not been left to blend well so the food wasn’t that tasty. However, I was ready to give him his flowers since it was his first attempt.
As I kept scrolling through TikTok a video popped up. The woman in the video was making pork and the caption read, “POV – Cooking for my sneaky link.” I looked in the background and immediately stood up to confirm that it was indeed Sebastian’s kitchen. I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to piece together what had just happened.
Later in the evening, Sebastian came home so eager to tell me about his day. I didn’t have it in me to avoid the conversation, so I decided to confront him.
“Is this the video tutorial you used to make the pork?” I asked.
He looked at the video for a short while and from his facial expression I could tell he was in shock.
“No, I used another recipe. Did you want the recipe?” He asked trying to remain composed.
“I want to know whose recipe you used so I can check out their page,” I replied.
“I guess I forgot to save the video sorry,” He replied while trying his best to avoid eye contact.
“Which spices did you use? I’m interested in blending them out,” I said.
“Garam masala, paprika, onion powder and ketchup,” He replied.
I walked up to his kitchen and showed him his perfectly sealed onion powder and ketchup. His sneaky link had used tomato sauce. Sebastian always confused ketchup and tomato sauce and today that fact came in handy.
“There were some tomato sauce sachets that I used since I didn’t want to open that one,” He replied quickly.
“What about onion powder?” I asked, knowing very well that he never once bothered to check on anything he had in his kitchen.
“I thought I used onion powder,” He said.
“Sebastian, I have already caught you lying, just tell me the truth,” I said.
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
I didn’t even bother to respond. My exes had taken me for a fool so many times that I knew he would just pile up his lies. He kept asking me what was wrong for the rest of the evening, but I didn’t bother to tell him. The next day while he was at work, I left his place and our relationship.
This story was inspired by a story shared on TikTok which you can find here.
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