Before having unprotected sex, make sure you’re ready to have a child with the person you’re sleeping with. Baby mama drama is real and it can lead you to an early grave. I was always careful about the women I slept with. I made sure, at the very least, we could get along. However, Amber was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Like my other exes, we were friends first. We would go out together but nothing romantic would happen between us. Once I made sure that she was the kind of girl I could deal with, I gave a relationship a chance.
I didn’t expect that she would get pregnant, let alone so soon into our relationship, but one day when I came home from work I found her waiting for me with a pregnancy test in her hand.
“I’m pregnant.” She said with an attitude while handing me the test.
“What?” I was tired from a long day’s work and it took me a minute to figure out what was going on.
“I’m pregnant and I’m going to keep it whether you like it or not.”
I had been lucky enough to go through life for 33 years without getting a girl pregnant. My plan was to have a child with the woman I would spend the rest of my life with. However, life doesn’t always go as we plan and I had no choice but to accept that I was going to be a father with someone I wasn’t married to.
Despite the circumstances, I was happy about the pregnancy and it never crossed my mind to have Amber terminate it. I made sure that she was well taken care of and didn’t stress about small things. When she realized that I was going to be helpful, she calmed down.
After solving that problem, another one came up. Amber suggested that she should move in with me since I was paying rent in two different apartments which was a waste of money, in her opinion. However, I didn’t mind paying the rent since we weren’t seriously dating and I wasn’t interested in having a long-term relationship with her.
“You don’t know whether I’ve eaten today or whether another man has come to my home.” She protested.
“I hired a house manager to make sure that the house chores are taken care of. The rest is on you. If you want to have other men, that’s fine.” I said nonchalantly.
“Are you dating other women?” She asked.
“Yes, I am.”
“While I’m carrying your baby?”
“You know that we weren’t planning on having a child nor were we dating. I’m happy to take care of my child but I don’t have to put my life on hold and neither do you.”
“Do they know you have a baby mama?”
“Not yet. Let’s have the baby first.”
I’m usually a diplomatic person and I can manage to convince people to do things. However, Amber was a different case. After she found out that I was dating other people, she started showing up at my apartment randomly claiming that the baby needed something.
“It’s 9 pm. What are you doing here?” I asked.
“The baby needs ice cream.” She said while standing outside my apartment.
“I have to go to sleep. I have work tomorrow.”
“That’s not my problem. If we lived together, you would have bought ice cream on your way home.”
No matter how much I tried to reason with her, she wouldn’t cooperate. However, I was also hard-headed and I refused to let her move in with me.
When her tactics didn’t work, she resorted to stalking my social media accounts to find out who I was dating. Since I followed very few people, it was easy for her to figure out any new people I was following and harass them. Some were just innocent people that I had met through friends, but she would also harass girls that I was courting.
“Are you and James dating?” She asked one of the girls.
“Yeah. We’ve been on a few dates.”
“Do you know he has a baby mama?”
“No, I don’t.”
“I’m his baby mama. He abandoned me as soon as he found out I was pregnant and he’ll do the same thing to you.”
After that conversation, Sally called me to let me know what had happened and I never heard from her again.
It happened many times. She would send messages to random girls I was following on Instagram and badmouth me. She even went to the extent of sending them screenshots of messages between us.
I was forced to give in when she showed up at my place while I was with a girl and started causing a scene claiming that I was cheating on her. It was hard to explain myself at that point since anything I said made me look more guilty. Naturally, my date didn’t want anything to do with me and I was back to looking for a potential partner again.
Even though I didn’t let her move in, I started going to Amber’s place every evening after work, taking her on dates and spending time with her on weekends. She settled down and the rest of the pregnancy was drama-free. However, it was the longest 7 months of my life.
I thought things would stay cool after she gave birth since she would be busy taking care of our child but I was wrong. I don’t know how she would find out that I had a girl since I didn’t use Instagram anymore, but she did and she would badmouth me and scare them off.
It’s been two years and I haven’t been able to find a serious partner. Sometimes, I feel like throwing in the towel and settling down with Amber, but when I spend time with her, I remember why I swore that I’d never marry her. We might be good friends but we are not good lovers. However, I’m still hopeful that I’ll find the right girl for me.
Check out
His Baby Mama Moved In With Them After She Lost Her Job
Hearing Him Speaking Ill Of His Baby Mama Changed My Feelings Towards Him
I Broke Up With My Fiancé Because He Wanted Me To Cut Off My Baby Daddy
The Singlehood Series: My Three Baby Mamas Want Me To Marry Them
The Dream Guy Turned Out To Be A ‘Father Abraham’
Hearing Him Speaking Ill Of His Baby Mama Changed My Feelings Towards Him