We can all agree that things have become so expensive that having fun, especially for outdoor lovers, is almost impossible. My social life has been affected significantly and it’s starting to take a toll on my mental health. The only time I get to interact with people other than my roommate is when I’m going to buy groceries or hang my clothes. At least I have a roommate who makes life a little easier.
After losing her job due to downsizing, my friend moved in with me until she got back on her feet. However, I enjoyed her company so much that I didn’t let her move out even after she got another job. I didn’t realize how much fun it was having a roommate but my life has certainly been better ever since she moved in. The first few months were the best. It was nice having someone else in the apartment to keep me company since I couldn’t go out as much as I wanted to.
However, I started getting bored after some time. There’s only so much my roommate and I could do together and we had done them over and over again. From watching movies to baking, we tried everything to kill the boredom of being in the house for long hours. So, we decided to try something new.
I had recently discovered a game that was gaining popularity involving Tinder. People would go on Tinder and swipe right indiscriminately then wait for whoever replies and choose who they liked the most. It seemed like a good idea to kill time so I asked my roommate if she wanted to play.
“It sounds interesting.” She said.
“It is. We can make it interesting and invite whoever we connect with for a double date at the apartment.” I suggested.
“That’s a bit too far but I’ll do anything to kill this boredom.”
“Right. Plus, we’ll be killing two birds with one stone. We’ll have made new friends and entertained ourselves.” I said.
“I’m so excited. We can make it a regular thing if it’s successful.”
We were so caught up in the excitement that we didn’t think how disastrous the idea could be. First of all, inviting a stranger to your house is a big no. Additionally, Tinder wasn’t what it used to be. There were so many suspicious characters on the app that there was a high chance we wouldn’t even find someone that we liked. Nonetheless, we were willing to do anything to pass the time so we got our phones and started swiping.
Just as I suspected, there were so many unimpressive men on Tinder that we considered switching our gender preference. However, we chose to continue with men alone and swiped for nearly two hours.
“I have over 50 matches and I don’t like any of them. This is an epic fail.” My roommate complained.
She gave up and went to her bedroom to watch movies on her laptop. However, I was determined to make it work. From the videos I had seen online, I knew that it was going to be worth it in the end if I was successful. So, I kept swiping and swiping until almost 1 a.m. when I got tired and went to sleep.
The following morning I woke up to swipe on Tinder. I was luckier than the previous night and got a few good matches. After realizing that I wasn’t going to find anyone better, I made my choice and messaged him.
“Hi, you seem nice,” I said.
He answered a few minutes later. “Thanks, you seem nice too.”
“I’m thinking of hosting a date night at my place tonight. Are you available?” I asked.
“Of course.”
“Do you have a friend you can bring along for my roommate?”
“I do. Do you need anything else?”
“Not really. Just bring whatever you want.”
I messaged him on WhatsApp and sent him my location then went to tell my roommate the good news.
“We have dates, babe.”
“What do you mean?”
“I met someone nice on Tinder and asked him to come with his friend,” I explained.
She didn’t seem as enthusiastic as I hoped she would be but agreed to have a double date with me just as planned, nonetheless. After some time went by, we ordered groceries so we could prepare dinner for our guests. Once we finished cooking, we went to take a shower and get ready for the double date.
We both dressed up in nice dresses, did our makeup and even wore heels even if we weren’t leaving the house. We wanted to feel like a real date. The dinner was set up really nicely too. We were hopeful that the date would be successful.
Chris, my date, called me around 7 p.m. to inform me that he was on his way.
“My friend will join us later when he leaves work.” He said.
“That’s okay.”
Within a few minutes, Chris showed up with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine. He looked so good that for a minute, I forgot that I had met him on Tinder. It felt like I had known him for years.
“Thanks for inviting me to your place.” He said while sitting down.
“You’re welcome,” I said as I opened the wine bottle.
“Dan told me he’s on his way.”
Sure enough, Dan showed up a few minutes later. He looked like the complete opposite of Chris. His hair was unkempt, his clothes were faded and he reeked of sweat.
Naturally, my roommate didn’t like him and didn’t try to hide her feelings. She demanded that he leave the apartment.
“I’m not leaving if Chris is staying.” Dan protested.
“Then the both of you have to leave. You’re stinking up my apartment.” She said.
“You think your apartment is paradise. It’s not even that good.”
“Do you even know what a good apartment looks like? You look like you live in a bedsitter.”
Chris and I tried to calm them both down but they weren’t listening. So, we continued to enjoy our date while they argued for almost two hours.
Finally, we agreed that the date was a disaster and Chris decided to leave. Dan followed him behind while still arguing with my roommate. Once they left, she made me promise that I wouldn’t invite Chris over to our apartment again. I reluctantly agreed just to make her happy although I really wanted to see Chris again.
Chris and I still talk occasionally over the phone and we have remained online friends. My hope is to go on another date with him when my roommate moves out but she doesn’t seem like she’s planning on moving any time soon.
Check out
My Friend Set Me Up With Her Tinder Date’s Roommate
My Friend Cut Me Off To Save Her Toxic Relationship
I Broke Up With Him Because He Had Foot Odour