I never thought I would spend Valentine’s Day alone this year. For once in my life, I had a thriving relationship and I was excited to spend the special day with her. However, due to unforeseeable circumstances, my relationship came to an end a month before Valentine’s. I tried to get another date the day before but no one seemed to be interested. Even my friends turned me down.
“I have a boyfriend. You’ve met him.” One of them explained.
“Can I tag along?”
“Absolutely not.”
As the days approached, I started to accept my fate. I didn’t have a date and there was no way I could find one in two days. The posts on social media about Valentine’s Day made me more miserable. I had to deactivate my accounts to avoid getting FOMO.
However, a day before Valentine’s Day, one of my friends who was also single sent me a poster of an event. It was a group date that a friend of his arranged and it was happening at the mall. I was sceptical about the idea but I didn’t have any plans for that day and I had nothing to lose. Looking back, it was better to stay home alone than attend that group date.
My friend promised that there would be many beautiful girls. I don’t know why I trusted him since he wasn’t even one of the organizers. The more details he gave me, the more excited I got.
“There’s like 20 girls who have already signed up.” He said to me over the phone.
“So what time does it start?”
“It’s all day. I’m going to be there by 10 am so I can pick the hottest girl.”
We chatted for a while about the Valentine’s Day event before hanging up. After that conversation, I decided to bring my A-game. I may have been fresh out of a relationship but I wasn’t going to let that bring my mood down. My best quality was my charm and I wanted to bring it out to the maximum. I started planning the outfit that I would wear that day and even rehearsing some pick-up lines and conversation starpick-uphad found from Google.
Then, the fateful day finally came. I woke up with immense energy. I hadn’t felt this excited in a while and I liked it. My outfit choice was a black suit and a graphic t-shirt with a pair of Jordans. I wanted to look good but still casual. Based on my friend’s advice, I decided to get to the place early but not to pick the hottest girl. As a socially awkward human, I wanted to familiarize myself with the environment so I wouldn’t be too nervous when it was time to mingle.
I borrowed my mum’s car and she was kind enough to give it to me.
“Just don’t stay out too late.” She told me.
“Of course.”
“Have fun.”
After I finished getting ready, I got in the car and headed to Tolbert mall where my friend was waiting for me. The mall was nearly empty which was a new experience for me. Most of the stores were either closed or set up to open. We met at the food court which was also empty.
“Where’s everybody?” I asked.
“I think they’re on their way.”
“The organizer isn’t here either?”
“Yeah, they must be running late. You know how Kenyans are.”
There was no sign that an event was happening at that location which made me start to question how things would go.
An hour later, no one had shown up yet but the stores were slowly opening up so I could get something to eat. As I was ordering from one of the ready air ants in the food court, three ladies came walking towards my friend.
They greeted him and sat at our table. Normally, I would be excited but these were not the hot girls that I was promised. I’m not one to dismiss someone based on their looks but I specifically came to the event because I was promised some hot girls. However, I stayed calm as once it was still early in the day.
I waited for another hour but no one showed up – not even the organizers who I hoped would show up with a group of hot girls. I was growing impatient but my friend kept telling me to be patient.
At around 2 pm, the organizers finally showed up but they weren’t accompanied by any girls.
“I should have stayed home,” I said to myself as they walked in.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” One of the three girls yelled as the guys walked in.
Some girls eventually showed up but the event was already a disaster. If I wanted to hang out at the food court, I would have come by myself on any other day of the week. We tried to play some kinky games but it didn’t work. People were simply not in the mood.
I didn’t even talk to a single girl so I left the event since I was wasting my time. My friend tried to ask me where I had gone and I told him I ran into a friend in the mall.
“Just don’t leave me. I need a ride home.” He said.
By that time, I was already home enjoying my mother’s dinner. The day had been a disaster and a complete waste of my time. If I wasn’t so desperate to have Valentine’s date and post how I was having fun, I would have had a perfectly fine day at home. The dinner with my mum was more fun than that disastrous event. I’ll never make that mistake again. The next time I feel lonely, I will simply go and visit my mother. I told her about the event and she felt so bad for me. The following day, we went out for lunch to make up for the bad experience at the event.
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My Mum Found Lingerie In The Guest Room And Asked For A Divorce
I Realized He Drugged My Drink While On A Date
When He Brags That He Slept With You But It’s A Lie
My Friend Set Me Up With Her Tinder Date’s Roommate
He Spent The Whole Date Telling Me How He Has Been Character Developed
I Set My Mum Up On A Date With My Boss
The Singlehood Series: My Date Got Very Drunk And Vomited In My New Car