Choosing the right bank that you can not only secure your finances but also rely on when times get rough is necessary now more than ever. With the ever-changing times, one minute you might have a stable source of income, and the next, it can all be gone. Therefore, you need to bank with a financial institution that has a reputation for being reliable and transparent in its business.
Diamond Trust Bank is no stranger to the country’s banking industry. It has a long history in the region spanning over 75 years and is listed as a tier 1 bank. Throughout these years, it has managed to forge a reputation as a respectable and trustworthy institution. Here are some of its strengths and a reason you should consider banking with the institution.
Founded by His Highness the Aga Khan, DTB is part of a large group of private and international agencies that work to improve the lives and opportunities of people. It used to be focused on the Ismailia community but no longer is. Today, people from all religious backgrounds and races can bank with Diamond Trust Bank.
Their affiliation to the Ismailia community, however, cultivated a community-focused approach to banking. DTB has played a big role in improving the lives of the community it serves. The bank actively participates in social development projects that are aimed at improving and enriching the lives of the community.
Financial Stability
The financial institution has long served its customers diligently with a keen focus on SMEs and working professionals helping them realize their goals. As one of the leading banks in the region, it understands the market and provides a wide range of services to cater to its customer’s demands. Whether you’re saving for school, buying a house, a car, or paying everyday bills, you can rest assured that DTB will ensure you save or make money while fueling your growth.
DTB’s commitment to supporting small businesses was instrumental during the pandemic. Many businesses were forced to close down due to financial constraints. However, DTB was one of the banks selected by the National Treasury to offer loans to small businesses. This was in an effort to cushion the small businesses from the harsh economic conditions. The bank went a step further and prioritized MSMEs led by women to receive the loans.
DTB has also committed to adapting to the changing environment and customer behaviour by adjusting its business operations accordingly. Earlier this year, the bank announced plans to invest 3 billion shillings to enhance its digital platform and open more branches in the next two years.
Diamond Trust Bank has been lauded as one of the best employers in Kenya. This was affirmed during the maiden LinkedIn Top Companies list. The list recognizes banks, particularly DTB among others, as one of the best avenues for career development. LinkedIn looks at several factors including skills growth, company culture, and stability when ranking the companies. Therefore, emerging as one of the best employers confirms that DTB is keen on being a world-class bank.
Here are what some employees ha to say about the bank.
“A place to get good experience” – Senior Finance Officer
“It’s best in terms of employee compensation” – Former employee
“Career growth in the company is good” – Fraud Analyst
Since the company invests in its employees, you can trust them to offer good services and innovative new products that favour its customers. With integrity as one of its core values, Diamond Trust Bank guarantees its customers nothing but the highest professional standards when serving them.
Here are some testimonials from customers.
“Diamond Trust Bank group is having an efficient and hardworking staff, always ready to help” – Jaydeep
“DTB team is really fantastic” – Ethan
Apart from good services, you can also rest knowing that your money is in good hands. In their words, “you don’t just bank with us, you can bank on us – every time.”
Check out Interview With Azmaira Thobani On Why Diamond Trust Bank Should Be Your Digital Banking Partner