A maid in the city
Zawadi hummed in the kitchen. She removed the spaghetti from the cooker and drained it. She checked on the chicken she was frying, it was coming along well. It would be done in a few minutes.
Zawadi danced around the kitchen. There was nobody to watch her. Her body swayed to the music of Rafrik who was her current favourite musician. Her thin long braids swished under her maid’s cap.
When she was done, she checked on the chicken. it was ready so she switched off the heat. She poured fresh cold orange juice into 3 glasses. She took a plastic tumbler, poured some juice into it and sipped. It was good, very good. She was trying to make a new blend of fruit juices. She smiled a smile that lit up her face.
Zawadi put the juice on a tray and went towards the sitting room. As she walked along the long corridor that led into the dining room she passed a mirror. The mirror showed her body for a split second before she passed it. Zawadi was a beauty. She was tall, around 5 feet, 9 inches. Her skin complexion was chocolate brown, and she had black eyes with thick, long eyelashes, and full lips that were smeared with Vaseline. She had the kind of face and body that a model would die for.
Zawadi was slender, a size 12 with small breasts but big hips and a nicely rounded bottom. You couldn’t really see her body in the maid’s uniform she was wearing. It was big and ugly, a yellow and white striped dress. It’s like somebody was trying to make sure you couldn’t see Zawadi in all her beauty. It was no accident, Madam Asila had ordered it that way.
Zawadi stopped smiling once she entered the sitting room. Here the music of Rafik was loud, every beat clearly heard on the expensive Kenwood system.
Zosi and Zuwadia, Madam Asila’s daughters were trying to dance to Rafrik’s latest video. They were clumsy dancers and they couldn’t keep the rhythm. Their friend Alex, from next door, was watching them dance. He had an amused expression on his face. He didn’t say anything to the girls about their dancing. He was taking sips from a glass of whiskey as he watched their antics.
Alex brightened up when Zawadi came into the room. She just had that effect on men. They were always rushing to do things for her. He stood up, and started walking towards her to get the tray from her.
Zesi saw Alex heading towards Zawadi and immediately told her off. “Zawadi, we do not pay you to stand around and have guests help you. Can you put the juice on the coffee table and go bring the food? My appetite has even disappeared. You are as slow as a snail and look like one too!”
Zawadi put the tray on the glass table in the middle of the sitting room and walked away.
Zuwadia laughed and said out loud, “That stupid girl. Alex stop smiling with that silly maid from now on. She may start to get ideas. Remember that you are my boyfriend. I know you want to get into her pants. “ she sneered. “Believe me there is nothing interesting you will find there.”
Zawadi bit her lip as she heard those words. She didn’t know why Zesi and Zuwaida were so mean to her. She hadn’t done anything wrong. She wondered why they were so mean yet she was their step-sister. “oh grandma I miss you so much. I can’t believe my father lets his family treat me so badly. I wish I could come back to stay with you.” She sobbed silently as she went back to the kitchen, her shoulders hunched.
Zawadi picked up a basket and headed out to the nearby Githogoro slum to get some vegetables. There was a squatter farmer who grew vegetables near the slum and had some good produce. He didn’t use sewage water; there was a man-made pond next to the shamba which was used to water the plants.
As Zawadi left the compound she met with Maria. Maria was the community gossip. She was a nice lady, not too bright but always ready with a smile and a story for everybody.
“Zawadi have you heard the news?” Maria said. She had a look of excitement about her.
Zawadi asked, “What news?”
“Rafik the musician is moving into Runda. He will be here in one week. Isn’t that exciting? We may get a chance to meet him. Maybe he can sign my autograph.” Maria said.
Zawadi smiled and said “Maybe!”
“Guess what the most exciting part is. He is having a party one month from now. I hear he will be inviting some of the neighbours. Maybe you will get invited,” Maria said oblivious to Zawadi’s feelings.
Zawadi frowned and said “I don’t think I will be invited. You know that my father has not acknowledged me as his daughter thanks to Madam Asila. Everybody knows me as the maid. I will not be invited to the party.”
Maria started talking about how she would love to work for Rafik. “Do you think he is hiring new staff Zawadi? I could go work for him. It would be so much fun.” She battered her eyelashes. “I need to go find out from the watchman if they are hiring.”
Zawadi just smiled. Maria would not last in a musician’s household. With her big mouth, she would give the press all the information about what was going on inside the house. She would be fired in a week. Which reminded Zawadi of something.
“Maria, have you told anybody that Mr Mbukali is my dad? You know I told you that in strict confidence and only after you noticed that we look alike!”
Maria said “I haven’t told anybody. I can keep a secret you know!”
That did not reassure Zawadi but she let it go. There was no point in showing Maria that she did not trust her ability to keep a secret.
Maria wasn’t going very far. She had been sent by the madam to a compound not too far away. She told Zawadi all the latest gossip and then left Zawadi on her own.
Zawadi walked alone daydreaming about meeting Rafik. She wondered what she would say if she did. She was a girl from the village and didn’t know what she would talk about with Rafik. ‘Best to stop daydreaming’ she thought, ‘that man is out of my league!’
Thinking of her mother who had died when she was 10 she said out loud, “Men are only after one thing and when they get it they will dump you faster than last week’s sukuma wiki. I will not make the same mistakes my mother made. Falling for a man who didn’t keep his promises.”
A Love In The Village
20 years ago
Zawadi’s mum was brought up in the countryside. Susu was a bright girl; she had done well in high school and scored a B+. She was excited because she had been admitted to the university to study interior design. Susu was something special, she was intelligent, but she was also the most beautiful girl in the village. She was tall for a girl, around 5 foot 8. She was a black beauty. She had long straight natural hair, a face that looked like it should be on the cover of a magazine, and she also had a typical African figure. She had big breasts, a curvy figure and an ass that made all the men drool and all the girls jealous.
Mwemba had just finished university. He was home for the holidays. He had studied engineering in university. He was tarmacking and waiting to get a job that would take him back to Nairobi. Mwemba was the kind of guy who made every girl swoon. He was a rugby player so he had well-toned muscles. He was also dark and handsome. The only thing that he was lacking was money so that he could fall into the tall, dark, and handsome cliché.
That didn’t stop the girls. There was something about him that made the girls flock to him like moths to light. He had a charm about him, which made the girls fall for him.
Susu was working at the local tailor’s. She had an eye for design and she made the most beautiful clothes. The entire village went to Susu to make them clothes. Of course, all the boys flocked there trying to impress Susu. But Susu was not impressed, she didn’t want to be. She had a vision, to go to university, make money, and lift her family from poverty. No one in the village was rich. They weren’t poor and they couldn’t afford meals because they worked for the sugar companies planting and harvesting sugar cane. But no one was rich. It took a lot of sacrifices to send a child to school.
Susu was the first child of 6 children. Her parents had died in a road accident when she was 16 and well-wishers had paid for her to finish school. She was living with her auntie and the money she got from tailoring helped to pay for her siblings’ school fees. At 19 she was naïve but not stupid. She didn’t want to get tangled up with boys. They would derail her plans.
One day Mwemba came to the tailoring shop and ordered an African print shirt. Mwemba had an eye for pretty girls and the fact that there was one here was an opportunity. He asked Susu her name.
“What’s your name?” Mwemba asked as she took his measurements.
“Susu,” she replied.
“Susu is such a pretty name for a pretty lady. It suits you. It reminds me of the beautiful sun shining down. Are you called Susu because you make all the men have kizunguzungu?”
Susu blushed. She was not immune to his charms. He had such a charming smile and an easy way about him.
Mwemba said “Is this where they hide the most beautiful girls in the village? I must come here often!” He smiled and then left.
A week later Mwemba was back to pick up his shirt. His shirt was not quite ready. Susu hadn’t finished the intricate sewing that needed to be done at the front of the shirt. Susu apologized. There was a wedding coming up of a couple from Nairobi so there was a lot of work. She also had other orders to make new clothes and some to repair torn garments. She promised it would be ready in two days.
Mwemba smiled and said, “It is another opportunity for me to see you again. I don’t mind.” He went to the shop next door and bought her a soda. He said “A soda for a beautiful, sweet lady. One must always appreciate the most beautiful ladies!”
Susu was touched. She tried not to be impressed by Mwemba but there was something about him. He wasn’t like the other boys she knew. He had an air of sophistication that didn’t come from the village; she thought it must have come from living in the city.
The next time Mwemba came to see her she was alone in the shop. The other tailors had gone for lunch. Mwemba sat down and asked her about herself. She told him she was going to university the next year. She asked him about the city. She had never been to Nairobi; she had heard great things about it. Mwemba painted her a beautiful picture of Nairobi.
Mwemba told her, “You know what when you come to Nairobi you can look for me. I can take you around the city and also show you off. Who wouldn’t want to be seen with the most beautiful girl?”
Susu blushed. “Now you are just being mischievous. Aren’t there beautiful girls in Nairobi?”
Mwemba said, “Of course they are. But not as beautiful as you.”
Susu said, “You are lying.”
Mwemba said, “haiya when you come to the city you will see. God must have spent time making you Susu. You are so beautiful and then you are also intelligent”
They talked for a couple of minutes after that. Then Mwemba took his shirt and left. But before he did he made Susu promise to save him a dance at the party that was taking place the next week. The couple getting married were coming to seek blessings from the girls’ parents. The groom was Mwemba’s first cousin. The bride was Susu’s cousin by marriage.
The day of the party was bright and sunny. The preparations went well. Susu had gone early to help cook. She was a great cook. She was dressed in a new kitenge outfit she had made herself. She looked good. When the guests arrived, there was a celebration. The function went well and the parents were happy with the dowry.
In the evening there was dancing. Mwemba made sure to place himself strategically next to Susu so that everybody would know that she was taken. At the evening party, Mwemba asked Susu to dance. He was a great dancer and he and Susu, who was also a great dancer danced so well together that other people looked at them in awe.
After dancing a couple of times Mwemba told Susu, “I have a confession. I want to kiss you. I have been thinking about it all day. I want to taste that sweetness. Will you let me kiss you?”
Susu had never been kissed. She had never allowed any boy to kiss her. But for some reason she so badly wanted Mwemba to kiss her.
She said yes shyly.
Mwemba took her behind the house and kissed her. Susu felt her body get hot. She had never felt this way before. Mwemba was a good kisser and patient. He taught her how to kiss. He held her close after that and told her, “Susu you are honey. I have never been kissed by sweeter lips!’
Mwemba took her back to the party.
In the following weeks, Susu would sneak out of her auntie’s house to meet Mwemba. At first, all Mwemba would do was kiss her. Then he started touching her more intimately. One day Mwemba invited her to his house.
Susu went naively. She had been to his house before and all he had done was kiss her and touch her breasts. Mwemba gave her soda. This time when Mwemba kissed her there was urgency. He kissed her and then started unbuttoning her top. Susu put her hand over his and asked him to stop.
Mwemba said “Susu I want you so much. I know you want this and I am going to marry you. I just want to make love to you once.”
Susu on hearing that Mwemba was going to marry her lost her head and her virginity. Mwemba promised her that she wouldn’t get pregnant which is what she was worried about.
For the next 6 weeks, Mwemba and Susu were lovers. Susu was happy. Mwemba was going to get a job in the city and then he would marry her. She would go and live with him while doing her degree. She made all these plans in her head. She didn’t know how soon her plans would go up in smoke and she would be left heartbroken.
Mwemba was called for an interview in the city. He said it was arranged by a friend of his from the university. He told her he would call her. Mwemba went back to the city and gave her a call box number where she could reach him on a certain day and time. The village had one callbox and she knew she would soon receive a phone call from him to go to Nairobi to meet him.
Mwemba didn’t call or write. Susu gave excuses. He must be busy with work. I know he will come for me. Susu didn’t realize until the 3rd month that she was pregnant. She had been busy and tired. It didn’t cross her mind that she could be pregnant. But when she did realize she tried to call Mwemba. The people who answered the phone said Mwemba hadn’t been there for a while.
Susu went to see Mwemba’s mother. She wanted to know how to get in touch with Mwemba. On seeing Susu, Mwemba’s mother realized there was trouble. She told Susu Mwemba was ok but he wasn’t coming home anytime soon although he planned to come home in about 3 months.
“Could I get his address?” Susu pleaded with his mother.
“Why do you need his address? Do you not know that Mwemba is getting married?”
“What?” Susu asked.
“Yes, Mwemba is getting married to his girlfriend from college. Her father owns a construction firm and he is the one who has given Mwemba the job.”
Susu was heartbroken. Mwemba had lied to her. Mwemba’s mother gave her his address. She wrote to Mwemba telling him she was pregnant. Mwemba did not reply. Her pregnancy soon started showing and there was no word from Mwemba. Everybody in the village knew the baby was Mwemba’s. People had seen the signs. They all felt pity for her but there was nothing they could do.
Mwemba didn’t acknowledge the pregnancy. He came home just after Susu gave birth to Zawadi. He had come to introduce his bride to his family. He didn’t come to see Susu although he sent a cousin of his with some money for the child. Susu was too ashamed to go see Mwemba at his party. She had heard that his girlfriend was not a woman one wanted to cross.
Susu did not make it to campus. She couldn’t go with a small baby depending on her and also her siblings. She started her own tailoring business. The clients were still many. The boys of course now thought her an easier target now that she was ‘fallen”. But she paid them no mind. She had learned her lesson. A lesson she taught Zawadi as soon as she could walk. Men were not to be trusted. They were only interested in one thing.
Susu got pneumonia and died when Zawadi was ten. She had been spending too much time in the shop even in the evenings when it was cold. She had gotten sick but because she didn’t have time to go to the hospital she had collapsed. She was taken to hospital but it was too late.
Susu’s auntie could not take Zawadi in. She already had too many mouths to feed and now that Susu was dead it meant that her other brothers and sisters would need her assistance. Mwemba’s mother on hearing what was happening took Zawadi in. She had no one to stay with her and Zawadi stayed with her as she went to school. Mwemba’s mother made him send some money for school. Madam Asila who found out about Zawadi after she had gotten married was not very happy about it. But Mwemba was doing well so she couldn’t stop Mwemba from sending money to his mother.
Zawadi stayed with her grandmother until she was 18. Her grandmother had a stroke and although she recovered slightly she realized she could not take care of Zawadi. She told Mwemba to make arrangements for Zawadi. Zawadi was talented in design like her mother and she wanted to study design. Mwemba paid for college and brought Zawadi to Nairobi.
Madam Asila was not happy. Zawadi was as beautiful as her mother and she was a reminder to Madam Asila that her husband had been playing the field when he was in the village before they got married. Madam Asila insisted that Zawadi stay with them. She made Zawadi the maid and told her if she told the father she would be out on her own. There would be no college and nowhere to stay. Mwemba was working in another country as a diplomat. He was very rich but Zawadi was just a poor relation.
Madam Asila’s daughters had not known they had a sister. They hated her. She was beautiful and they were rather plain. They made Zawadi’s life a living hell. They treated her badly and told her not to dare mention that she was their step-sister. Thus started the journey of Zawadi, a maid in Nairobi.
Chapter 3 – An Invitation To Meet The Prince
Zawadi was lying on the plush white carpet with her sketch pad. She was sketching some African print design clothes. She was listening to Rafik’s new album on her headphones. Zawadi took a sip of the juice that she had placed on a stool just next to where she was lying. She didn’t want to accidentally pour juice on the carpet. After all, she would be the one spending hours cleaning it up. The carpet was very expensive and Madam did not want to see even the smallest speck of dust on it.
Thinking of Madam Asila, Zawadi sighed. Madam and her two daughters had gone to Dubai for the annual Dubai shopping festival. They would come home with lots of new clothes and then give some of their old clothes to charity. They refused to give Zawadi any of their clothes. They said it would be too embarrassing for them to see Zawadi wearing anything of theirs.
Zawadi usually bought her clothes in Gikomba and Toi. When she went off on Sunday, she usually went shopping with some of the maids in the area and they went to Gikomba. But when she was in college she would go to Toi with her friends from design school. She would stretch her funds to get what she needed. She could look good, with the clothes she bought second-hand. She was currently wearing some black shorts and a red tank top covered by a white lace top with black dots. All of that had cost her 100 bob but she looked like a million dollars.
Zawadi’s father usually gave out an allowance for her. But guess who managed the money? It was Madam Asila. Madam didn’t give her the allowance. She made her work as a maid for it and then she didn’t even give her all of it. She removed money for food and for housing. This did not leave Zawadi with a lot of money to spend.
Zawadi couldn’t wait to finish college. The three years she had spent in this house had taught her about the capacity of human beings to be cruel. Madam Asila and her daughters had been bad to Zawadi, sometimes even evil. When she had first started living there for six months Madam Asila had made her eat the same food that she gave their dogs. She told her she was a dog anyway, coming to beg for food.
Zawadi only had one month left to finish college. She was actually working on the signature pieces of her collection. When she graduated, she intended to get far away from this house and the horrible people in it. Her father may not have known what was going on but she was angry with him because he should have been there to protect her.
Zawadi was currently working on the signature dress for her collection. It was a red and black dress made out of Ghanaian African fabric. She had been saving up for the fabric. She had been paying a tailor she knew some money every month to keep for her the fabric. She was going to be the model for her collection at the graduation show. She knew she had to come up with something spectacular that would blow the judges’ minds.
Zawadi was concentrating at the moment on the front of the dress. She was drawing different designs of how she wanted the top half to look. When the doorbell rang it startled her. She wasn’t expecting any visitors.
She went to the door, peeped through the spy hole, and saw a handsome stranger she had never seen before. Zawadi wasn’t worried because he would have to have been let in by the watchman. She thought this might be one of her stepsister’s friends who did not know that they had gone to Dubai.
She opened the door and said, “Good afternoon. How may I help you?” just the way Madam had taught her to say it.
The guy on the other side of the door was looking at her in the way men always did. She did not understand it, why men stared at her. For a minute the man just looked at her.
Zawadi waited for him to state his business. She knew she was beautiful. Men passing her even on the street told her that. But that didn’t get to her head. Her mother had been the most beautiful girl in the village and look at the trouble that got her into. Her beauty was not something she exploited. The girls in college told her she could get any man she wanted with her looks and that if she wanted they could get her a rich boyfriend who would provide her with everything she would need. Then she would stop being broke. She hadn’t told them that she had a rich father although she worked as a maid. She just told them that she lived with relatives in Runda. Only her two best friends in school knew that.
Finally, the guy snapped out of his preoccupation with her beauty. He had a black expensive motorbike parked on the driveway. He cleared his throat and said, “Hi.”
Zawadi said, “Hi.”
“My name is Eric.” There was a bag slung across his shoulder. “I have been given cards to bring over for Rafik’s party happening in 3 weeks. Each person has their own personal invitation. I need the names of the people to invite so that I can write them on the cards. “
Zawadi gave him the names of Madam Asila and her two daughters. He wrote the names down on three cards.
Eric smiled and asked, “So are you Zosi or Zuwadia?”
Zawadi shook her head and said, “My name is Zawadi!”
Eric asked, “Zawadi you are not coming to the party?”
Zawadi said, “no! I am not really part of the family. I…”
Eric didn’t let her finish. “How can the most beautiful girl I have ever met not attend the party? You must come. I insist.”
He took out another card and wrote Zawadi’s name. “Here is your invitation. Make sure you come. Remember to save a dance for me.” Eric winked as he gave her the invitations.
Zawadi held the invitations to her chest as she watched Eric ride off on his bike. She entered the house and then did a happy dance. She was going to Rafik’s party. OMG, she was going to Rafik’s party. Then reality hit and she was like, “How will I go and I have nothing to wear?” Then she also realized that she had another problem. How would she go to the party when Madam Asila and her daughters would be going to the party?
Zawadi was caught in a dilemma. She really wanted to go to the party but on the other hand, she had two problems. 1. She had nothing to wear. 2. The biggest problem was Madam Asila and her daughter. They would be attending the ball. How could she attend it?
Zawadi took out her mobile phone, a Nokia 3310 and called her best friend Angelica. When Angelica answered the phone Zawadi explained everything.
Angelica was ecstatic. “Zawadi you must go. You will never get another opportunity like this and Rafik is dreamy. This is your chance to finally go to the type of parties you were meant to go to.”
Zawadi said “Angelica I have nothing to wear. I don’t have the clothes, shoes, or bags needed. Besides which how will I get to the party? I don’t have a car. Nobody will walk there besides Madam Asila…”
Angelica said “Leave everything to me. How far along are you with making your dress for the final presentation?”
Zawadi said “I am almost done. Why?”
Angelica said “You will see. Are you home right now?”
Zawadi said yes. Angelica said she was coming over.
2 hours later Angelica was at her house with a big bag. She removed shoes and purses from the bag. She made Zawadi try them on. One particular pair of shoes fit her perfectly. It was gold in colour and it would go well with a red and gold clutch bag that she liked.
Angelica told her the plan. “You need to have your dress done by this week. I know it was for the finals but you can wear it for both. We only have one week to the ball and we don’t have the time to buy a new dress.”
Zawadi tried to argue about using the dress but Angelica was very persuasive. Zawadi went to the tailor to give out the design of the dresses she wanted to be made. She had 3 designs, one for the signature piece for her collection and 2 other outfits.
One piece of fabric was supposed to be a headdress she carried with her. She needed to embroider it while the rest of the dress was being made. 3 days later she went for the signature dress. She would have to do all the embroidery herself by hand.
Madam Asila and the girls came back two days before the party. They had bought expensive gowns, shoes, and bags for the party. Zawadi wondered how she would look in her designs. She was still not convinced that this was a great idea. Angelica had promised that she would get her a ride from her rich boyfriend.
Zawadi talked to the watchmen. The servants at the house really adored Zawadi. They all knew she was the illegitimate daughter of the boss. They all felt sorry for her. They watched out for her when they could. They all knew how Madam Asila could be cruel. They agreed to open the gate for Zawadi after her step mum and sisters were gone.
The two sisters were cruel. They made Zawadi watch them after they tried dress after dress. They told her how a silly village girl like her would never have a chance to meet somebody as important as Rafik. He was the prince of musicians, the hottest artist for the last 3 years. He was handsome and rich.
“Zawadi, you may be Dad’s daughter but you will never go anywhere. When you finish your course then what will you become? A tailor. Who would want to be designed for clothes by a maid?”
They laughed at her as they made her pick up their dresses and shoes and they sent her back and forth.
“I hope you don’t think you will ever inherit anything from Daddy. It all belongs to us. So enjoy your last weeks at our house because mummy said immediately you finish your course you will be out on the street, you have eaten enough of our food!”
Zawadi’s heart sank at those words. She hadn’t thought that her stepmother would kick her out so soon. It made her work harder on her collection. She had to impress the judges. Whoever came out tops in the design college got a one-year paid internship with one of the best designers in Kenya. There was a rumour that this year there was going to be an international judge who would decide on the winner. She had to make it.
Chapter 4: Going To The Ball
Zawadi’s stepmum and her daughters went out to have their hair and nails done. Angelica and two of her friends were sneaked into the house by the watchman. Angelica retouched Zawadi’s hair like her friends who were beauticians did a facial, threading, manicure, and pedicure for Zawadi. Angelica tonged Zawadi’s hair and then made her wear a kitamba to cover it up.
Angelica also brought some jewellery and perfume to Zawadi. After they were finished they made Zawadi try on the dress. She looked very beautiful and regal. Angelica who had spent time among the upper class told her how to hold her head and then also made her practice how to walk in high heels. Zawadi being tall always wore low shoes, she rarely wore high heels.
Angelica told Zawadi that she should be waiting for her at the gate at exactly 8 pm. Her stepmother and sisters were supposed to leave at 7 pm for the party. Zawadi left the house with Angelica, she had to pick up the dresses for the madam and her daughters at the laundry. She took a matatu and came back just before the girls came back.
When the girls came back they looked lovely. They had been waxed and had facials. They had been professionally applied makeup and they had long black human weaves. They went to their rooms to shower and then they made Zawadi dress them.
They made fun of Zawadi and her kitamba on her head. “Dear Zawadi, when will you ever get a boyfriend when you wear kitambas like that. What man would ever look at you? You are so tall and ugly.”
They were always trying to make Zawadi feel bad. This time Zawadi was in too good a mood to let them get to her.
At 7 Madam Asila and the girls left. Zawadi went to get her clothes from the servants’ quarters. She went to Zosi’s room to take a shower. Her room only had cold water. She wore her dress, it was beautiful. It was red with gold designs on it. She put on her headdress and then let a few curls down. She sprayed some perfume and then went to the mirror. She did not have a mirror in her servant’s quarter room. She applied makeup the way Angelica had taught her.
Zawadi was amazed at how good she looked. She couldn’t believe this woman in the mirror was her. This woman looked different, very beautiful. She then wore some red and gold beaded jewellery Angelica had given her. She wasn’t quite sure about walking in the shoes so she practised some more.
At 8 she heard somebody hooting at the gate. She knew it was Angelica. She started to panic. Was she doing the right thing? This thing could end badly. What was she thinking? Who was she kidding? She couldn’t do this. It could be suicide especially if she was caught.
Just then Angelica called. Zawadi answered, “Angelica I can’t do this. Madam Asila will kill me when she finds out. I have nothing to say to these people at the party. I am staying at home.”
Angelica said, “Don’t be silly Zawadi. You can do this. We already discussed this. You are going. Don’t make me come to the house. Come out, it is time to go. This is your one shot to ever meet Rafik. If it was me I wouldn’t even hesitate!”
Zawadi got her things together and took them to the servants’ quarters. Then she carefully walked to the gate. The watchmen told her she was looking beautiful. Zawadi said thanks and entered Angelica’s boyfriend’s car.
Angelica told her that they would be there to pick her up at exactly midnight. Angelica’s boyfriend needed to drop her off, and then take Angelica home. “If you are late, we will have to leave you.”
Zawadi agreed. She knew she couldn’t pick up her phone which was in her clutch bag. It was an old phone and it would give her away if she answered the phone at the party. Zawadi was dropped off at his house of Rafik. As she climbed the steps to the house, she tried to calm herself. She could do this.
Zawadi climbed up the steps to Rafik’s house. Her heart was beating fast, she felt like running back home but it was too late, she didn’t have transport back. At the door, she presented her card and she was let into the house.
Zawadi took a deep breath as she was ushered into the house and taken to the ballroom. There were so many people all dressed up. She saw very famous people she had only seen on TV. Musicians, artists, politicians, and business people. Some of these people she had seen at their house when they had come for dinner or lunch with her stepmum and stepsisters. Some were neighbours.
Zawadi felt awkward because she didn’t know anybody so she went in and stood in a corner. She felt like an imposter coming to the party. She took the time to study the paintings on the wall. She did not know that many at the party were staring at her. She was so tall and beautiful that even in a room of famous and influential people she stood out. People were looking at her and asking each other who the beautiful lady who had just arrived was.
The women wondered who had designed her dress. It was a work of beauty. Zawadi had designed it specifically for herself so it fit her exactly. The lights in the room also highlighted the red and gold dress. The men were trying to figure out if she was taken. Some were already planning their moves. They thought that she must be from outside the country. Such beauty would not have gone unnoticed in their circles.
Zawadi was startled when she heard her name being called. She turned and saw Alex, her step-sister’s boyfriend. “Zawadi is that you?” Alex asked.
Zawadi started to panic. Her stepsister’s boyfriend would ruin everything.
She hesitated to answer. Alex sensing why she was hesitant said, “It’s ok Zawadi your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell anybody who you are. You know you can trust me!”
Zawadi breathed a sigh of relief. Alex was a good guy. He had always been kind to her. Even when he came to the house and didn’t find his girlfriend he didn’t try to make a move on her. He was the one rich kid from the neighbourhood to who she could talk to. He was also the only one who knew who she really was, that she wasn’t just the maid.
“Zawadi, I hope it’s ok if I stay here for a little while,” Alex asked.
Zawadi said, “It’s ok.”
Zawadi relaxed; at least there was somebody who she could talk to without worrying about exposing herself. They made small talk. Waiters were going around serving drinks and food. Zawadi asked for juice, she didn’t want to get drunk. She had never taken alcohol before and she had seen its effects on her sisters and stepmother. They were really mean when they were drunk. The men looked at Alex with envy that he knew Zawadi.
Across the room, Zawadi’s sisters were watching Zawadi. They didn’t know it was Zawadi but they hated this lady who had come in and immediately taken all the attention. Zuwaida was jealous. Who was this woman? Why was Alex talking to her like they knew each other very well? She took out her mobile and tried to call Alex to tell him to come back. Alex didn’t pick up the phone. Zuwaida cursed. She felt like causing a scene but because she was at Rafik’s party she couldn’t. Anyway, she didn’t know who the beautiful lady was. “She’s probably a model. But I haven’t seen her anywhere in the magazines although she looks familiar.”
Just then Rafik entered the room. There was a hush. Rafik looked good. He was wearing a black suit cut to fit that accelerated his muscular body. Rafik was handsome, in the dead-drop handsome kind of way. He was six foot two and muscular. He was a light shade of chocolate brown, with brown eyes and full lips. He was a singer and dancer. He had started as a dancer and backup singer. Then he got a break and launched his single. All the ladies had gone crazy over him, for both his music and his body. He had never looked back. He had just come back from an international music tour.
Rafik went around greeting people. He was flirtatious with the ladies. You could hear the ladies giggling when he talked to them. When he got to Zawadi he took her hand and kissed it. “Hey princess, I haven’t seen you before. What’s your name?”
Zawadi was kind of stunned to have her hand kissed by Rafik. She almost blurted out “Zawadi!” but she remembered that she wasn’t to use her real name. She said, “My name is Susu.” She used her mother’s name. Nobody would know that name here.
“Susu such a pretty name. Well, Susu the beautiful one may I have the first dance? That is if your boyfriend doesn’t mind?” Rafik looked at Alex.
Alex and Zawadi said in unison, “She’s not my girlfriend!” “He’s not my boyfriend!”
Rafik smiled. “Excellent. Shall we dance?”
Zawadi looked at Alex. He nodded.
The DJ changed the music and the tempo. He played one of Rafik’s songs. Zawadi and Rafik danced. Zawadi was a really good dancer. She loved to dance and of course in her free time she watched Rafik’s videos when she was alone in the house. Zawadi thought that Rafik would dance with her to one song and then dance with somebody else. But for some reason, she did not understand Rafik kept her by his side even as he went around the rest of the room.
People danced. It was a beautiful night. Zawadi and Rafik danced some more. They were the stars of the show. At some point, Zawadi said she needed to get some air. She went outside to the balcony and Rafik joined her.
Rafik had been trying to find out more about her for the past hour. Zawadi had been evasive.
Rafik asked flirtatiously “Why do I get the feeling you are hiding something? You won’t answer my questions?”
“I am not hiding anything. I just like my privacy.” Zawadi said.
“Umm, but what if I want to get to know you better, much better?” Rafik answered.
“What is this you would like to know?” asked Zawadi.
‘Whether you have a boyfriend?” Rafik asked.
Zawadi answered. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend.”
Rafik smiled seductively. “You don’t. There’s something I have been meaning to do all night since I first saw you”
“What’s that? Zawadi asked curiously.
“Kiss you!” Rafik said as he leaned in. Zawadi blushed. Just then fireworks exploded. Zawadi was startled.
“What time is it?” Zawadi asked.
“It is midnight,” Rafik said.
“I have to go,” Zawadi said. She started walking down the stairs.
“Can’t you wait? Cant, you feel the magic between me and you?” Rafik said.
Zawadi smiled but kept walking. Rafik shouted, “At least give me your number?”
Zawadi had already broken into a run. She was late and she knew she would be left. As she ran her hand-stitched headwrap came undone and fell. When she bent to pick it her heel caught on something and one heel broke. She decided to forget about the headdress and get to the car.
When she reached the gate she found her friends just about to leave her. As she entered the car she saw Rafik on the steps with her headwrap in his hands. As they drove off, she felt sad, that she had met Rafik and he was everything she had thought he would be and more. Also she had left her signature headpiece at the party. She knew she would never be able to claim it unless she revealed her real identity. That would be a disaster. A famous musician like Rafik wouldn’t want to date a maid of that she was sure.
Keeping Secrets As People Speculate About The Mysterious Lady At The Ball
Zawadi woke up with a headache. She had drunk a lot of champagne last night and she had a hangover. Looking at her cheap plastic alarm clock on the side of the bed she realized it was 7 am. She got out of bed in a hurry, took a 2-minute shower and went to the main house. Luckily, none of the family members was awake. She didn’t expect them to wake up for at least another 3 hours. Her stepmother and sisters liked to drink a lot of wine and they were likely to have stayed at the party until the wee hours of the morning so as not to miss out on the gossip and goings-on. It is not every day one is invited to an international musician’s house.
Zawadi made tea for the other workers. She took this out to them and then sat outside on the bench under one of the garden umbrellas. She was having her tea and bread. Thoughts of last night came to her mind. She blushed thinking about Rafik and how she had behaved last night. She put her head in her hands and groaned. There was something about Rafik. Something that she had never felt before with other guys. He had made her laugh and they had talked as they danced for hours. Then just when he was about to kiss her…
Thinking about that almost kiss made Zawadi blush. She had never let a guy kiss her. She had taken her mum’s words to heart. When other girls in high school were experimenting with kissing and more, Zawadi concentrated on her studies. She wanted to make her grandmother proud. She did not want to end up like her mum, the shame of the village.
Last night had been great but she knew that there was no way something could happen between her and Rafik. They were from different worlds. She was a practical girl and she knew that a man like Rafik would not date a maid. She started daydreaming about how romantic it would be if he would. They would fall in love, travel the world, get married and have 3 children. Zawadi was so caught up in her daydream that she forgot about the time.
Zawadi was startled out of her daydream when she heard Zuwaida shouting her name. She looked up only to see her stepsister looking at her with a scowl on her face.
“Zawadi, you are not here on holiday. Where is our breakfast?”
Zawadi said, “I will make it right away!”
Zuwaida followed Zawadi to the kitchen. She seemed to be in a foul mood. She started making noise for Zawadi telling her the way she was a good for nothing and she would end up poor like her mother because she was lazy and she couldn’t get a man.
She told Zawadi “I can’t wait until you are out of our house. You are an embarrassment. Look at you. You have no class, no brains and you are ugly. No man would ever look at you.” She went on and on, then she went to her room.
Zawadi was left in the kitchen with tears running down her cheeks. She didn’t know how much more of this she could stand. She knew that what Zuwaida said was not true but it hurt. She also knew that if Zuwaida was in a bad mood her stepmother and stepsister would also be mad. She decided she would stay out of their way.
Zawadi was right. Her mum and sisters were grumpy and rude all day. In the afternoon she had screaming from Zuwaida’s room. She wasn’t sure if she should go up to her room but she went up anyway. She found Madam Asila there comforting Zuwaida.
Her stepsister had been on her laptop on the net. Zawadi could see pictures on the computer and when she looked at it she saw her face staring back at her. She looked beautiful. Zawadi for the first time realized how beautiful she really was. There were pictures of her with Rafik dancing and chatting. Then there was a picture of her with Alex.
At the top, there was a headline: Mysterious Beauty Captures Prince Charming’s Heart.
Zuwaida’s was sobbing. “That bitch stole my Alex. He didn’t want to talk to me. Now she has gotten Rafik too. I hate her! I hate her!”
Madam Asila saw Zawadi looking at the computer. In a harsh tone, she told Zawadi, “Don’t just stand there. Go downstairs; bring the decanter of brandy and 3 glasses.”
Zawadi went downstairs to get the brandy and brought it back in a tray with 3 glasses. Madam Asila told her not to admit any visitors. Some guests (neighbours) were supposed to come for dinner. Zawadi called them to cancel.
Zawadi cleaned the house from top to bottom. When her stepmother was in a bad mood she was likely to find fault in Zawadi’s work. Then she would refuse her to have dinner. When she was done she made supper. She went to Zuwaida’s room and knocked. She said that dinner was on the table. She then went to her room.
An hour later she went back to the house. The food had not been eaten. She put the food away and washed the serving dishes. She fed the dogs, cleaned the kitchen and went to bed. On the radio, they were talking about the mysterious woman. People were asking who she was. Rafik had apparently been on TV talking about her asking her to get in touch.
Zawadi slept with a heavy heart. She knew she couldn’t come forward. Her stepmother and sisters would humiliate her. they would tell the world who she really was. She was glad however that she wasn’t the only one who had felt that spark. But it broke her heart that she could not do anything about it.
Time To Shine And Let The Secret Out
Zawadi was nervous as she waited behind the stage. This was it. Her big day. She had to impress the judges with her design and her catwalk. Her long red African print dress looked stunning. She added gold embroidery in different places and added some gold and silver beads. It was an improvement from when she had worn the dress at Rafik’s party. She was wearing red 6-inch high heels. She had made another headdress from some red and black African print material that she had left. Her face looked beautiful, she hadn’t put on much makeup just some red lipstick and foundation. She had some gold-plated loops in her ears.
Zawadi wiped the tears from her eyes. No use crying. This morning her stepmother had come to her room early in the morning. She didn’t even wake up Zawadi. She went to her wardrobe and started throwing Zawadi’s clothes on the floor. When Zawadi heard the commotion she was still struggling to wake up from her dream where Rafik found out who she was, came over to get her and took her away from her stepfamily. It had been a nice dream.
Zawadi was startled to see Madam Asila in her room. Madam Asila never came to the servant’s quarters. What had possessed her to come over?
Madam Asila said with an evil smile, “Today is your last day here. I promised your father I would let you stay here until you finish school and I have. But no more being nice. I don’t ever want to see you again. After your graduation, don’t come back!”
Madam Asila asked for all the house keys and gate keys. She also took the key to Zawadi’s room. She threw a thousand shillings on the floor and said, “Here’s what I owe you. If I see you here again you will regret it.” She then leaned towards Zawadi and said, “If you had any ambitions of claiming anything from your father’s property you better forget it. Everything is in both our names and I will die before I let you have even a shilling of the money that we have!”
Zawadi took her clothes and put them into a garment bag she had made. She took a shower. She took one last look at her room. It had been her home for the last 4 torturous years. She had come here so innocent but she had been hardened by Madam Asila.
As she closed the door to her past Zawadi thought aloud, “Thank God we left our designs at the school last night. If madam had found them she would have ripped them apart. She would also know my secret.”
Rafik had given out a picture of her in her dress and asked for information about her. The whole of Nairobi was abuzz wondering who the mysterious princess was, who had disappeared into thin air. Her friends wanted her to come forward but she knew it would be a disaster. She didn’t want her stepmother to find out because she didn’t know what her stepmother would do to her. Well, she didn’t have to worry about that now.
Well, she knew after tonight if she won her secret would be out. She was tired of hiding, of being a woman in the shadows. She had heard that Rafik was out of town so he would not get the information unless somebody told him. By the time he did, she would be gone. She had been using her father’s address for her 4 years in college. If they came looking for her they wouldn’t be able to find her because she would not be going back there.
Madam Asila was watching her from the third floor. Zawadi paused outside the main house and looked at the house, which was very magnificent in its beauty. It was three storeys high, a white mansion with yellow trimmings. A fairytale mansion that was beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside because of its occupants.
Zawadi wanted to cry, not because she was leaving but because at least for the last 4 years she had known where she was going to sleep. Her grandmother was dead so she couldn’t go back to the village. She would have to make her own way now in the big city.
By the time she reached the gate, she knew all the servants knew. Madam Asila had called the watchman and told him to let her out. She was not to be let back in again. The watchman was also to check her bag to see if she had stolen anything and report it to madam.
The watchman, Justus, had called the other servants who worked there. They gathered at the gate where Madam Asila could not see them. They hugged her and then each of them gave her some money. She tried to refuse the money but they insisted.
Zawadi was crying by the time she left the gate. She walked to the stage. She wondered what she would do. She was at a crossroads. She couldn’t go back to the village because she would not make the kind of money she needed as a tailor. If being poor had taught her anything it was that people take advantage of those who are poor. She did not intend to continue being one of them. She wanted to have money so that she could take care of herself and buy whatever she wanted. As she walked she promised herself that one day she would expose Madam Asila for the witch she was.
Zawadi took a matatu to town and then to her college. Her friends were excited to see her. This was their graduation day. They had been waiting 4 years for this. Also, there was some excitement about the mystery judge who was coming from Italy. He was the talk of the whole college, everybody wanted to know who he was but the principal of the college refused to say.
Zawadi told Angelica and Susan, “Madam kicked me out. I have nowhere to go. I thought I had a few days to figure out what to do!”
It was then that the realization that she was all alone finally hit her. She started crying. Her friends comforted her.
Angelic said, “It’s ok Zawadi you can come and stay with me. I was going to invite you anyway.”
Zawadi hugged her and whispered, “Thank you.”
The girls went to check on their final creations. Zawadi went to look for her garment bags. The dress had been taken to the laundry. Zawadi stored her bag in her locker which after today would no longer be hers. She took her outfits, her makeup bag which contained her makeup and jewellery, and her shoe bag.
Zawadi tried to settle in the dressing room as she removed her jeans and shirt remaining only in her underwear. She would have to change several times so there was no point in wearing clothes. She just wrapped a kanga around her waist. All the other girls were dressed similarly. There was a separate dressing room for the guys so the girls could dress how they pleased.
Zawadi said a silent prayer to God. Throughout what had happened she hadn’t given up on God. Prayer gave her comfort in those dark days. She wasn’t overly religious but she loved God and prayed, going to church when she could.
Soon the music started playing. It was time to hit the runway. The students’ dining room had been turned into a runway stage. The girls put on their first outfits. They were showing different outfits for different occasions. The last one would be the evening gowns they had designed. There was going to be some stiff competition tonight.
The girls went one by one on stage. Zawadi was a natural. She knew how to walk and pose. Zawadi and her friends had been watching fashion shows and practising. There were many invited guests. The room was packed to capacity. The college she had gone to was an elite fashion design college and it was the best in the country. They only took 30 girls at every yearly intake so you had to be good to enter the school. By the time they were in their final year, they had eliminated 15 girls so only 15 students graduated. These 15 students were highly sought after by design houses and magazines to be designers and stylists. Some would even become designers for the rich and famous.
Zawadi had worked hard to make the cut. Her tailoring was flawless and her designs were excellent. Most of the designers came from wealthy families. Only Zawadi, Angelica and Susan were not. Angelica’s rich boyfriend was paying for her. Susan had won the one scholarship that was usually given to needy students. Zawadi well she had a rich father, who was only paying her fees because he promised his mother. Although he paid her fees he did not acknowledge her in any way. He did not attend meetings and things like that.
As the graduates took their designs to the runway there were claps and whistles as the crowd composed of families, designers, fashionistas and media appreciated the outfits. Soon it was time for the last design. The jewel of the collection for the students was the evening gown.
Zawadi was nervous as she waited in the wings of the stage. Soon it would be her turn. Soon the world would know her secret. She would be exposed. Cinderella was coming out.
Zawadi was nervous as she waited behind the stage. This was it, her big day. It was Zawadi’s turn on the catwalk. Her face was heavily made up. She had golden eye shadow on her eyelids; black mascara and eyeliner that made her eyes look mysterious. Her full lips looked tempting with the scarlet lipstick she was wearing. She had also used some glittery lotion on her skin that made her simmer as she moved. She had small gold-plated loops in her ears that had the same pattern as the numerous bangles on her wrists that clicked as she moved.
Zawadi’s golden 6-inch heels went well with her African attire. When she had gone for Rafiki’s ball the dress had been sewn up to the bottom. Now she had a slit that went up to her midthigh showing off her toned thighs.
Zawadi stepped onto the catwalk to some funky music. She walked like a panther, elegant and purposeful. They had all had professional training on how to catwalk. She took to the stage and owned it. Cameras were going off all over. She held her head up high so that her gaze was on the wall at the far end. She could hear the audience clapping as she modelled her finest creation, the gown that she had named lovers in the night.
Then Zawadi heard it. She had known it would come. Somebody shouted, “Isn’t that the African princess from Rafik’s party.”
There was a gasp of surprise from the audience then she heard it.
“It’s her!”
“Yes, it is!”
“What’s her name?”
Flashbulbs were going off everywhere. The press photographers tried to get closer to take a picture of her and ask her questions. She did not reply.
Zawadi finished her modelling and went back to the dressing room. She was sweating and her heart was beating fast. Angelica and Susan came to ask if she was alright. They hugged her and Angelica said, “I guess your secret is out. What should we do?”
Zawadi said “There is nothing to do. Let’s just wait for the winner to be announced then we can leave and I can disappear this time for good!”
The judges announced that they were ready to make their decisions. All the girls went on stage. The judges made general comments about the girls’ work and then they announced the winners. In third place was Susan. In second place was Angelica. In first place was Zawadi who won Ksh 200,000 for her design work. She also won a 2-year internship with the designer Richardo Scolaro who was the mystery judge who was coming in. He was a famous Italian designer whose designs were coveted by the rich all over the world.
Ricardo got up to make some remarks. Ricardo was tall, around 6 foot 2. He had green eyes, ginger hair peppered with grey and a round face with a small goatee. Rick said he was looking to have an African collection in the next year. He was interested in partnering with the college because they had some of the best student designers on the African continent. He mentioned some designers who were making waves in the fashion world with their designs. He wished all the grandaunts a successful life.
When Ricardo handed Zawadi the dummy cheque and the letter for the internship tears of joy ran down her face. She had done it. She had made her grandmother and mother proud. No one would ever be able to put down her family because of what happened in the past. It didn’t matter if her secret would come out. Now she had the money to make her own dreams come through. She did not have to be a charity case anymore. Zawadi smiled as she took pictures with the judges, Rick and her classmates.
When they went behind stage, Rick congratulated her, but what he said next surprised her.“ I see you also have the height and beauty of a model. I have been looking for a new African model. Maybe you can think about modelling for me. The internship doesn’t start for another four months. This will give you a chance to learn about Italy and Europe before you start your internship. Let me know if that is something you would be interested in ok?”
Zawadi nodded, she was too emotional to reply. Rick gave her his card. Then he said, “It seems the press and the people out there know you. I heard something about being an African princess. Maybe one day you will tell me that story.”
Ricardo kissed her cheek and said “I will be in town for the next week. Let me know if we can leave for Europe together. If you haven’t gotten back to me I will assume you are not interested in a modelling career. In that case, I will see you in 4 months.” Rick walked off to talk to some of the other students.
Angelica and Susan came out of where they had been in the shadows. They watched Rick walk away. Angelica said, “he sure is handsome. Maybe when you go to Europe he will sweep you off your feet. I can see it now in the headlines. So romantic like one of those Mills and Boons I read.”
Zawadi poked Angelica playfully and said, “Haha you are so romantic.”
Zawadi looked over at where Ricardo was standing. “He is handsome but my heart belongs to somebody else!” Then her happy mood disappeared when she thought of the reporters waiting for her outside. She didn’t know how she would be able to get out without having to go through the reporters.
Be careful what you wish for
Angelica called her boyfriend backstage. Zack came and hugged Zawadi and Susan congratulated them. Then he kissed Angelica and spun her around saying “You did it, baby!” Angelica explained the situation to him. They agreed to disguise Zawadi so that she would not be recognized. Zawadi changed into her jeans, t-shirt and some shades. Angelica gave her a hoodie. Zawadi went out with Zack as Angelica and Susan caused a commotion with the reporters outside telling them Zawadi was going in for an interview with an international TV station so they would have to wait.
Angelica had told Zack to drive Zawadi to the house they would find them there. She needed to pick up Zawadi’s stuff from the lockers and had to wait until the reporters left. She planned to take a cab.
Zack took Zawadi to a restaurant to have dinner. She had been too nervous to eat before the event and after she had been terrified of meeting reporters if she went to get something to eat. Zack texted Angelica to tell her where they were.
Zack and Zawadi made some small talk as they waited for their meal. Although Zack was rich, he did not have the air of a rich boy. He was very down to earth and he really loved Angelica. It is just that he knew he could not marry a girl of Angelica’s class who had no papers or pedigree. That is why he had paid for her to go to design school. So that people wouldn’t say that she was going out with him for his money when she finished and became a successful designer. It didn’t stop people from saying it but it didn’t matter. He loved Angelica and would do anything to make her happy. Angelica also loved him back so that was a blessing.
The restaurant was showing some late-night art shows. Soon it was time for the 11 pm news. The news headline was “Mystery lady spotted at a catwalk in design school. After the headlines, the news anchor came back to the story.
“If you have been following the story of the mystery princess at Rafik’s party then we have good news. The mystery lady, who our favourite musician Rafik has a crush on was sported at Elite Designs College in Lavington. Zawadi it seems is a fourth-year student of design at the college. Today during their final design exam and graduation, Zawadi emerged victorious as the winner of the class designer of the year. She also got a 200,000k cheque and a prestigious internship with well-known Italian designer Ricardo. To find out more about this story we go live to the venue where our reporter is waiting for Zawadi who we have been reliably informed is in an interview.”
The focus then switched to a reporter at Elite Designs College. The reporter on the other end talked about how she was waiting for Zawadi to come out soon so that they could interview her. She talked about how people were excited that the identity of the mysterious woman was finally known. Also, the questions that many of the people who attended the fashion show had.
“It seems that nobody knows a lot about her. She came in 4 years ago and her fees are always paid on time. She does not seem to be from a rich or famous Kenyan family as none of the girls seems to know her from their circles. It seems we will have to wait for Zawadi to emerge so that she can tell us her secrets. Back to you at the studio.” The TV station then showed Zawadi going down the catwalk in her different outfits.
When the next story came on Zack asked her, “Now that your secret is out, what are you going to do?”
Zawadi said, “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about what would happen when my secret finally came out. I was so focused on finishing my projects and staying out of Madam Asila’s way while she was in a foul mood. She was hoping that one of her daughters would catch Rafik’s eye. She spent a lot of money on new clothes and jewellery so that her daughters could shine on that day. She was not happy that somebody else took the limelight. If she had known it was me I don’t know what she would have done to me. I guess I will just have to deal with the issue one day at a time.”
Zack said, “Consider Ricardo’s offer. I know it will hurt to leave your friends but maybe this is just what you need. A fresh start where nobody knows you and nobody judges you. I know Angelica wouldn’t want you to leave but maybe you need to start afresh. We will miss you though if you go!”
Zawadi said, “I will think about it. Thank you for always being there for me. I know it is because of Angelica but I appreciate it all the same.”
Zack said, “It is not because of Angelica. You are a good person Zawadi and it is not hard to be nice to a good person. If you need anything… help with anything let me know. I know a guy who can get you a passport in 2 days.”
Zawadi thanked him again. Just then Angelica and Susan came into the room. They were carrying Zawadi’s bags and things. Zack ordered for Angelica and Susan food which they carried as takeaway. Susan would also be staying at Angelica’s for a couple of days before travelling back to her rural home the next week. She had been living in school as one of the boarders.
The girls talked and giggled late into the early morning hours unable to sleep because of the excitement of finally finishing school. At around 3 am they left Zawadi in her new room. She stood at the window looking at the full moon that was shining brightly outside. Zawadi thought aloud, “I wonder what tomorrow will bring?”
Zawadi stayed indoors at Zack’s house for 3 days. It wasn’t that she was hiding, well yes she was, but she was strategizing on her next step. She had already decided to take a job in Europe. She would be able to get the exposure that she couldn’t get here. Also, she would be able to do some modelling which would take care of her expenses. She had been asked severally to model but because her stepmother expected her to be home every evening by 530 PM to cook she had not been able to take advantage of the opportunity.
Zawadi was thinking she needed to go to the village for a week or 2. She hadn’t been there since she came to the city. Madam Asila did not give her any time off. Even over the holidays, she was expected to be available to work. But now things would be different. She no longer had to work for that evil woman. She wanted to go see her childhood friends, and also see her mother’s and grandmother’s graves.
The media had been trying to find out who she was for the last couple of days. Zawadi saw her picture everywhere, on TV, in the daily newspapers, on the blogs and even in the gutter press. Everybody wondered who she was and why she was hiding her identity. The gutter press had some very disturbing theories about who she was.
Zawadi was bored of staying in the house. “When will I get my life back?” She asked herself. Then she remembered that she didn’t really have a life to go back to. She couldn’t go back to Madam Asila’s, not that she wanted to. She had her fashion diploma and she was going to go places. Where exactly is what? She was wondering.
Zawadi had spent the whole morning looking at fashion magazines and redesigning some of the designs she liked on her sketchpad. At about 11 am, when she was taking a break she realized that she had left her phone upstairs. She went to get her phone and saw that she had 10 missed calls from her friends.
She called Angelica. Angelica asked “Zawadi I have been trying to reach you. Have you watched the news?”
Zawadi said, “No I haven’t. What is going on in the news?”
Angelica said “A reporter bribed somebody at the school to get your admission records and he got your dad’s address. He went to see Madam Asila. She has disowned you and said that you were a nobody. That you were a poor relative who they were paying school fees. She also said that you were their maid and that you had run off after winning! That you are an ungrateful person who took advantage of them and didn’t even say thank you for all the things they did for you. She also said you run off with some money.”
Angelica paused, “it’s awful. Everybody is talking about it. Most of them are not saying nice things.”
Zawadi didn’t know what to say. She was silent. She knew that one day her secret would come out but she hadn’t thought Madam Asila would be so cruel as to say that she was a thief. She was hurt and angry.
Angelica said, “Don’t worry Zawadi. She won’t get away with it. That was the final straw. We will deal with her. We will talk about it when we get home. I have already talked with Zack.”
Zawadi went downstairs and switched on the TV. There in glorious technicolour was her evil stepmother. She was wearing a high-power navy blue suit; her hair and makeup were flawless. Her fake smile fooled everybody she was a good person. She looked every part of the successful lawyer everybody knew her to be. Who would believe Zawadi over her? Nobody. At that thought, Zawadi felt depressed. She sat on the floor and cried for an hour.
Then Zawadi got up, made herself a cup of tea, and composed herself. She was tired of being the victim, the one who was always stepped on. She thought aloud, “Just because I am poor doesn’t mean I don’t have dignity. I am tired of being treated like dirt. I need to clear my name otherwise I will not be able to get a job in this town if everybody thinks I am dishonest. But what can I do?”
Fighting Fire With Fire
Zawadi waited for her friends to come home. She spent the whole day designing and thinking about what she would do. She was not sure about what to do about Madam Asila but she was sure she wanted to go home to Western to take a break from Nairobi.
When her friends arrived Zawadi had cooked. As they sat down to eat they discussed what they should do. Zack said that the best thing would be to get a sympathetic reporter or presenter on TV to who they could tell their story. Zack said that he knew Caroline Mutoko. “I think she will be interested in your story. I will call her tomorrow.”
Afterwards, they all went to the sitting room to watch the news. The stations were all calling her Sinderella. Images of the Asila family house were all over the media with Madam Asila saying that Zawadi was a maid and that they knew she had stolen money.
There was speculation on how Rafik would take the news. How would he take the news that Zawadi was not really from a rich family but that she was a maid who had been accused of stealing money? Memes with Zawadi’s image were doing their rounds on social media and WhatsApp.
After trying to find a station that was giving a more balanced view of the situation and finding none they decided to watch a movie instead.
That night as she sat on her bed Zawadi prayed that God would give her a way to clear her name. Zawadi tossed and turned in bed trying to fall asleep. Finally, she was able to sleep.
The next day Zack called Caroline Mutoko’s office. She was on leave so he was unable to get her. She was due back in 3 days so they had to wait because he did not have her personal number. Zawadi was unable to leave the house. She was scared of being spotted and made fun of.
2 days later Rafik was back in the country after a tour in Europe. Reporters met him at the airport and tried to interview him. They asked him whether he was still interested in Zawadi.
“I don’t know why Zawadi did what she did. I think it is unfair to judge her based on what her employer said. It would be important to give her side of the story. I am shocked to find out that she is a maid. All I can say is that she is the most beautiful maid I have ever met. It would have been great to meet her under different circumstances. But look at what she has done. She had finished college and won an award for best designer. That is not somebody everybody can do. If you are listening Zawadi I would like to hear your side of the story.”
He refused to answer questions asked to him by reporters. With cameras flashing and reporters running after him as he left the airport.
Zawadi was surprised by Rafik’s statement but it warmed her heart. At least one person was giving her a chance to prove her innocence. She knew Rafik had a bad experience 2 years ago. He had been accused of stealing the lyrics for one of his hit songs. But it turned out the songwriter who wrote the song had “borrowed” from his friend and his songwriter was in the wrong. Rafik was exonerated although the recording studio had to pay damages. But it had damaged his image when the story had gone public and it had taken time to prove his innocence.
Zawadi wondered whether if she cleared her name she might be able to meet Rafik and maybe talk to him. She wasn’t expecting anything from him but he was her musical idol. It would be nice to meet him and thank him for speaking out on her behalf. At the thought of meeting Rafik, she blushed.
Zawadi was so nervous; she kept adjusting her Ankara dress several times. She wanted to bite her nails but they were acrylic nails so she knew it wouldn’t help. She was waiting in the reception at KISS FM for her interview with Caroline Mutoko. Finally, somebody came in to get her and led her into the studio.
After greeting her, Caroline showed her the microphone she would be using and explained to her how should talk into the mic. Then Caroline faded the music and the interview began.
“Today we have Zawadi as our guest. She has been in the news lately, first as a mysterious Cinderella, then as a design student who won awards for her dresses. Finally this week somebody alleged that she was a maid and a thief. Zawadi is here to talk to us about what’s going on. Welcome, Zawadi. Tell us about yourself.”
Zawadi: “My name is Zawadi. I grew up in the Western region and came to Nairobi to go to design school. I attended design college for the past 4 years and just graduated.”
Caroline: “Tell us about the dress you were wearing at Rafik’s ball. Did you design it yourself? How did you get into the ball considering nobody seems to have known you?”
Zawadi: “Yes I designed that dress myself. It was supposed to be part of my designer collection for college. One of my friends gave me an invite but I had nothing else to wear so I wore that dress…”
Caroline: “Which friend is that?”
Zawadi: “I would rather not say. I might get him into trouble for something he hadn’t intended…”
Caroline: “So you had an invite to the ball. You didn’t sneak in as a maid as has been claimed by some media outlets?”
Zawadi: “No. I went in through the front door like everybody else. My friends dropped me off and came to pick me up later.”
Carol: “So how was it having the attention of Rafik and I hear every other man in the room? I hear you created quite a stir!”
Zawadi: “It wasn’t something I expected but it was a great night. One night I will never forget. It was unforgettable.”
Caroline: “So let’s address the elephant in the room. Your alleged employer Mrs. Asila who is a well-known lawyer in this town said that you were her maid. Is it true?”
Zawadi: “Yes it is true. I was her maid for 4 years!”
Caroline: “So it is true! Is it true that while you were her maid you stole money from her?”
Zawadi: “No! It’s not true that..”
Caroline: “So you expect us to believe you over a well-known lawyer in this city? Why should we believe you?”
Zawadi: ‘Please give me a chance to tell my story.”
So Zawadi told her about her mother, coming to Nairobi to go to school, only to find out she would have to earn her room and board by being a maid.
Caroline: “This story is crazy! So you are saying that Mrs. Asila is your stepmother?”
Zawadi: “Yes she is.”
Caroline: “And your father … where does he come into this story? Why didn’t he intervene?”
Zawadi: “My father works in South Africa. He only comes home every 3 months or so. He brought me to his house because his mother requested it. Madam Asila was not happy but she had to take me in. When she told me I was to be the maid she said if I told him she would turn me out of the house. The house belongs to her family. I had to pretend that I was helping out because I liked it when my dad was around.”
Caroline: “What about your sisters?”
Zawadi: “Well, they have never been nice to me. I think their mum turned them against me.”
Caroline: “What about the accusation that you stole money?”
Zawadi: “I don’t know why my stepmother said that. Maybe to ruin my reputation. She kicked me out the day we were graduating. I didn’t even have time to go to the house. As God is my witness I have never stolen anything from that woman. She hates me.” She paused.
Zawadi: “My dad paid my school fees so there was nothing she could do about that. But she made me work for everything I got and she didn’t even pay me. She took the money my father sent me as pocket money. She said my payment was my fees and bus fare. I am glad to be out of that house. She pretends that she is a good woman, an icon of the church but she was very cruel to me.”
Caroline: “Is there anybody who can verify this information?”
Zawadi: “Yes. Back home the whole village knows that he is my dad. In Runda there are people who know the truth about how she treated me. I don’t know if they would be willing to step forward to talk and cross my stepmum. I almost forgot my birth certificate also has my dad’s name on it. Madam used to tell her friends that I was a relative from back home but not the truth that I was her stepdaughter.”
Caroline: “Shocking revelations on the show. Remember you heard it first here. So what are your plans for the future?”
Zawadi: “I want to take a break for a few days.”
Caroline: “Where?”
Zawadi: “I don’t want people to know because… well the media keeps following me and I need time to think about my future plans.”
Caroline: “So are you taking up the modelling contract?”
Zawadi: “I am thinking about it but it’s not just that. It is a chance for me to get exposure for my design work. I believe I am more than just a pretty face. I want to see my designs on the runway. I think this is a great opportunity for me to learn and get better. Maybe one day I will have my own designer show.”
Caroline: “Well we wish you all the best. If what you say is true I know very many girls will be inspired by your story. It is sort of a modern Cinderella story made in Kenya!”
Zawadi: “Thanks. Everything I have said is true. I know the truth will come out.”
Caroline: “So what about Rafik?
Zawadi (blushing): “Well it was nice to meet him and dance with him. I doubt that he will want anything to do with me when he finds out I was a maid but that’s ok. I got to dance with him and I will always have the memory of that dance. How many girls can claim that? I think he is a pretty cool guy and I was grateful that he didn’t dismiss me as others did when my story came out. I guess I will have to be like all the other girls and women in Kenya crushing on him from a distance. I just want to say that dancing with Rafik and the ball was the best thing that has happened to me in a long time next to winning the competition and the money of course”
Caroline: “Zawadi thank you for coming to the big breakfast. We appreciate you telling us the shocking story behind the scenes. We look forward to big things from you. Keep us updated on what you will be doing.”
Zawadi: “Thank you, Caroline.”
Zawadi walked out of the studio relieved that she was finally free from the past. The secret she had been carrying for the last 4 years was finally out. She didn’t know what would happen next but she knew her stepmother would never be able to hurt her again. Her father would be furious when he found out the truth. Although he hadn’t had much to do with her during her childhood he had promised his mother he would take care of her and he took that promise seriously.
Zawadi met her friends at the reception and they went out for lunch.
When Prince Charming Comes Calling
It was good to be back home in the village.
Zawadi was sitting on a wooden three-legged stool, trying to balance on it as she tried to make sure the charred wood between the three-legged stone jiko caught flames. She was pepetaring the wood with the tin cover of the big sufuria she was making some meat stew with.
It was hard to imagine that a few weeks ago she had been dancing at the ball with the handsome musician Rafik and now she was here literally trying to light a fire, with cinders from the night before. She thought how if the reporters could see her now, boy would they have a story! She had been named the Kenyan Cinderella after her story got out. It had made her famous, some people loved her, but some didn’t.
Right this minute Zawadi missed her grandmother who had died a few months back. It would have been great to talk to her. Her grandmother had always given her the best advice and cheered her on when she needed encouragement.
She was thinking about that night with Prince Charming, Rafik. That night she had only been thinking about how everything was perfect, not remembering that life is not perfect. She had forgotten about how her evil stepmother and sisters had treated her. She had felt like she belonged for a few hours.
Well, that hadn’t lasted. The one thing she was grateful for now was that the scales had come off her father’s eyes and he now knew the terrible woman he was married to. His stepmother and stepsisters had left the country and gone down to South Africa to hide. The story breaking out had been such an embarrassment that she couldn’t stay at home to hide and so she had decided to temporarily flee the country. But who knew if she would be back?
When she thought about all the things that had happened the past year, she wanted to cry but then she knew she had to be strong. No one was going to save her, not even her father who should have protected her. No, she was not going to be saved by a Prince Charming like it happened in the romantic novels and movies she loved watching. She had to save herself and she had done so through hard work and determination.
Zawadi’s father had offered to set her up with an apartment somewhere in the city. She declined his offer because she was leaving the country soon herself. Who would have imagined that the girl who had been a maid for the last couple of years was going to be an apprentice of one of the best designers in Europe?
The competition had exposed her to some international fashion modelling agencies who wanted to sign her on, especially after listening to her story. Fate had finally smiled at her. A famous designer who was on holiday in Kenya had ended up at the show to see the talent at the invite of the college and had loved her work. After the show, the designer looked for her and offered her a two-year paid apprenticeship in Italy. She would get to learn more about the international fashion business and with the money, she would also get as a model she would be living the dream life she had always imagined.
She didn’t know what the future held but she knew for sure she was going to leave this life of poverty behind in a week. She had a business class ticket to fly to Italy. She who had never even been to the airport would be flying to one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
‘My dreams are finally coming true, grandmother. I wish you could be here to see it!” Zawadi said out loud and then wiped tears from her eyes. She was happy but sad at the same time as she thought of all the things she could have done for her grandmother with all the money she would be making.
She heard the cars before she saw the cloud of dust in the air coming toward her. She wondered who was coming to her grandmother’s compound. She was not expecting anyone including her friends so who was coming to see her? She hoped it wasn’t the reporters or bloggers. She had had enough of trying to deal with the reporters who wanted her to give them an exclusive story. Couldn’t they just let her breathe?
She ran into the house to tidy up and change. She didn’t want to be found with her hands dirty from the ashes and with her clothes smelling of smoke. She heard the cars come into the compound and hurried to put on some lipstick. There was no time to do anything else. She put on a hat to cover the matutas she had on her hair. When she stepped out of the door, she saw three cars. She stood at the door not moving, waiting for whoever these unwanted guests were to introduce themselves.
Two big SUVs sandwiched a blue Range Rover. Two well-built men came out of the SUV, and one of them went to the door of the Range Rover and opened it.
A man stepped out and turned his gaze on her.
It was Rafik. What the hell was an international music star doing in her grandmother’s compound, hundreds of kilometres outside Nairobi?
Rafik started walking towards her and the two men from the front car walked with him. Those must be his bodyguards, Zawadi thought. It seemed he wanted to talk to her alone because he talked to them and asked them to stay back as he advanced towards her. He looked so handsome in a white shirt that hugged his muscles, black jeans, and some trendy sneakers. He wore sunglasses which he removed as he got closer to her.
Zawadi’s heart was beating fast. She was nervous.
When Rafik reached her he spoke. “So, this is where the beautiful Cinderella comes to hide when she is not breaking hearts”
Zawadi blushed, “How did you find me?”
“Well, I have my sources. I listened to your interview a few days ago. I have to say I was shocked to find out such a beautiful lady like yourself would have an evil stepmother. To make matters worse she turned you into a maid. Such an injustice!” He paused.
“I know I’m kinda late to the party. I wanted to come and see you, but I had a few things to tie up in Nairobi before I could get in touch. Then when I thought I would find you at your dad’s you were gone. It took me some time to get information on where you could be because nobody was home. It seems even your dad has taken off and nobody knows where to find him!”
Zawadi knew where her dad had gone but it was not her story to tell.
“Why did you want to see me?” Zawadi asked.
“I still want to get to know you. Is that something you’d be interested in?” Rafik replied.
Zawadi was looking for the right words to say but what came out was what was on her mind.
“So, you don’t care that I was a maid?”
Rafik smiled and Zawadi stared at his dimples.
“I liked you when I met you. What you did with your life doesn’t really bother me. I know I’m a superstar, but I was once I was once a regular guy. I want to get to know you and maybe see if there is something there. I felt like there was a spark between us, you know. I don’t know if you felt it?”
Zawadi was trying to compose herself. She crossed her arms and took a step back. “You know I’m leaving next week for Italy?”
Rafik nodded. “Yeah, I know about that. Congratulation by the way. I guess I’m not the only one who thinks you’re beautiful. I would still like to take you out. When are you going back to Nairobi? Can we meet, have dinner and talk?”
Zawadi was confused. But something made her ask
“Rafik would you still be talking to me if I hadn’t gotten a modelling contract or is it just now that I’m no longer going to be a maid that you’re interested?”
Rafik laughed out loud.
“I guess I deserve that question. I would have liked you no matter what and I would still have asked you out. I know that may not make sense to you right now, but I do like you. I want to get to know you so can I take you out for dinner?”
They stood there for a few moments looking at each other.
Zawadi said, “Can I think about it? I have a lot to do before I leave. I am coming to Nairobi next week for a few days before I go to Italy. Can I let you know then?
Rafik looked shocked that she would ask for time to think about it. I guess he had never been told no in a long time. “That’s ok. I completely understand. Can I have your number so that I can call you next week?”
Zawadi gave him her number. Rafik saved it and then he typed something.
Zawadi heard her phone’s message notification. Looking at her phone she saw he had sent a message.
“I can’t wait to hang out with you mrembo.”
Rafik told her, “I brought you a gift. Is it ok if I get it from the car?”
She nodded. Rafik went to the car and came back with a wrapped big gift.
Before he went back to the car he asked, “Is it ok if I hug you?”
Rafik hugged Zawadi in a big bear hug. ‘OMG Rafik smells so good’, thought Zawadi as she was trying to process the emotions and reactions she was feeling.
Rafik let her go and kissed the top of her forehead.
“I can’t wait to see you again. Now that you have my number you can call me anytime. Or text me.” Rafik winked at her and walked away to the car. He got in and the cars drove off.
Zawadi was left contemplating whether she was dreaming, or this had actually happened. She waited until the cars were quite some distance away and then she started dancing to some invisible music. She was filled with joy. Yes, she did not need Prince Charming to save her, but Prince Charming was really cute. She would love to find out what dinner with him would be like. She wasn’t quite sure whether she should say yes. But her mind was bursting with ideas of what dress she could design for her dinner if she decided that she would go.
She would not let a man change her plans. She wouldn’t let love ruin her plans like her father had ruined her mother’s plans.
Although she had the biggest crush on Rafik and yes, she had felt that spark she would not let it get to her head. She would meet Rafik. It would just be as friends. She had her dreams to pursue and no man including the most handsome musician she had ever met would make her give up her dreams.
Zawadi opened the gift box inside the house. Inside were signed albums from Rafik, some very expensive-looking chocolates and perfume. There was also a jewellery box. Inside was a beautiful bronze necklace with beautiful tiny crystal beads made into the shape of a shoe. There was a card with it that said, “For the beautiful Cinderella who stole my heart!”. The beautiful red headwrap she had dropped the night of the party was also inside the box. She noticed the crystal beads of the necklace matched with the embroidery and beads on the headwrap.
Excitedly she called her friends to tell them what had happened, and they did a three-way call. They were giggling on the phone asking her for details about the surprise visit and how she felt.
Later on, when Zawadi was in bed she was thinking out loud.
“I couldn’t believe all these things that have happened. Maybe it was time for things to turn around. I think Grandmother is watching out for me up in heaven. Maybe I can have it all, a career and a boyfriend. But what am I thinking? Who said Rafik wants to date me? I need to stop thinking ahead of myself.” But as she said that she blushed. “Maybe it could be something more! After all, he did come all this way to see me!”
Love And Goodbyes
5 years later
Zawadi was sipping some champagne in her first-class seat. She stretched out; she was so fatigued. She thought about the last few days and how she had spent the time packing up everything she owned in Italy to send it to Kenya. She had some great memories from her years in Italy, but she was glad that she was coming back home for good.
So many things happened in the last few years. Her modelling career had taken off and she had become a supermodel making millions not just from modelling clothes, shoes and bags but also from partnering with cosmetic companies to launch makeup and beauty products.
The most important accomplishment was finishing her internship in a record 2 years and by the end of the second year getting her boss to sponsor her fashion show. It had sold out not just because she was one of the most sought-after supermodels but also because she could really make designs that popped. In the last three years, she had spent building her portfolio but even as she made all this money, she had something she missed in Kenya. There was something about Kenya that called to her that even in the middle of the night when she was sleeping, she could hear it whispering come home.
Although she had been home a couple of times since she had left, it hadn’t been for long just a quick 2-5day visit and she was out. She was finally ready to come home and she had many reasons to do so. She reached into her bag, a beautiful red leather bag custom-made with expensive leather, one of her own designer bags. She took out a pen and a diary to write down some of her thoughts. She had discovered that she liked working with leather and she had designed a range of leather goods.
It was exciting to be back in Kenya and in a week’s time, she had a huge fashion event she was putting together. Her assistant had already arrived in Kenya and for the past 2 weeks, she had been coordinating everything. There was so much to do and that wasn’t the only exciting thing happening. In 4 weeks, she was getting married.
Five years ago, after Rafik had come to see her in her upcountry home, she had come back to Nairobi as she was getting ready to leave for Italy. She met with Rafik and they had a good dinner. The conversation was good, and she felt like there was a spark.
Zawadi had promised herself no distractions. She needed to focus on her career. So, she told Rafik that she was not ready to date anybody at least until she finished her internship. Rafik had to respect her decision. He did ask if he could hang out with her as a friend if he came to Italy or if they were in the same place at the same time. She agreed.
Zawadi was very focused on her career for the first two years, making sure she got the best out of the internship. When the two years were over, she started dating. But not seriously. She saw Rafik a few times, but she was also courted by Princes, millionaires, and celebrities. She did not want to make the same mistake her mother had made, falling for one man who would break her heart. After one year of non-serious dating, she realized that she was just fooling herself and that she really liked Rafik.
Rafik was happy of course and they dated exclusively for a year. On their one-year anniversary, Rafik proposed to her in Lamu, where they had gone on a romantic holiday together. Zawadi said yes and they had been planning their wedding for the last year. Zawadi was ready to come to settle in Kenya although she would still be flying out for her modelling assignments and to check on her high-end leather shop in Italy.
She was excited to be coming home and to also be able to settle down. Flying all over the place for shoots had been exciting in the beginning but she missed her simple life. At 27 she had had the kind of life girls only dreamed about and she was grateful. Now she wanted to put down some roots in one place.
Zawadi had a lot to think about including her honeymoon. Rafik had planned a one-month honeymoon, where they would get to experience the best of what Kenya had to offer. They would start off their honeymoon in Lamu for 2 weeks, they wanted to take part in the Lamu Cultural Festival and then they would head down to Amboseli and the Maasai Mara for the other two weeks.
Zawadi was jolting down notes of the things she needed to do immediately after she got off the plane. She needed to grab a quick shower and then go to check on the space where her big event was going to be. She was excited to be going to the house Rafik had designed with her in mind. He had bought land in Karen and built her a house that she loved. Rafik was always so thoughtful and he knew she missed the simple life she had left behind so he had built her a beautiful, comfortable house with a lot of outdoor space including a fireplace outside where they could sit and just talk around the fire.
As the flight attendant made the announcement that they were going to land in 30 minutes Zawadi looked out the window and smiled. She was thinking how 5 years ago she had left the country with some people laughing at her and now she was coming back a celebrity with businesses worth millions.
She finished sketching a flower headpiece made with leather and Maasai beads. It was going to be her signature piece for her collection, but it was also going to be integrated with her veil to create something stunning for her wedding.
She took her phone and texted Rafik, “We are about to land. I can’t wait to see you”.
She hadn’t seen Rafik for two weeks. He had come to Italy to help her sort out some things, but he had to come back to Kenya to oversee her show for her. He was supportive of her career and business. He would also be performing some songs during the show and launching a new album of love songs that he had dedicated to her.
When they landed, she got her luggage and started looking for the car transport she had arranged to pick her up. The car she was waiting for wasn’t there, but she saw a familiar face waiting for her. It was Derek, Rafik’s driver who drove her when she was around in Nairobi. She smiled and walked over to him.
“I thought you were driving Rafik today? I know he has a lot of meetings. I didn’t expect to see you here!”
Derek smiled and said “You know how Rafik is. You are always his priority.”
Derek took her bag and led her to the car. It was a beautiful red limo, with tinted windows. He opened the door for her. As she got in, she realized that there was somebody in the car. The smell of his cologne instantly told her who it was. Rafik.
She broke out into a smile.
“Baby, you didn’t have to come and pick me up. I had arranged everything, and I know you had a meeting this morning!”
Rafik laughed and said, “What kind of a boyfriend… correction husband to be would I be if I let my beautiful bride come home and I didn’t come to pick her up?”
She sat down next to him and they shared a deep kiss and then he held her for a few minutes.
“Derek, drop me at my meeting and then take Zawadi home.”
As Zawadi sat there with Rafik’s arm over her shoulder, she sighed with pleasure. Around the limo were her favourite flowers and there was a bucket with her favourite fruit drinks chilling. Rafik always made an effort to make sure she was comfortable.
Zawadi was happy. She was home and in the arms of her favourite person. Sexy Cinderella’s story had just begun, and she couldn’t wait for what would come next. She did not know what the future would bring but she knew that with Rafik by her side, they would be able to get through anything together.
The End.
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