Primarily, women get on birth control to prevent pregnancies or manage the sequence of their pregnancies. Ranging from hormonal to non-hormonal, women have over eight options to choose from. However, the needs of women have further evolved from only preventing pregnancies, and some birth control options have proven to meet their needs.
To begin with, women should seek gynaecological advice before getting birth control because not every option works well with everyone’s body—side effects of delayed infertility, constant spotting, acne and gaining or losing weight crop up. However, women have realized that some birth control options, unique to their bodies, can help them achieve other things among them; clear skin.
Research done by different health institutions linked in the article, affirm that most of these outcomes are possible medically and scientifically. For further reading and research about birth control and other gains besides, pregnancy prevention, utilize the links shared throughout the article for reliable information. Now let us dive in!
Women milled on Jessica’s Twitter handle to share some brands of birth control that help with their mental health, clear skin and ones that don’t lower their libido. Their experiences further explained how different women put birth control to use and work for their advantage. Some of the reasons women use different types of birth control include;

1. Regulation of menstrual cycles
Birth control can help regulate irregular or heavy menstrual cycles. Jessica, for example, was looking for a birth control option that stopped her periods. While she didn’t share the reasons for wanting to stop her period, it’s important to consult with a medical expert before reaching such a decision. Most women deal with heavy and painful flows that could be a symptom of illnesses related to menstruation.
According to the Mayo Clinic, birth control pills can help lighten periods in women with PCOS or even the number of periods that you experience in a year and correct irregular periods.
Therefore, women prefer birth control options that help manage conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and uterine fibroids ridding women of menstrual irregularities and discomfort.
2. Reduction of menstrual pain
Menstrual cramps are a common occurrence for most women, which can be both uncomfortable and painful. Some birth control options can help alleviate this pain, enabling women to go about work with ease. According to planned Parenthood, combined hormonal contraceptives can regulate irregular cycles and reduce menstrual bleeding.
Cramping can be particularly uncomfortable for persons who work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. jobs and have to deal with mood swings and pain while at work.
3. Managing Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal birth control pills are created using hormones, which can help balance the mood swings that most women experience while on periods. Hormonal imbalance in women could result in feelings of sadness, anxiety or depression, hence why women prefer options that help nurture their mental health.
Mental health is increasingly becoming a cause for concern among people and women appreciate innovations that help them deal with such concerns at a personal level.
10 Natural Ways To Balance Your Hormones
4. Treating Acne
Who doesn’t love glowy, clear, healthy skin? For some women, it’s quite beneficial to get on birth control which does just more than prevent pregnancies.
Some hormonal birth control options can be effective in improving acne by regulating oil production and hormone levels. According to research, Combined Oral Contraceptives regulate hormone levels, primarily reducing androgen activity, which contributes to acne development. They suppress sebum production and reduce inflammation, leading to clearer skin.
5. Preventing Ovarian Cysts
Women are vulnerable to most reproductive health complications whose treatment can be quite expensive. To avoid the probability of such occurrences, some women consider options that reduce the risk of developing ovarian cysts and the cost of medical services that might come with it.
According to pandia health certain types of birth control, specifically combined oral contraceptives (COCs), may reduce the risk of developing ovarian cysts.
To most, it serves as a vital step in securing their health and reducing the risk of developing illnesses in future that would dry up their bank accounts.
Cysts: Types, Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment
6. Managing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Birth control can help alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMD), which include mood swings, irritability, and physical discomfort.
Alleviating these syndromes are important for women in their day-to-day life because it saves them from negative talk like “she’s angry because it’s that time of the month” and other subjective statements they are told.
Some options help with keeping at bay Pelvic Inflammatory diseases that could cause infertility.
7. Protection Against Some Gynaecological Cancers
Gynaecologists recommend birth control options that could help alleviate future health complications like ovarian cancers. According to one’s medical history, doctors advise on the best option that ensures a healthy reproductive life.
The Cancer organization found that oral contraceptives reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by 30-50% compared to non-users. The longer the duration of use, the greater the protection.
8. Control Over Menstruation
Sadly, it came to the attention of Kenyans that certain tea farms prohibit their female workers from accessing their areas of work while on their periods. Women desperate to fend for their children could have been relying on certain birth control options to ensure they were allowed to work.
Therefore, some forms of birth control, like hormonal IUDs or birth control pills, can allow women to control when and how often they have periods. This is especially helpful for those with medical conditions or lifestyles that are affected by menstruation; in this case, the tea farm workers.
According to Mayo Clinic combined hormonal contraceptives can regulate irregular cycles and reduce menstrual bleeding. Research suggests that continuous dosing of birth control pills can even stop periods altogether.
Birth control comes in different forms and its efficiency varies from one person to the next, however, it is important to opt for an option that serves you beyond pregnancy prevention and put the product to maximum use for your advantage. What are some of the changes you have experienced since getting on birth control that work to your advantage?
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