If you want to be a good lover, you may need to work on your endurance and stamina to make sure you don’t lose your breath the wrong way. Having a weak core can make sex feel like an uphill battle. Getting fitter can make sex last longer and give you more sex position options. Studies show that regular exercise improves sex life. While exercise is generally beneficial, there are specific exercises you can add to your routine to make sex better.
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1. Cardio
This involves exercises that get your heart pumping and your lungs going. Having regular activity which can be moderate or high-intensity every week improves cardiovascular health. This in turn improves endurance for physical activities, including sex. Research also shows that increased aerobic training can also reduce erectile dysfunction among men. Wellness: How Exercise Affects Fertility
If you don’t exercise regularly, you can start by walking and then working up to a jog. Running doesn’t have to be your end goal. Healthy living should be something you enjoy. Dancing, swimming, and hiking are great ways to get your heart pumping.
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2. Core training
The core is a category of muscles in the midsection. These are the abs, obliques, and lower back muscles. Training your core can be intense. It includes exercises like crunches, planks, and push-ups. These exercises help you maintain balance, such as holding your arms up for the top position. They also make it easier to gyrate your hips without tiring out quickly.
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3. Balance exercises
These are exercises that ensure stability. They strengthen your core, shoulders, arms, and legs. Exercises you can do to work your balance include mountain climbing, Pilates, yoga, callisthenics, and stretches. You can also switch up normal strength training exercises. For example, when doing push-ups, in the up position bring forward one knee towards your chest and hold for up to 10 counts. Repeat with the opposite leg. Doing lunges also helps with balance and endurance.
4. Pelvic floor exercises
These strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in adults. Kegel exercises improve urinary and colon function. You can tell where your pelvic floor muscles are by stopping your urine midstream. You can tighten these muscles by holding them still for a few seconds and then releasing them. Do at least three sets of 10 repetitions each day. Remember to avoid doing Kegel exercises when passing pee. Pelvic Floor Muscles: Key Things To Know
Why Routine Kegel Exercises Are A Must For All Women
The pelvic thrust also helps if you want to master the top positions. It works your glutes, and hamstrings while also improving strength. To do this, lean on your upper back with the back of your head on the floor. Raise your lower back and glutes until the torso lines with the hips in a straight line. Keep your arms on the floor while you raise and lower your pelvis. When you’ve had more practice, you can add a weighted belt to your pelvis when doing thrusts. How Kegel Exercises Can Improve Your Sex Life And Orgasms
Benefits Of Kegel Exercises For Men And Women
5. Stretching
Specific stretching exercises can help you avoid cramps during sex. The frog pose helps you open your hip, groin, and pelvic muscles. To do the frog pose, kneel on a flat surface. Keep your knees behind you. Push your toes out to the sides. Lean forward and rest on your forearms with your elbows beneath your shoulders. You can also lean further forward and lean your forehead on the floor until your hips, or groin respond.
You can also perform the hinge. Kneel then lean back with your knees and thighs at a 45° angle. Hold the position for a few seconds then move back to the upright position. Repeat at least five times before switching to a different exercise. This helps improve your staying power.
6. Yoga
Studies show that yoga can help improve sex life. This is because yoga reduces stress and trains you to listen to your mind and relax your body. Practising yoga daily can also improve physical health by boosting flexibility, mobility, and endurance.
The best yoga poses to improve your sex life include the cat and cow poses. They help loosen the spine. To start, drop on all fours with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Balance your weight and keep your spine straight. Inhale then curve your stomach to the floor while bringing your chest up. Exhale then tuck your chin into your chest and curve your spine outwards.
The happy baby pose is also another great pose to improve your sex life. Lie on your back and lift your legs with your heels facing the roof and your knees at your stomach. Stretch your pelvis and hold your toes with your hands and spread the knees as far as possible.
One more position you can try to stretch your pelvis is the one-legged pigeon. This loosens your hips to reduce any discomfort during sex. Positions like missionary can become uncomfortable after a long time if you have any tightness in the hips. Start by lying on the floor on your stomach. Raise your torso like a push-up pose then bring one leg up at a 90° angle under your shoulder. Stretch the other leg behind you straight with your toes pointing forward out entirely. Lean forward and let your weight stretch the muscles in your hips. Switch to the other leg after about a minute. Health And Fitness: 10 Reasons Why You Should Practice Yoga
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