At the end of a tiring day, one needs a peaceful and restful night in order to wake up refreshed and ready to face the next day. Sometimes, a good night’s sleep comes easily while other times, it becomes a bit difficult to fall asleep easily and get enough rest through the night.
Waking up unrefreshed and sometimes feeling tired has something to do with a lack of quality sleep. Though one may sleep for the eight recommended hours, it may not yield the rest that one needs to face the next day because it may not have been quality sleep.
Due to this, people have looked for drinks that promote quality sleep. In the same way, that there are routines before going to bed to enhance one’s sleep, there are also drinks that if one takes before bed, their night is sure to be better than usual.
These are drinks that we have taken from time to time but would be more effective for our sleep quality if taken a few hours before bed from day to day.
1. Warm milk
I bet you did not see this coming. Of all the things that one can take before bed to aid in sleep quality, warm milk tops the list. People have relied on warm milk for ages to get quality sleep and today it can also be one’s go-to drink before bed for a good night’s sleep.
A cup or mug of warm milk has the amino acid tryptophan which is associated with the sleep regulation process in the brain.
2. Green tea
Apart from its other health benefits, green tea comes in handy in facilitating good sleep at night. Green tea has good levels of the amino acid theanine which has been scientifically proven to reduce stress. One reason one may not be able to sleep well at night is because of stress.
However, for one to be able to get the sleep benefits of green tea, one would need to ensure that the green tea has been decaffeinated.
11 Health Benefits Of Green Tea
3. Banana smoothies
One fruit-based drink that is sure to contribute positively to your sleep quality and pattern is a banana smoothie. A few minutes before going to bed, one can make a banana smoothie mixed with milk and take a glass of the smoothie.
Bananas contain a good amount of magnesium and potassium components that are vital for muscle relaxation. A relaxed body is sure to facilitate good sleep. Apart from the relaxation one gets from this smoothie, one will also have reduced midnight cravings.
Bananas Are Good For Your Health – Here Is Why You Need To Eat More Of This Delicious Fruit

4. Peppermint tea
Another reason for low-quality sleep could be gastrointestinal discomfort that is common to some people in the evening. Here, a drink that will take away this distress may be the one thing that one may need to get a good sleep.
This is where peppermint tea comes in since it soothes this discomfort. The good thing is that peppermint tea is easy to prepare. Boiling a cup or two of water and adding peppermint leaves results in the tea you need for good sleep.
9 Health Benefits Of Mint That You May Not Know About
5. Almond milk
Apart from cow milk, one can opt for almond milk. Almond milk, which is made from almonds, has high components of sleep-beneficial hormones. The tryptophan, melatonin, and magnesium components found in almonds are the components that promote restful sleep so this could be an option for you.
Health And Nutritional Benefits Of Almonds
6. Ashwagandha tea
Another beverage that comes in handy when one wants to get a good night’s sleep is ashwagandha tea. This is a beverage that Indians have used for years to relieve stress anxiety and arthritis. Ashwagandha tea has a reputation for inducing sleep.
10 Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha
These beverages are just a part of what one can do to get a good night’s sleep. Otherwise, good sleep depends on other things such as a healthy lifestyle.
The best time to have these drinks for a restful night is one to two hours before going to sleep. Otherwise, if one takes them just before bed one may not be able to get a restful night. This is due to the urge to urinate which may in turn interrupt your sleep.
Here are more articles you may want to check on
Health: The Pros And Cons Of Taking Sleeping Pills
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Better Sleep: Foods To Eat And Foods To Avoid
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