Most of us will experience surgery at least once in our lives, whether it’s a quick and small one or major surgery. In this article, we’re going to discuss six positive steps to regaining your life back after major surgery.
Major surgery can be necessary for many reasons, from an underlying medical condition to suffering from medical negligence.
In many cases, surgery can cost a fair bit of money, and any means of recovery, including rehabilitation, can also be an expense. Not to mention if you end up missing work due to your recovery, you’ll lose further cash too.
Because of this, if you have experienced an accident that was no fault of your own which resulted in major surgery, consider speaking to a medical negligence specialist. They can help you make a claim which can go towards your rehabilitation and regaining your life back. To find out about the six positive steps to regaining your life back after major surgery, keep reading…
What Counts as Major Surgery?
There are many different types of surgery, from those more minuscule to others more complex, resulting in a longer recovery period. A surgery only counts as major if it involves anaesthesia or respiratory assistance.
Some examples of major surgery include:
- Cesarean section
- Organ replacement
- Joint replacement
- Full hysterectomy
- Heart surgeries
- Bariatric surgeries
How Can You Regain Your Life Back After Surgery?
1. Follow Your Recovery Instructions
When you have had a major surgery, it’s crucial to follow the recommendations and instructions from your surgeon and nurses. It’s very likely that, before you leave the hospital following your surgery, your healthcare provider will carefully explain the care routine. Not taking proper care of your wound can lead to further problems, including infection, and potentially make your injuries long-lasting.
2. Go to all Follow-up Appointments
Most major surgeries have many follow-up appointments set after them to ensure everything is looking okay and to ensure the surgery was a success.
Even if you do feel fine and are certain that the surgery went well and everything has been done correctly, it is still worth going. There could be something which isn’t clear to the naked eye that your healthcare provider will be able to see this way.
3. Talk to Friends and Family
Whether you have suffered from an accident that wasn’t your fault or you have a medical condition or something else, undergoing a major surgery can take a toll on your life. It can impact your ability to work, potentially causing you financial difficulty, as well as affecting your mental and physical health.
While it’s understandable that you may feel as if your family and friends can’t understand what you are going through, keeping your feelings bundled up can make things worse, especially for your mental health.
Your friends and family are your support system, and they want to be there to help you feel better, as well as help you out with other aspects of life, such as running errands, making your food, cleaning and tidying your home, etc.
4. Making Plans and Keeping Busy
Having plans which you can look forward to and keeping busy can help keep your mind occupied and feeling positive. This can obviously be more challenging if your injuries limit your ability to walk, but even if you’re able to leave the house in a wheelchair, don’t hesitate.
5. Keep Track of Your Recovery
Keeping track of your recovery can help in many ways. First, for you to see how far you’ve come, and secondly, so you can inform your health care provider.
6. Make Sure to Eat and Drink Properly
It is quite common for those who undergo major surgery to lose their appetite. But, the best way for your body to recover following surgery and reduce the potential of side effects and complications occurring is by regularly eating healthy food and drinking an adequate amount of water.
Meal planning can be a great way to ensure all your meals are cooked and ready for you to have so you needn’t have to worry each meal time.
See Health Plus for more information on the foods you should consume following surgery.
Taking Care of Yourself Is Important
Experiencing a major surgery is a big deal, and taking care of both your physical and mental health following it is extremely important. What we can conclude is that there are many ways you can look after yourself to help you regain some normality back to your life and most importantly make sure that you celebrate all your recovery successes, even the smallest ones.
Experienced a major surgery? Let us know in the comment box how you regained your life following it.
Please be advised that this article is for general informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a trained medical professional. Be sure to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you’re seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. We are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.