Imagine one evening, you are off from work and you just want to unwind before you get into the crazy Nairobi traffic. So you sit at the far end corner of the bar alone sipping a cocktail then a guy approaches you.
“ Hi, I’m Michael,” he says in a deep voice.
“Hi, I am Michelle,” she responds (of course it’s not her real name she’s just been corny).
“Do you mind if I join you? I can see your all alone and I love having conversations with strangers just to expand my knowledge and human understanding,” he says.
“Sure why not,” she responds.
Michelle and Michael hit it off well. The conversations lasted longer and she felt some kind of way, a feeling she never had before. They would laugh, make jokes and try to read other people’s minds while pretending to mind their business.
“I think I should leave right now since I have work tomorrow morning,” she said.
“How about we do this, you can have my number, and anytime you are free you can call me. We can have a drink or coffee, maybe even dinner preferably because talking to you is fun and I enjoyed every bit of it,” he said.
Michelle agrees and takes his number and really wonders why he did not take her number at all. She did have a nice time though enough to make her forget her work troubles. All along, in the traffic jam back home and she could not stop smiling and replaying their conversations.
Came Friday afternoon and she decided to send him a message asking if he was free for a drink or dinner. Of course, he said yes and he chose a place where he was sure she would remain till the late hours or Saturday morning.
“I love your taste,” she said that evening when they met.
The place looked classy with lovely decorations and she just felt happy. During the night she got to know that Michael was from the South Nyanza region. He was a medical doctor by profession, single and new in the city thus, he did not have many friends. He was God-fearing well according to him, he didn’t drink much and he was very ambitious in life.
It was like her dream man had been sent to her from heaven. Little did she know, he was set to give her some character development. Michelle fell for everything he told her. The look on his face just made her go crazy and fall head over heels for him. One dinner date led to another which led to a game drive, that led to surprise flowers at her workstation, which led to many more candle-lit dinners at her place and his. In no time they became a couple.
Things went well for over a year and they felt like they were postponing the future so they decided to move in together. They went house hunting since they wanted a place they had chosen together not just by one person and thus moved into an apartment near Uhuru Gardens on Langata Road which was near her workplace and had less traffic relatively compared to her previous apartments along Ngong Road.
Michael was a good caring guy. He was always there for her, he noticed and acknowledged her, protected her, and loved her right. She felt the love she had never experienced before. Everything seemed great, she was included in his future plans and she was sure before long should be married to him.
“I want to meet your parents they should get to know me and my intentions for you as their daughter,” he said casually out of nowhere.
She was shocked but at the same time sheepishly smiling and she thought that there was no harm since clearly, they were a ‘match made in heaven ‘ or so she thought. On October 25th, 2018 she and Michael went to her village home in Kirinyaga and were welcomed and blessed.
During her introduction, when Michael spoke she felt like the entire world had changed, she felt pride, she felt loved, and everything was going to plan until her mum spoke to her.
“My daughter please be careful. Our sons from the lakeside have so much love to give and share, but if you are happy I bless your union.
Those words were in her mind throughout the journey back to their house but she let it slide since mums are always careful when it comes to their daughters. She was the happiest soul and she even posted online on social media praising her ‘pillar ’ as she used to call him. A man of Nyathi ( a man of class). The social media posts spread like fire and many people congratulated them both for making such a huge step seeing as they were in their early 30s.
Two weeks after the introduction on Saturday morning she heard a knock on the door. Normally being a weekend people usually came around asking for laundry work or basically just cleaning the house so she assumed that it was the same but this time it was more persistent and she had to leave the bedroom and answer the door.
As she opened the door she saw a lady with three children lady. She seemed familiar to her. Michael said it was his mother and cousins when she found a picture of them in the house of while back.
“Karibu mum,” she said.
(Welcome mum)
“Wewe ndio umeniibia bwanangu! Watoto wanalala njaa na wewe uko na baba you!”, the lady
shouted, creating a commotion.
(You are the one who stole my husband. My kids sleep hungry while you are here with their father!)
“Michael!” Michelle shouted.
Michael came from the bedroom and did not even look surprised.
“It is good you have met. This is my first wife and my kids and this is your co-wife, my second wife,” he said casually introducing them to each other.
Those words cut through Michelle’s heart so deeply. Her mother’s words kept lingering in her mind at that very moment. She had never signed up to be a second wife. After a lot of tantrums, she packed her bags and left to start her life. Her heart was broken beyond repair. She was now stuck in a loop thinking about whether she wanted to be a second wife or moving on.
Well, if you were her what would you do?
Need more great stories? Read the following;
Her Husband’s Death Revealed Another Side Of Him
A Love Circus – Confronting Promiscuity Reveals Weighty Secrets
He Proposed That I Should Become His Mistress – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Full Circle Part 1: The Mistress Becomes The Wife
She Got Another Shot At Love After A Messy Breakup And A Child
He Invited Me To His Country Only For Me To Find Out He Has A Wife And Kids
We Had Started Our Traditional Marriage Process When His Betrayal Ruined Everything