Regular periods are a good indicator of your body’s health. Normally, your body shuts down “unnecessary” functions like menstrual cycle when you’re experiencing ill health. This is why most women start to panic when they have irregular periods. If you suspect that your irregular periods are because of a medical condition, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. However, there are some causes that don’t need medical attention such as rapid weight gain or nutritional deficiency. In such cases, you can try some remedies to regulate your periods. Here are some.
Practice Yoga
Yoga has been found to improve body function and effectively treat a number of menstrual issues including irregular periods. Participating in 30 minutes of yoga regularly could lower hormone levels that cause irregular cycles. Additionally, yoga is a good stress reliever thus promoting regular periods. There are some poses that are recommended for irregular periods such as the downward-facing dog pose since they improve the function of your reproductive organs. 10 Reasons Why You Should Practice Yoga
Exercise Regularly
Excess weight gain leads to hormonal imbalance which can stop ovulation. If you were normal weight then gain weight rapidly, you may notice a change in your cycle. Similarly, if you lose weight rapidly, your period may become irregular. Hormonal imbalance can often be corrected by losing or gaining weight. Exercising frequently can help maintain a healthy weight and regulate your cycle. Exercises such as squats, crunches, and jump rope, that work your pelvic muscles are especially good for triggering a menstrual cycle.
What Type Of Exercises Are Right For You?
Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Daily
Apple cider vinegar has become a must-have in every household thanks to its many, diverse benefits that range from beauty to reproductive health. Drinking a glass (15ml) of apple cider vinegar can help restore ovulatory menstruation in women with PCOS. It also reduces heavy bleeding and relieves period cramps. You can either drink it raw or add water and a teaspoon of honey to give it some flavour if you find it too bitter. 15 Proven Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
Eat Enough Vitamins
Vitamins such as Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D play a vital role in our reproductive health. Vitamin D is effective in treating irregular cycles in people with PCOS while Vitamin C can reduce your progestogen levels which in turn breaks your uterine lining causing a period cycle. Vitamin B is effective in reducing premenstrual symptoms. Therefore, it’s important to eat the recommended amount of vitamins to support your reproductive health if you’re experiencing irregular cycles.
Health: Vitamin B – Benefits And Sources
Drink Cinnamon Tea
If you’re looking to jumpstart your period, drinking hot cinnamon tea is a great way to do so. Cinnamon has a variety of benefits on women’s reproductive system that makes it an important part of our diet. In ancient times, it was used to treat a variety of fertility conditions including excessive bleeding and miscarriage caused by miscarriage. Apart from reducing excessive bleeding, it can also help trigger a cycle thanks to its blood-thinning properties. 7 Benefits Of Cinnamon
Have An Orgasm
An orgasm a day keeps the stress away. Stress is a common cause of irregular periods. Therefore, when you eliminate stress in your life, you may be able to get a regular cycle. Having an orgasm is a simple way to relieve stress. While having an orgasm, your body releases chemicals like oxytocin and dopamine that alleviates stress and improves your mood. Additionally, your uterine muscles contract and expand during an orgasm which can help speed up the process of starting your period. Low Sex Drive In Women – Causes, Symptoms, And Remedies
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