You are probably wondering if a new formula for changing diapers has come up because you have been doing it, and in your mind, you know you do it correctly. Maybe you have been doing it the way it’s supposed to, or maybe not.
Changing the baby’s diaper seems simple, but when one looks at the details, one may realize that one needs to pay more attention to the process.
The common way
The typical way of changing diapers involves holding the baby by the legs and slightly lifting them. The lifting creates space beneath the babies that facilitate the diaper-changing process. However, this has a link to straining the baby.
When the baby is lying on its back, and one lifts them while holding the legs, the hips and the spine experience a strain that may make the baby uncomfortable. They may not cry in the process, but they will experience pressure.
Ways to Change the Diaper without straining the baby
To avoid this straining, here are three recommended ways to use when changing the baby’s diaper. These three ways will ensure that your baby does not experience any strain or discomfort.
1. Ankle Hold Technique
Here, you lift the baby as they lay on their backs strategically so that the hip and back areas do not experience any strain.
You will need to hold the baby’s legs at the ankles. This is the only difference this method has from the other standard.
Folding the legs eliminates the strain that could have gone to the hips. The rest of the process becomes seamless because the baby will be comfortable.
2. Lift the baby one side at a time
One can also lift the baby one side at a time. In this method of a diaper change, one needs to hold onto one thigh of the baby and gently lift the baby from this side to clean their bum. Then repeat this process on the other leg and carry out the wiping.
As always, one needs to carry out the process gently so that the back of the baby does not experience any strain.
3. Side-to-side roll
Another way to change your baby’s diaper to eliminate strain involves turning the baby from side to side while carrying out the whole process.
Here, you roll the baby to one side, a process that exposes the soiled diaper. Wipe the baby from this side and then turn the baby in the opposite direction and repeat the process.
Most of the time, the baby may not indicate any form of discomfort, but that does not mean that they do experience strain. This, therefore, means that when a better way to change the diaper comes up, a consideration may go a long way in enhancing the baby’s comfort in the whole process.
These are ways one may change your baby’s diaper without causing any strain to their body, and the key to the baby’s comfort in the whole process is gentleness.
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