Anna woke up in time to catch the beautiful sunrise. The morning held the promise of a beautiful day and complimented her mood perfectly.
“Happy anniversary babe!” Anna told Bob as she kissed him.
“Happy anniversary love,” Bob said as he tried to pretend that he hadn’t forgotten.
An email caught Bob’s attention.
“We’re pleased to inform you that you passed the interview.” That was what appeared on the pop-up. Bob immediately opened the email. He had gotten a job in a European country.
“Babe, are you listening to what I’m saying?” Anna asked.
“Sorry, I got a job with a European company!” He said ecstatically.
“Congratulations babe! What European company?”
“It has offices all over Europe but they want me to join the office in Italy,” said Bob.
“Italy? Don’t they have offices here?”
“No, I already told you their offices are in Europe.”
“How again did you get this job?” Anna asked.
“What kind of question is that? How do people get jobs? I applied.”
“So, you applied for a job in Europe and didn’t think of informing me? Are you taking it?”
“Anna, I got a job in Europe, what kind of question is that? It’s a no-brainer. I’m taking the job.”
“What about your family or have you forgotten you have a wife and a three-month-old son?”
Bob faced away. After a minute he finally spoke.
“You know there are better opportunities abroad than here. I have to try my luck out there. Maybe I can come back after a while and have you join me there.”
“Bob, I’m not guaranteed of my job after my maternity break and you’re telling me you’re leaving us to go to a foreign country?” Anna asked in tears.
“Babe you know I’ve always wanted to live abroad,” Bob responded.
“Are you going to take care of your son?” Anna asked.
“Yes, as soon as I’m settled.”
“When do you leave?”
“In a few weeks.”
“Bob, please don’t leave your family. Don’t leave us,” Anna pleaded.
“I’m sorry but I have to chase my dreams,” he said with finality.
It was supposed to be a day of celebration as they celebrated their first anniversary. Anna had not imagined things would turn out this way. She cried and decided to seek advice from her mother.
They reached out to Bob’s family who also begged him to reconsider his decision but to no avail. In a couple of weeks, Bob left for Italy and Anna moved back home with her son.
Fortunately, when she went back to work there was an opening for a better position with a higher salary. She applied and got the position. Her parents also helped her set up a small business to supplement her income. Within four months she had moved out of her parent’s home but got a house nearby because she still needed help with her son given the added responsibilities at work.
Bob also seemed to be doing well in Italy from his social media posts. He hadn’t contacted Anna yet and he never sent any money for his son’s upkeep.
Anna was disappointed but after the begging she had done before Bob left, she swore to move on and take care of her son. Her prayer was to never need his help in taking care of their son. The presence of a caring family helped her get on her feet.
Everything was going well until she got a message from an unknown number three months later.
“Hey Anna, it’s Bob. I know you probably hate me but I need to talk to you. I can stop by your business or workplace.”
The only Bob Anna knew was in Italy so she was confused. Just then, the number called and she picked up.
“Hey Anna, it’s me. Did you get my message?”
“Yes, it’s me,” he said.
“Why are you using a local number, aren’t you supposed to be in Italy?” Anna asked.
“It’s a long story. I need to talk to you in person, please.”
Anna agreed out of curiosity. Later that evening Bob passed by her business. He came holding a bunch of roses.
“Hi, I was afraid you wouldn’t agree to meet up with me,” said Bob.
“I’m also surprised I agreed to it,” Anna responded.
“I’ll get straight to the point. I was foolish to leave you and our son like that. I can’t apologise enough in this lifetime but I hope you give me the chance to make it up to you. I’m back now and I want to rebuild our family,” said Bob almost on his knees.
“Hmmh, our son, our family, now you know that you have a son and family to think about? Can you get up and stop kneeling? You’re causing a scene. Why are you even back?” Anna asked angrily.
Bob stammered a bit and finally told her that he had been fired after seven months in the company.
As Anna stood there processing this information, her mother came.
“What is he doing here? What are you doing here Bob?” Anna’s mother asked.
“Mum, I’m here to ask for forgiveness and fight for my family,” Bob responded.
“Please leave Bob,” Anna said before her mother could respond.
The look on both of their faces was enough for Bob to know he wasn’t going to accomplish much by staying and pleading.
“Okay, I’ll leave but I’ll fight for us, whatever it takes.”
As soon as Bob left Anna burst into tears. All the anger she had shelved to be able to build a life for herself and her son came forth like a gust of wind. He had left them without a second thought and now that she was doing better he wanted another chance. She hated that she had to consider what was best for her son even though every bit of her wanted to put Bob in his place.
When she finally finished crying she took the flowers and threw them in the dustbin. She then asked her mother to help her find a lawyer. She needed to know her legal options before engaging further with Bob.
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