Nowadays, breast pumping is not reserved for women who can’t produce enough milk at a go or have other medical complications. With the growing number of working mums and various lifestyle choices, many women are opting to pump milk to accommodate both the baby’s and parents’ needs. While it’s a convenient way to feed your baby, it can be frustrating when it’s not done the right way. Breast pumping is meant to be an enjoyable process and less demanding than breastfeeding. So, here are some tips to help you get the most out of your breast pumping sessions.
Have A Schedule
Having a schedule is one of the most effective ways of making breast pumping easier. While pumping is more flexible than breastfeeding in terms of time, sometimes you may not have the luxury of pumping anytime you want. Even when you do, having a schedule makes you exactly when you need to pump. Experts suggest that you should pump as often as your baby feeds which on average, is every 3 hours. Set a reminder on your phone to help you stick to the routine. You should also try to pump in the same place and do the same activities to trick your mind into producing milk.
Keep Something Of Your Baby Close
One of the biggest challenges women experiences while pumping is producing enough milk. This is usually because their motherly instinct to breastfeed the baby doesn’t kick in while pumping. If you experience this, having your baby’s belonging or something that reminds you of your baby like their favourite toy can trigger the production of milk. You can also take a video of your baby while breastfeeding and watch it while pumping. The sounds of your baby suckling will most likely trigger a letdown.
Invest In A High-Quality Breast Pump
Like any device, breast pumps are not made the same. Some are more efficient than others and pump faster than others. In most cases, the higher quality pumps extract milk faster making the experience more enjoyable while poor quality pumps extract milk slower which can cause you distress. Additionally, good quality pumps offer a variety of perks such as hand-free pumping, less noise, and portability. This makes it worth it to spend the extra money on a good quality pump since it will serve you and serve you well. Considerations When Buying A Breast Pump
Try Nipple Cream
Whether you’re pumping exclusively or supplementing, nipple cream is an essential accessory when it comes to breastfeeding and breast pumping. However, many women assume that you don’t need nipple cream when pumping. Just like breastfeeding, your nipples are bound to get sore, dry, and cracked while pumping which can make it a painful experience. Make sure that you go for brands that are safe for the baby to ingest. If not, you should always clean your nipple before pumping.
15 Home Remedies For Itchy Nipples
Massage Your Breast Before Pumping
Massaging the breast can induce more milk secretion. At times, you might not be producing a lot of milk because you’re tense or stressed. Massaging the breast area helps relax the muscles and in turn, releases milk. To massage effectively, start at the armpit and use the fingertips of your opposite hand to make small circles. Keep moving your hand while making the same motion. Finish with long strokes from the chest wall down to the areola. You can do this before pumping to increase milk production or if your milk flow slows down during a pumping session, a breast massage can d the trick. Clogged Milk Ducts – Symptoms, Prevention, And Treatment
Clean Your Pump Parts
Cleaning breast pumps is one of the tiring parts of pumping. However, it’s necessary to keep your pump clean at all times since it can contaminate your milk if not cleaned well. however, many mothers who pump can attest to how annoying it can be to clean the many different parts. To keep your sanity, try a cleaning hack that will work for you. Some mothers suggest putting the parts in a zip lock and then putting them in the fridge. This keeps them from getting contaminated and you can wash all the parts at the same time at the end of your pumping sessions.
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