There is now a midnight SGR Train to Mombasa. The SGR train will be an intercounty train. The SGR train will leave Nairobi at 9 pm and make its way to Athi River station at 9.19 PM where it will spend 3 minutes at the station before proceeding to Emali at 10.27 pm. 3 minutes later will leave for Kibwezi Station where it will arrive at 11.14 PM.
The SGR Train will leave the Kibwezi station at 11:18 PM and arrive at the Mtito Andei station at 11.50 PM. Thereafter the SGR train will leave the station at 11:50 PM. The SGR Train will then proceeded to Voi Station where it will arrive at 1.02 AM and stop for six minutes. It will then arrive at Miaseny at 1.41 AM where it will stop for 2 minutes.
From Miaseny the SGR train will then head to Mariakani which is the final SGR stop before Mombasa and it will stop there at 2.27 AM.
From Mariakani the SGR will make its final stop in Mombasa at 3 AM.
This means that the SGR train Madaraka Express will now have 3 trains on the Nairobi-Mombasa Route and 3 trains on the Mombasa-Nairobi Route. One train will be an express train and the other 2 will be intercounty trains.
According to Citizen, The Railways corporation has received an exemption for travellers disembarking from stations to go to other destinations during curfew hours. Passengers will be required to show their proof of ticketing. It is already standard for Air passengers whose flights fall during curfew hours to show their tickets in order to be exempted from the night curfew.
The night SGR Madaraka Express train is scheduled to operate on Monday and Tuesday for now. Steady demand will determine if the SGR night trains will become a permanent feature. Here is the information on the SGR train schedule during the day. Travel: How To Book The SGR Madaraka Express Train
Train | Destination | Departure (New) | Arrival (New) |
Morning SGR Express Train | Nairobi – Mombasa
Mombasa – Nairobi |
08:00 hrs
08:00 hrs |
13:15 hrs
13:05 hrs |
Afternoon SGR Express Train | Nairobi – Mombasa
Mombasa – Nairobi |
14:15 hrs
14:15 hrs |
19:30 hrs
19:20 hrs |
Inter-county train schedule | Nairobi – Mombasa
Mombasa – Nairobi |
08:00 hrs
08:00 hrs |
14:10 hrs |
Here is the information on the other Nairobi trains – Travel: Everything You Need To Know About The Nairobi Commuter Train Schedule 2020
Speaking of long trips and now that the SGR train does not have food service check out this article on the 8 Best Snacks To Pack For A Trip.