An upset stomach could be a result of indigestion, morning sickness, motion sickness or bacterial infection. If you suspect you have a bacterial infection, the best solution is to see a doctor. However, indigestion, morning and motion sickness are easily treatable using home remedies. Some common symptoms include nausea, bloating, heartburn and gas which cause discomfort and sometimes, physical pain. Not to mention, it can embarrass you at the worst moment by making noises in front of people. If you experience an upset stomach, here are some natural remedies to help.
1. Mint
For those who suffer from motion sickness, mint is a holy grail. It removes that bad taste in your mouth as well as gives you fresh breath which can be compromised by an upset stomach. Additionally, mint helps relieve pain and muscle spasms in the intestines. It is, therefore, highly recommended to drink some mint tea in case you have an upset stomach. For travellers who get motion sickness, always carry a pack of mint gum or sweets in your bag.
9 Health Benefits Of Mint That You May Not Know About
2. Yoghurt
The last thing you want when you have an upset stomach is dairy products. However, yoghurt contains good bacteria that ease digestive problems. Make sure that you go for low-fat yoghurt with no sugar as fat and sugar could worsen your dietary issues. You can sweeten it with berries which also add roughage that helps with digestion. Here are 6 Reasons Why You Should Increase Your Consumption Of Yoghurt
3. Pawpaw
Proteins are some of the hardest foods to digest which results in bloating, constipation and gas. Pawpaw contains papain enzyme which breaks down proteins so that they are easily digestible. Additionally, pawpaw seeds get rid of intestinal parasites which contribute to stomach upset. The next time you go grocery shopping, don’t forget to buy some pawpaws. 8 Health Benefits Of Papaya Fruit & Seeds
4. Turmeric
Apart from giving colour and flavour to food, turmeric has a number of medicinal values that have been approved by the World Health Organization (WHO). Among them are healing acid reflux and gas. It contains an ingredient called curcumin which reduces acidic levels in the gut thus preventing heartburn and the formation of excess gas. Spices: The Many Benefits Of Turmeric
5. Water
Sometimes, it’s as simple as drinking the recommended amount of water. Our digestive system needs fluid to ease the process of breaking down food. When there aren’t enough fluids in our diet, our digestive system struggles which leads to an upset stomach. Additionally, water helps reduce gas buildup in the stomach thus preventing bloating. Avoid drinking caffeine when you have an upset stomach instead increase your water intake. 7 Tricks For Keeping Yourself Hydrated Every Day
7 Benefits Of Drinking Sparkling Water
6. Lemon Tea
If you’re feeling bloated, fix a cup of hot water with lemon. The acidity helps digest any lingering food as well as break down gases in the stomach. Lemon tea can also help boost metabolism thus reducing belly fat that can cause an upset stomach. 7 Amazing Things That Will Happen If You Drink Lemon Water Every Day
7. Move Around
Try not to sit still for too long when you have an upset stomach as this only makes it worse. Moving around could boost digestion. It also prevents cramping which is a common culprit of an upset stomach. Try doing light yoga poses as they are good for stretching. Health And Fitness: 10 Reasons Why You Should Practice Yoga
8. Ginger
Ginger is known as the jack of all trades when it comes to herbs. It’s a flavouring ingredient in many recipes and a natural healer. It’s best known for its antiemetic effect which helps get rid of nausea and a runny stomach. It’s especially effective when you’re suffering from menstrual cramps or if you’re prone to motion sickness. Health: 5 Benefits Of Ginger
Here are tips on How To Prevent A Bloated Stomach
Health: Stomach Gurgling Or Growling – Causes And Management