Keventers, a milkshake company with roots in India, introduced its iconic milkshake brand into the Kenyan market a few months ago. Established in the 1920’s by Edward Keventer, it journeyed from Sweden to India and spread to the rest of the world in 2017. I was privileged to be invited for a tasting and left with more than just a sweet tooth.
The Product
Keventers has an array of unique milkshakes flavours including Almond Rose, Kit-Kat and Salted Caramel which I picked to review. They are made from the best quality milk and ingredients as per the company’s standards giving the milkshake a very distinct taste that sets them apart in the market.
The Salted Caramel milkshake is the perfect blend of sweet and savoury. This delightful drink appeals to multiple taste buds creating a mouth-watering experience with every sip. Not to mention how refreshing it was. Within no time, I had downed the drink and was yearning for another one.
It’s also quite satisfying due to the richness in its ingredients and is the perfect beverage for a sunny afternoon or after a light meal.
It has a beige colour and a semi-thick consistency which is easy to drink through a straw. Additionally, they offer add-ons such as hazelnuts, chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream which goes well with salted caramel and other flavours.
Other interesting flavours include bubblegum (which has an attractive pink colour), caramello popcorn, Banoffee (a delicious banana and coffee blend), exotic blueberry, chocolate peanut butter and Snicker superior. They also have warm shakes when you need that sugar fix on a cold day. These include balmy banana, chocolate comfort and saffron pistachio.
The Packaging
The packaging is just as beautiful as it tastes. All their milkshakes come in a glass, vintage-like milk bottles printed with their brand name and logo. The limited edition has Nairobi’s landscape printed on it as well. The glass packaging keeps the milkshake cooler and fresher for longer. It’s also reusable and customers can take them home as a token or be used as a home décor since it’s quite eye-catching.
The Cost
The regular sized bottle goes for Ksh 550 and the small sized bottle goes for Ksh 450 only. The add-ons cost Ksh 50 each. It’s impressive how they managed to price their products to fit both the high and middle-income customers.
Where To Find Them
The Keventers Store is located at the food court of The Village Market’s new wing. You can also find them on Facebook and Instagram to place an order. However, they have ample sitting space at their shop and I recommend you tag a milkshake lover along to make it a worthwhile experience.
Keventers offers the highest quality milkshakes with perfectly blended flavours that aren’t commonly available. Therefore, it’s a great place to have a memorable milkshake experience as well as excite your taste buds. I thoroughly enjoyed my salted caramel milkshake and will be trying more of their products.
Have you tried their products? Was there any product that stood out for you?
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