Hitting the gym is fun and motivating but it can also eat into your pocket. Gym memberships are outrageously expensive for most of us trying to survive on a tight budget. Honestly, what is the logic of charging Ksh 7,000 and more when all I want is be is fit? While you can’t put a price on good health, you don’t have to break the bank either. These are some cheap games to get a workout in.
Jump Rope
Before you say jumping rope is child’s play, it has more benefits than most sports. You’d have to run for eight minutes to burn off more calories than you’d burn while jumping rope. It’s one of the most comprehensive workouts you can do without costing an arm and a leg. It promotes stamina, agility, endurance, good health and confidence. Skipping ropes are available at most supermarkets and cost about Ksh 300.
The best way to lose weight and keep fit is to have fun while doing it. Dancing is another inexpensive way. It’s as simple as switching on the TV or playing music on your phone and dancing till you’re sweaty and out of breath. It will cost you zero shillings. There are also dance classes available at nearly half the cost of a gym membership. Not only do you stay fit but you improve your dancing skills too. You can also download some Zumba videos –Shake what your mama gave you – dance to Zumba!
Reasons Why You Should Dance More
Obstacle Course
An obstacle course can be constructed from anything lying around in the house. It’s a fun way to run around and get some steps in especially if you work an office job and stay seated most of the day. This fun activity is also a great way to keep your kids entertained in the house and burn off some of the extra energy. You can use stools, mops, and buckets and place rewards at certain stops to keep them motivated.
If you’re trying to tone your mid-section, swimming is the best way to do so without breaking a sweat, literally. You might even get a six-pack like Teyana Taylor’s. Swimming is also a more effective way to work out, in general, because of the resistance between the body and water. Swimming rates at most mid-range hotels and facilities are between Ksh. 300 to Ksh. 500. Health And Fitness: Physical And Mental Benefits Of Swimming

Unlike popular belief, yoga isn’t necessarily for bored trophy wives who drink champagne like it is water. Yoga is actually quite cheap if you have access to the internet. There are a number of great YouTube channels that give free yoga instructions. 10 Reasons Why You Should Practice Yoga
Yoga For The Complete Beginner – 20 Minute Home Yoga Workout
Most public schools have these facilities that are open to the public. I’m lucky enough to live close to a public university so I enjoy 5-star facilities at no cost at all. However, there are various sports arenas that might charge an entrance fee of Ksh 50 like YMCA, Kasarani Stadium, Nyayo Stadium and others. All you have to do is invest in tennis balls and racket which cost Ksh 5,000 in total at Jumia.
Need an extra push? Here are 5 Reasons Why You Need To Have A Daily Workout Routine
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