One of the greatest favours you can do for yourself every once in a while is go on a road trip. It is thought to be therapeutic. Depending on your budget and time constraints you can take a road trip for a couple of hours, days or even months. Any amount of time is great just as long as you are out on the road having left life’s cares behind even if it is just for a little while. Since roads trip about exploration, having fun and being in the moment, you need to make sure you make the most out of them. So what great things can you do to make your road trip that much more memorable?
Food Passport
This is supposed to work like a normal passport. The more places you visit, the more stamps your passport has. For a food passport, take a small notebook and note down all the places you would like to eat that are along your way. You can even do prior research and see what areas people recommend most. Once you write those places down, you can stamp each as you visit them. Over time, that little book will be filled with a bunch of stamps of all the places you have indulged your taste buds. Ensure you try out food out of your comfort zone. This is a great idea, especially for foodies. It allows you to test out various delicacies that are not in your home area.
Play Games
There a lot of games you can play while on the road. Most would exclude the driver for safety reasons of course. You can play charades or my personal favourite ‘Words Starting With’ where you select a topic. One player then mentions a word in that topic then the other player should follow suit by mentioning another word starting with the last letter previous players word in less than 5 seconds. It is a really fun game. There are tons of other games as well. You can check out what games are available on the internet.
Have a road trip bucket list
Most of us often want to have a bucket list of the extreme things we want to do with our lives. Take the opportunity to tick some of these things off that list. Before you start on your journey, find out what activities you can take part in during the road trip. It can be bungee jumping, skiing, or even zip lining. Whatever you have always wanted to do it, do it during your road trip. You can even conquer your fears while at it. Killing two birds with one stone really. You only live life once. Make the most of it.
Car Karaoke
Now is it really a road trip if there is no singing? Ensure you have a playlist of your favourite music with you during the road trip. Or alternatively, you could just sing music from the top of your head. Sing whether you are alone or with your friends. Even if you do not know the words, you can hum along. Do not underestimate the power of music when it comes to boosting your energy especially during a road trip.
Stop at random places
Even though you are traveling from point A to point B, make the most of the trip. Stop by at places that look interesting and look around. Explore and be adventurous. There are a lot of beautiful but hidden places along these roads of ours. You can be surprised at how many memories you can make along the way as opposed to those you make at your final destination.
Speaking of trying new things, here are 8 Adventure Sports You Should Try Out In Kenya