We love and fight with words.
He is so confident
But around me he gets nervous,
Loses his words,
Gets shy on me.

I love words,
I play with them,
Turning them into bits and pieces of things,
So when he is silent,
I have nothing to use to bridge this gap between us,
To build this connection.
So I write him poetry,
Try to draw him out of his shell,
Make him react,
Play with his head and his emotions,
Make his heart race,
And take his mind somewhere else.
It’s hard when you have so many words,
And are dying to use all of them,
To tell him how he makes you feel,
To fall in crush with somebody who loses his,
In your presence.
So we fight with words,
His very few,
And mine too many,
Trying to find a middle ground,
To this thing,
This relationship,
We are trying to figure out.
Potentash 2016.