Music has always been a form of self-expression and a carrier of great influence to everyone, whether they are aware of it or not. The power that music carries is great enough to shape ones identity, and it does an unspoken job to create a sound that will be amplified from one generation to another and how it affects the society in return. Such power has been witnessed with Kool and the Gang’s music.
Kool and the Gang have run the scale of music, especially black music styles since the 1970s and have since established themselves as one of the world’s leading artists. The American jazz, R&B, soul, funk and disco group was originally formed in 1964 as the Jazziacs based in Jersey City, New Jersey. They went through several musical phases during their recording career, starting out with a purist jazz sound, then funk and R&B, progressing to a smooth pop-funk ensemble, and in the post-millennium creating music with a modern, electro-pop sound.
The influence of the Gang’s music on the 70s and 80s generation is unquestionable. They revolutionized the era and with the jazz-funk ensemble of their tracks, they began a movement; a movement of good times, lots of boogy and disco dancing – and they are bringing the movement to Nairobi!
On Sunday the 13th of November, Kool and the Gang will bring Nairobi to a standstill in what is going to be one of the most jazz-funk filled nights that this city has ever seen. Traveling with their full band, the Gang is expected to grace the stage with well-known hits such as ‘Get Down on It’, ‘Fresh’ & ‘Celebration’.
They have recently released their 23rd album ‘Kool & the Gang presents Gangland’ which is said to have a 70s edge with a bit of a twist.
They also recently released their funky new track “Sexy (Where’d You Get Yours),” their first new single in nearly a decade. From the start of the song, ‘Sexy’ pulls you in. With a culmination of their amazing voices, funky beats and the alluring sound of the instruments, the song has you on your feet, snapping your fingers and dancing your blues away. Even after a decade of waiting, they still managed to capture the hearts of their die-hard fans – especially the grown-up sexy ladies who need a pick me up after a long week at work – this is definitely a song for them!
As we eagerly await for them to jet into the country as they embark on their three city-tour covering Mozambique, Uganda and Kenya, here are some facts about Kool and the Gang:
- They continue to be the biggest R&B group and the most sampled bands of all time and immortal party anthems with over 50 years of tours and sold out performances all over the world – this is longer than any other group in the industry.
- In 25 years of recording, the ten member funk group has made 34 separate albums that have sold over 70 million albums worldwide to date, won 2 Grammy Awards and seven American music awards for best soul group; and released a string of platinum releases.
- Their first album ‘Kool and the Gang’ was released in 1970, but it didn’t become recognized until the release of ‘Wild and peaceful’ in 1973 with smash hits like Jungle Boogie and Hollywood swingin.
- Celebration’ arguably one of their biggest hits from the album ‘Celebrate’ was so big that at the beginning of American President Ronald Reagan’s presidency, it was played when a number of hostages taken from the American embassy in Tehran in Iran after they were held for over a year by radical Moslems. The song continues to be played till this day in concerts, clubs and sporting events among others.
- Their music remains iconic, with raw visceral energy that captures the minds and hearts of both the young and the young at heart. They have worked with a variety of styles, from soul jazz to hard funk, and graciously touching on disco before settling as an all-round pop-funk act. But their genre doesn’t necessarily define them, their immortal music does.
- Their music has always compelled out the good vibes in us. If you’ve noticed, almost all their songs have you on your feet – and it’s not just because of the fact that they have been known to work mostly with disco and funky beats, but because they understand their audience, and in an all-too cruel world, they just want to help us celebrate the good times!
Tickets to the show that will be recorded as one of the most legendary in Nairobi, are available here. So get your tickets now, prepare your dancing shoes and see you at the K.I.C.C on Sunday the 13th of November!