The 365th day was marked in unforgettable ways across the country. Party lovers were spoilt for choice as there was an array of parties to choose from. While a good number of people ushered in the year indoors, tucked between their sheets or following the live events on television, masses thronged churches and huge crowds turned up for the various gospel concerts held at various venues. The much hyped groove party with Safaricom was held at the Safaricom stadium, Kasarani. Here’s how it all went down:
Stage setting
The organizers set up three stages, one in the main arena and two around the Safaricom stadium. The mega stage in the main arena saw artists display electrifying performances as revelers sang along and danced to their music. It’s also here that the countdown to the New Year was held after which the skies were brightly lit by the beautiful fireworks. The Gifted DJ’s stage saw the conclusion of a six week deejaying competition where Dj Ruff was crowned as the overall winner. People were free to roam from stage to stage as they pleased.
Artists and dancers
The choice of the artists to perform at the event greatly influenced the huge turn up. 30 artists, 12 Djs, bands and dancers thrilled the crowds with their performances. Well known local artists and the international artists, Kristine Alicia and Omari, rocked the stage with their songs as people sang along. Bahati and Denno stole the show by performing their hit song, ‘story yangu’ that got everyone on their feet. After the performances from the artists, DJs took to the stage with sets of great music that saw people dance till the break of dawn.
Turn up
An entry of only 250 bob was sure to attract huge crowds of young people aged between 18 and 24 years. Thousands turned up for the event making it one of the most attended New Year’s parties held. The revelers’ needs were catered for as Tuskys and Coca Cola pitched tents at the main arena selling foodstuffs and non-alcoholic drinks.
In the wake of the wave of the shocking insecurity cases reported in the world, nothing was left to chance. Security was beefed up in and around the stadium. Thorough checks were conducted prior to entry and any rogue act reported was dealt with on the spot. This safety ensured that everyone enjoyed the show to the max.
This year’s groove party organizers outdid themselves this time round. To that team, thumbs up, yours was a job well done. Wishing you all a happy New Year.