Want to adopt? If you are curious about the adoption process and wanted to know how to go about it here is some information from the Kenya Children’s Home` Adoption Society
Who can Adopt/be adopted?
Children Act – Section 158 (1)
- A sole or joint spouse who has attained the age of 25 years and is at least 21 years older than the child, but has not attained the age of 65 years.
- Unless the child is a relative or father or mother of the child.
- Mentally stable
- Good conduct
- If married for longer than 3 years
- Sole female applicant can only adopt a girl unless she has other biological or adopted children. Or adopt a boy who is 4 years and above.
- Sole male can only adopt a boy.
What adoption Society is about
An Adoption Society registered in 2005 by the National Adoptions Committee to carry out: Local , Kinship, International and foreign resident Adoptions.
Find homes for children in need
Offer support to families that are willing to open their hearts and homes to children
Bring families together
The Local Adoption Process
1st Visit
A trip to the adoption offices
Exchange pleasantries and then you are taken through the A – Z of adoption
Questions and answer session
Adoption literature is given to you so you can go ponder on all the information

The first stages – application
Application forms and requirements listing
Return the application documents
Home visit is planned
Preparation of report
Submission to case committee
If approval is granted – Matchmaking
commences / freeing of child for adoption
What next after approval of application?
Introduction of parent to child
Bonding – a few days
Exit with baby – mandatory care
placement period of 3 months commences
Follow ups / monthly return visits to KCH
What next At the lapse of 3 months ?
Enlist the services of a lawyer – Lodges an application at the High Court
Declaration report (update to initial one)
GAL appointment – Orders given by court
Children’s department interview / visit
Hearing of the adoption application in judge’s chambers.
Verdict is given-Adoption orders Granted.
Followed by application for adoption certificate
What you need to know
Adoption is not expensive so it is not for the rich, it is for everyone who has a child at heart
Adoption is not for the childless, it is also a way of expanding ones family.
Adoption is not a long process it takes about 6-9months after placement.
The Guardian Ad Litem is the person who is appointed by the court to look into welfare of the child during the court process
After approval you will be required to attend a pre-adoption training so as to equip you as an adoptive parent/s.
Adoption Is A Wonderful Experience
Kenya Children’s Home helping bring together your special family.
Where they are
Located at the Thomas Barnardo House precincts – Langata Road opposite Wilson Airport.
Office hours
Monday – Friday : 8.30 AM – 5.00 PM
Saturdays : 9.00 AM – 4.00 PM