Today you commit to your love,
As you take your vows,
That you shall love and honour each other,
And build a home together.
From my heart I wish you love,
May love always be your home,
A shelter from the storms of life,
May it always welcome you back,
No matter how far away you have traveled.
May your love be a flower,
Beautiful and scented,
A joy for all who see it,
And experience it,
Yet may it also be a tree,
With deep roots underground,
That cannot be shaken by the storms of life,
May you be fruitful,
And may your love be a shade,
For those that God chooses to give you,
To watch over as guardians,
In the form of little bundles of innocence.
May your love grow each day,
And may it get sweeter.
Marriage is a joining of two hearts,
To become one,
In mind and walk.
On this journey that you take,
I wish you joy,
May you always travel together,
Never apart,
I wish you peace,
That though your journey may not always be smooth,
You will overcome any challenges together.
Every marriage is unique,
There is no road map to a perfect marriage,
But commitment is the vehicle,
Love, faith, hope, and trust are the wheels,
And God is the driver, if you let him,
You will go safely to your destination.
I wish you joy and happiness,
May your home be filled with laugher,
May your children be a blessing to you.
May God’s favour and blessings always be upon your home,
May your love be renewed every morning,
And may it shine like the sun to those who see it,
May it be a source of warmth for you always.
I wish you love always,
Today and everyday.
For Peter Wachira and Rina Macharia Wachira. Congratulations on your wedding and marriage 27/10/12/. May God bless your home.
Also for all the others, family and friends who have taken this journey I wish you love as well.