Hey God.
It seems like its been a long time since I have written you a letter. There has been so much going on in my life and in Kenya. Well you know all that so I don’t have to tell you.
Anyway this is just a thank you letter. Thank you for life, every day that I am breathing is a miracle. I don’t take it for granted.
Thank you for my family and friends. They are my support system. They are the ones who keep me moving, stop me from falling, and encourage me. Thank you especially for the friends I have made this year through doing Mizizi Bible study at Mavuno. They are truly awesome and a blessing to me. Thank you for my nuclear family. They are truly awesome. My mum, sis, nephew and brother are truly awesome. I don’t take the gift of having them lightly.
Thank you so much for my job. It’s a blessing and I am learning new things in my new role. I pray for your blessings and favor.
I mentioned Mizizi and I thank you that I finally took the plunge and did it. In the last 9 weeks it has changed my life. Taught me new things I didn’t know and reinforced old things that I may have forgotten.
Thank you so much for my Country Kenya. For a long time we took peace for granted before the election violence of 2007/2008. Am so grateful that we have peace now. I pray that no politicians or other people with ill motives will make us forget what we have and start us on a self destructive path again. I pray for peace in our hearts, minds, in our homes, schools, and workplaces. Lord help us be a nation of brothers and sisters, not a nation of tribes.
I thank you so much for everything you have done for me, everything you are doing, and everything you are going to do. You are truly awesome, majestic and a real God whose miracles I see every day. Thank you for being my God, my father, my friend, my provider, my protector. You are everything to me. Thank you for loving me even when I fail you. Thank you for lifting me up when I fall and thank you for giving me a hug when I need it. thank you for the times also when you throw me in the deep end when I need to grow and am acting like a child because I don’t want to.
I pray Psalms 91 today over my family, friends, and myself. I ask for your blessings and favor over the people I love, I ask for strength to love my enemies.
Thank you so much for everything. You are truly Awesome.