You are special
Let no one tell you different.
When I look at you,
I see God’s unique hand,
Carving out patiently and lovingly,
The features I see before me.
Let no one look down on you,
Because of any disadvantages you may have,
Because the Lord knows why he put things that way.
Never forget to thank God,
That you are alive.
God loves you,
With all your virtues and vices,
And he forgives you,
Every time you mess up.
You are so precious,
That he gave his only son,
To live and die among us,
So that you may know,
How much you mean to him.
No matter what you’re going through,
He’ll be there for you.
You may have many friends and relatives,
But know that none will ever be there for you like he can.
He will never desert you.
He’s there with you through the good times,
Laughing with you,
And through the bad times,
Giving you his shoulder to cry on,
And all the times in between,
Like when your moody, ecstatic or in a pensive mood.
He watches over you day and night,
For he never sleeps.
His love is the greatest gift you can ever receive,
And his mercies endure forever.
So know that no matter who you are or where you’re from,
You are special.