Job hunting will truly humble you. After applying for jobs and not getting any reply, I desperately contacted my ex who I hadn’t talked to in a while to see if he could give me a job. I was surprised when he replied to my message but little did I know he had sinister motives. I will admit that I wasn’t the best girlfriend to him. I used to complain a lot since he didn’t take me out or buy me gifts like other guys I had dated. I also broke up with him when I met a richer man and that was the last time we talked.
However, Dan made efforts to win me back. A few months after we broke up, he called me to tell me that he had landed a good job and to ask if we could get back together. I refused since the guy I was with was still richer than him. We didn’t talk much after that day but Dan kept checking in on me throughout the years. He always updated me about his progress.
“I left my job.” He told me over the phone.
“Really? What are you doing now?”
“I started my own company.”
“That’s nice.”
“I can hire you if you want.” He joked.
“I don’t need a job. My man takes care of me.”
“Okay, but if you ever need one, don’t hesitate to ask me.”
“Can you even afford my salary?” I asked arrogantly.
“We can talk about it.”
“Okay. Thanks for the offer but I don’t think I need it.”
Those words came back to bite me really hard. Less than two years later, my relationship fell apart and I was back to square one. I didn’t have a job so I struggled to pay my rent and put food on my table. I went from someone who could afford to buy designer clothes to someone who would ask for money from family and friends. It was so humiliating that I almost sunk into depression.
To make matters worse, every job I applied to either rejected me or didn’t even reply. I kept asking myself what I was doing wrong or who I had wronged to be going through such an experience. Within a few months, I had lost so much weight that people thought I was sick.
“Are you doing okay?” One of my friends asked after seeing my drastic change.
“Yes, why?”
“You’ve lost so much weight.”
“I’m just going through a tough time but I’m fine.”
“Okay. Let me know if you need anything.”
Even my family would come to visit me and bring me food because they were worried I wasn’t eating enough. However, I didn’t have any appetite and the food they would bring would go bad.
I got to my most desperate point that I swallowed my pride and called Dan. For once, I was the one who was calling him and not the other way around. He picked up my call immediately and sounded happy to hear from me.
“What a surprise to hear from you, Nancy.” He said.
“I know. It’s been a while.”
“It has. How have you been?”
“I’ve been good. What about you?”
“I’m great. Life is going really well.”
“Is that your girlfriend on your WhatsApp profile?”
“Oh yeah.” He answered, slightly embarrassed.
“She’s gorgeous.”
“Yeah. She’s actually my HR manager.”
“Really? That’s interesting. By the way, is the job offer still available? I’ve been looking for a job and I can’t find any.”
“I’ll see what I can do but I’ll definitely help out.”
“Thank you so much. I’ll appreciate it.”
We chatted for a few more minutes before ending the call. Even though I felt embarrassed asking for a job from someone I had rejected so many times, I felt relieved since he didn’t rub it in my face. In fact, he didn’t even mention how I treated him in the past.
After a few days, he called me back with some good news.
“We have a job for you.” He said and I almost screamed in excitement. “We need someone who’ll communicate with our clients and I think you’ll be a good fit.”
“Really? Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, the payment is a bit low since we don’t know how you’ll perform but we’ll revise it once we get to see your work.”
“Okay. How much is it?”
“Ksh 20,000.”
“That’s so low.”
“That’s the best we can do. Plus you can work from home. I’ll add you in a WhatsApp group with Jane, my HR manager and she’ll coordinate everything.”
I knew that I didn’t have much of a choice since I hadn’t found a job and was running out of people to ask for money. Luckily, I had moved to a cheaper house so I could afford to pay my rent with the money.
I accepted the job offer and was added to a WhatsApp group with Jane. She immediately started asking me a bunch of questions about my job experience and if I would be able to handle the workload.
“We get a lot of inquiries. I hope that you have a good network at your place because we can’t afford to disappoint our clients.” She sent in the group chat.
“I have.”
“If you fail to deliver, we’ll just have to let you go.”
Dan had to intervene but nothing changed. Jane would message me and at times, call me after a few hours to check if I was working. Sometimes, she would contact me past working hours telling me that there were inquiries I needed to respond to. They were the worst 3 months of my life. I was not only reporting to my ex’s new girlfriend but also I was in a toxic job.
I reached my limit and decided to quit the job. I felt like I was better off being jobless than working in such an environment. They tried to increase my salary but I was already fed up. Additionally, I had finally got a job interview and I felt hopeful about it.
I got the job, upgraded to a nice house and started enjoying life again. However, the memories of how my ex and his girlfriend treated me while working for them still haunt me to this day.
Check out
I Invited My Boyfriend And The Girl He Was Cheating On Me With To Dinner
We Broke Up Because Of His “Relationship” With His Female Best Friend
He Cheated On Me With One Of My Coworkers At My New Job
The New Girl At The Office Turned Out To Be My Husband’s Side Chick
Dating My Workmate Was The Biggest Career Mistake I Ever Made
He Spent The Whole Date Trying To Convince Me To Get Him A Job