Reducing the risk of prostate cancer is possible. Research shows that healthy lifestyle habits such as reduce the risk of cancer and cancer deaths. This includes:
- at least 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise or 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly
- no smoking
- moderate or no drinking
- heaving a healthy weight
This doesn’t mean that doing all these things will mean you never get cancer. Cancer is the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in the body. Some cancers have a higher chance of occurring due to genetics. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among men. It’s the second leading cause of cancer among men, after lung cancer. It’s the fifth leading cause of cancer death for men worldwide. The most common risk factors for prostate cancer are advancing age, being Black, and family history. In addition, you have a higher risk for prostate cancer if you have diabetes mellitus, obesity, low fitness, poor diet, and vitamin E supplements. Health Conditions That Disproportionately Affect Black People
Preventing prostate cancer isn’t exact. However, adding these habits to your lifestyle can reduce the risk and protect your prostate.
Prostate Cancer: Warning Signs, Symptoms, And Risk Factors
1. Eat more red fruit and veg
Tomatoes, berries, beetroot, and other red fruits and vegetables contain lycopene. This is an antioxidant. Studies suggest that lycopene can reduce the growth of prostate cancer cells. This includes eating canned tomatoes. Cooking tomatoes, especially frying them is the easiest way to ensure your body absorbs lycopene better. The redder the tomato, the better. Lycopene accumulates as the fruit ripens. 7 Health Benefits Of Raspberries
Lifestyle: 7 Benefits Of Tomatoes For Your Health
2. Eat more citrus
Fresh fruit is an important part of a balanced diet. However, studies show that eating citrus fruits reduces the risk of prostate cancer minimally. Citrus fruits include grapefruit, oranges, lemons, limes, and tangerines.
Health And Nutritional Benefits Of Oranges
3. Take green tea and coffee
Some studies suggest that taking green tea reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Scientists believe more studies are needed to confirm this definitively. Have at least one cup of green tea each day. 11 Health Benefits Of Green Tea
At least three cups of coffee a day can help reduce the risk of fatal prostate cancer. However, it’s important to remember that a lot of caffeine can have adverse effects. You shouldn’t exceed 400mg of caffeine each day, which is about five cups of brewed coffee. It contains cafestol and kahweol which can help the body fight cancer. It’s best to have boiled coffee rather than filtered coffee for full benefits.
4. Eat soy-based foods
Isoflavones have been linked to reduced prostate cancer risk. These are plant-based compounds that mimic the hormone action of oestrogen. They are found in soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, alfalfa, and peanuts.
Lifestyle: The Health Benefits Of Soybeans Or Soya Beans
5. Reduce saturated and animal fats and sugar
Saturated and animal fats can increase the risk of cancer. This includes the fats also found in butter and cheese. Ultra-processed fried foods are also unhealthy for the body. Eating these things in moderation doesn’t pose much of a risk. However, consuming them multiple times a day, each day can have far-reaching effects. Health: Eating Junk Food Increases Your Risk Of Getting Cancer
Lifestyle: 7 Healthy Alternatives To Sugar
To reduce the risk of cancer, where possible, replace animal fats with plant-based fats. For example, use olive oil instead of butter when cooking. Overcooking meat also creates more carcinogens. Increase your diet’s number of grains, nuts, and seeds while reducing candies. Food: 6 Cooking Mistakes You Need To Avoid To Stay Healthy
1. Reduce supplements
Vitamin D can suppress cancer. Some experts have also found that there is a lower level of prostate cancer among men who have higher levels of vitamin D. Black men have naturally lower levels of vitamin D because Black skin processes less sunlight than that of people with less melanin. Vitamin D supplements don’t help cover any deficiency. It’s better for men to get their sources of vitamin D from sunlight and diet. 6 Health And Mental Benefits Of Sunlight
Supplements with selenium and vitamin E increase the risk of prostate cancer. This is because Vitamin E can cause DNA damage. Taking more than seven multivitamins each week also increases the risk.
Health: 6 Things You Should Know Before Taking Supplements
2. Use medicines correctly
Medications that reduce enlarged prostates and treat hair loss can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. They also retain benefits long after men stop taking them. But it’s important to remember that 5-alpha reductase inhibitors can also lead to low libido because they reduce testosterone action. They have yet to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for lowering prostate cancer risk. Using aspirin correctly can also potentially reduce the risks. However, taking too much aspirin can increase the risk of strokes.
Lifestyle changes you need to make to reduce your risk of cancer
3. Have more sex
Studies show that more ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Ejaculations can be caused by wet dreams, masturbation, and intercourse. How frequently you ejaculate can also predict the likelihood of the condition. This is because seminal fluid oxidates over time which makes it toxic to the prostate. However, there is no clinical evidence to confirm this is why infrequent ejaculation leads to increased prostate cancer risk.
Relationships: The Benefits Of Regular Sex
4. Exercise
A study found that overweight men have a 54% increased risk of prostate cancer. Losing up to 4.9kg of fat can help reduce the risk. This is because being heavier changes how the body reacts to insulin. The body produces extra insulin which stimulates tumour growth. Becoming physically healthier helps regulate insulin production which reduces cancer risk.
The prostate gland is also surrounded by fatty deposits. They’re known as periprostatic adipose tissue. The more the tissue is, the more it produces compounds that attract cancer cells from the prostate and into the fatty tissue where they can metastasize more easily.
What Type Of Exercises Are Right For You?
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