Today on Pearls and Heels we feature Sarah Wambi. She says “I’m Sarah Wambi. I’m trying to figure out the world but more specifically, I love sports and I would love to work to empower women and girls in all avenues possible.”
I am a Digital Strategist and Media Buyer. It helps my business (gaming) find new users and also purchase/try our available products. It also showcases the communities we’re working with and what work we’re doing with them.
I wouldn’t have taken the customer care job. That’s a time I hate that I still regret.
• You need to stay curious, it helps you look for new marketing avenues.
• Stay conscious of current sports events. Breaking news and sift what’s relevant for the country I’m marketing in.
• Social and digital media awareness (Media buying – Google/Facebook/Twitter) and there are digital courses that one can take to get awareness but the more you do it practically the more likely it is to stick.
Sports is my love and hate. Hate because losing is so hard to deal with. It might seem frivolous but I know how short athletes’ careers are. My 2 favourites are Serena Williams (retired, or is she? TBD) and Lewis Hamilton (F1 god). My favourite sports teams – My Lakers (yes, MY) – the first sports team I ever loved and Manchester United.
I want to be better at everything. I’m human so I have many flaws and I can improve.
Joy with my progress and just letting myself breathe through it. And also less comparisons with folk I went to school with who are more financially successful.
Both. Passion can drive motivation when you feel stuck. Purpose keeps me even-keeled. It makes the world have a positive light.
Nah. Can’t talk on this one yet.
Yap. I just remember what I’ve actually done. Plus occasionally I have spoken to my partner and friends and they remind me how great I am. We all have those moments so I always cheerlead my friends and they do the same.
Keep learning and reading all the new courses you see come up.
• Hadithi/Hadithi podcast hosted by Mariam Bishar. This one made me reflect on my high school/primary school days. It’s a reminder for me not to be so hard on myself.
I watch sports (Ha)!
Let’s circle back in 20 years on this one. 🙂
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