It takes some time to learn the ins and outs of how to grow fantastic marijuana, but remember, every grower starts somewhere, and every plant starts out as a tiny seed. Novice growers can get their seasons off to a great start by choosing the right seeds, following a tried-and-true germination process, and making sure their seedlings have what they need to grow into healthy plants. This article will offer a complete seed-starting guide that will help even inexperienced growers get these crucial early steps right.
Choosing the Right Seeds
Arguably the most important aspect of seed selection is quality, and that means buying from a reputable seed bank like Weed Seeds USA. Along with assurances of quality, the other benefit of buying seeds online is that it gives growers access to a full range of strain types and seed types, including autoflowering, photoperiod, regular, and feminized seeds. For novice growers, feminized seeds are typically the best option since 100% of them will grow into marijuana plants as compared to the 50/50 split between marijuana and hemp seen with regular seeds.
Germinating the Seeds
Many novice growers feel intimidated by the process of seed germination, but it’s an important aspect of cannabis growing that can’t be ignored. While it’s true that just throwing some seeds into the soil will likely yield a few plants, that’s not the best way to give seedlings a good start in life. Instead, follow these steps to germinate seeds individually using the paper towel method before introducing them into the growing medium:
Step One: Gather Supplies
For new growers, it’s best to gather all of the supplies for germination in advance. In addition to the cannabis seeds, this method for germination also requires:
- Two plates
Paper towels
A glass of water
A spray bottle
Step Two: Set Up the Germination Chamber
In this case, the germination chamber is simply the two plates with damp paper towels inside of them, so setup is easy. Just spray a paper towel with warm water, place it on one of the plates, and spread the cannabis seeds out on the paper towel so that there is some space between them. To finish the setup, spray another paper towel, put it on top of the seeds, and place the other plate on it to function as a lid.
Step Three: Spray the Seeds Every Few Hours
It’s important not to let the paper towels dry out, so open the container every few hours to spray them with water. Make sure they stay moist, but not soaked. Keep spraying the seeds every few hours during the day until they start to open. This step can take anywhere from 12 hours to a week.
Starting the Seeds
Once the seeds have begun to grow taproots, they are fully germinated and can be moved to a growing medium. This can be soil, coco, or peat. Some growers simply place their germinated cannabis seeds in plugs or jiffies instead. No matter what, these seedlings will need to be transplanted when they get large enough to begin the vegetative stage in earnest.
Don’t Be Afraid to Get Started
Starting seeds doesn’t have to be difficult. Just follow the steps above, and most if not all of the seeds purchased from a reliable supplier should germinate within a week.