Normally most people call a shy person an introvert but did you know that an extrovert can also be shy? And an ambivert too? Did you know that introverts are necessarily sensitive or people haters?
One-third to one-half of people are introverts as stated by psychiatrist Carl Jung in 1921. In Western society, introverts are not well received as compared to extroverts.
“No one is 100% introverted or 100% extroverted, says Pearson.
“… We are all a mixture of both personality types….” (podcast part-time genius, co-hosted by Will Pearson and Mangesh Hattikudur)
An introverted brain is more sensitive to dopamine. This is a neurotransmitter that makes an introvert act quickly and takes significant risks, that is they are over-stimulated thus they prefer to be alone most times or in a familiar small group, though they tend to be more lonely and have low self-esteem.
Most introverts also notice small details, errors, and overthinking and take a sweet time to process and understand information. This is because their brains take in stimuli via the acetylcholine pathway, which passes through different parts of the brain.
With a high tolerance to dopamine, extroverts need a little more stimulation to feel recharged thus they enjoy complicated situations and in larger crowds of people, they also react quickly and rapidly. With biological brain differences, introverts are more of good listeners, enjoy solitude, avoid small talk and think before speaking, read people better, and are less impulsive compared to extroverts. Extroverts, on the other hand, are big-time risk-takers and thus are prone to problems such as going to jail, etc.
Ambiverts, on the other hand, exist somewhere between being an extrovert and an introvert. Ambiverts can lean into each moment and easily adapt to different circumstances. They are basically, emotionally stable and resilient and thus can think, act, behave and converse

consistently. They do make awesome sales persons though.
If you know the personality that tends to favour you, work on its strength just to be true to your temperament, whether introvert, extrovert or ambivert.
Take the Quiz to See if You’re an Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert
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