Quin stumbled on a job advertisement by chance and decided to take the opportunity. However, when she got to the office, reality hit her. Nobody was willing to hire someone who didn’t have any qualifications. Though she was a talented designer, she didn’t get the job. Instead, the boss advised her to apply for a design course. Her best friend, Georgina, came to her rescue and took her out for drinks to get her mind off the interview. Read part one here – My Boyfriend Discouraged Me From Pursuing My Dream Job Part 1
The persistent knocking on her door startled Quin awake from her sweet slumber. She checked her phone only to see tens of missed calls from Frankie, her boyfriend. It then hit her that her head was pounding like it wanted to explode. The loud banging on the door wasn’t helping her situation. The girls had gone out for drinks after the job interview and things got out of hand. One shot turned to two and before she knew it, she was dancing with a strange man.
“We need to leave.” Georgina alerted her.
“No. I’m having so much fun.”
“Frankie will kill both of us if you don’t sleep at your place again.”
“Argh! Don’t bring up his name right now. You’re such a buzzkill.”
“Okay, but we have to leave.”
“One last cocktail,” Quin said as she got up to go and make an order.
She signalled the bartender who quickly came to her side.
“Two Old Fashioned.” She said
“Wow, a beautiful woman who drinks Old Fashioned. You must have been sent from heaven to ruin my life.”
She laughed and then looked at the flirty man who was already pulling out his credit card to pay for her order. He was handsome, well-dressed and had the most enchanting smile she had ever seen. Quin couldn’t help herself from staring.
“Your order.” He said pointing at the drinks sitting on the counter.
She picked up the drinks and then started walking towards their table. The handsome guy stayed at the counter but kept a close eye on Quin. She also glanced at him from time to time. Georgina noticed the two eyeing each other.
“Why do you keep looking at that guy?” She asked.
“He was flirting with me and bought us these drinks.”
“Quin, we’re not doing this. Let’s go thank him and leave.”
They both walked to the counter intending to thank the guy who had bought them the cocktails. However, he convinced them to take a round of shots with him. By 2 am, the two girls were still at the club, drunk out of their wits.
“You know, we’ve been talking for four hours and I don’t know your name.” She said, slurring her words.
“You can call me Zaddy.”
Her face instantly changed. She hated when guys like him tried to act like they were the king of the world. You see, Quin wasn’t a stranger to the nightlife. In fact, she had earned a nickname as the ‘Quin of Nairobi’s nightlife. She was a high-end escort who prowled the city’s exclusive clubs looking for men like ‘Zaddy’. They were her least favourite but the easiest to manipulate which meant she was about to get a huge pay.
“Well, Zaddy, how about we go back to my place?”
“Okay. How much?” He asked rather timidly.
“I thought you were Zaddy. You shouldn’t worry about such things.”
The trio retreated to Quin’s luxury apartment. They all staggered out of the Uber, passed the security guards and into the lifts. She pressed the button to the fifth floor where her apartment was at the end of the hallway.
Georgina kept throwing her deathly glances as she flirted with the man. After a few minutes, the pair retreated to Quin’s room. Georgina grabbed a throw blanket from the edge of the sectional leather couch, covered herself and went to sleep.
The next morning, she was woken up by a loud banging on the door. She instantly knew it was Frankie and tried to hide any evidence that a man was in his girlfriend’s house.
Quin was still trying to compose herself. She turned to face the other side of the bed only to see a strange man in her bed. He was also just waking up.
“Why are you still here?” She asked in anger.
He checked his watch. “Shit! Pass me my clothes.”
“It’s too late. My boyfriend is outside. You can’t leave.”
“That’s none of my concern, sweetheart. I’ve already paid you. I need to leave.” He said, wearing his clothes.
“Okay. Georgina will come and get you.”
“Who’s Georgina?”
“My friend. She’ll come and get you.”
“Make it quick.”
Frankie had been knocking for almost 30 minutes and was red with anger when Quin finally opened the door. He stormed inside without as much as a ‘hello’.
“What are you doing?”
“Sleeping. It’s like 6 am.”
“Why weren’t you answering your phone?”
“I was dead asleep. I took a sleeping pill.” She said, “Babe, I have some good news.” She tried to change the subject.
He walked to the kitchen and as he browsed through the walk-in pantry and made his way to the balcony, Georgina, who was peeping through the bedroom door, managed to sneak the other guy out and went back to the bedroom to clear any remaining evidence of a man. She flushed the used condom in the toilet, put the used towels in the laundry bin and sprayed the bed with Quin’s perfume. She then got undressed and got in bed.
“The things I do for that girl.” She said as she quivered from the thought of the strange man sleeping on the same sheets she was sleeping on.
Frankie continued to comb out the apartment, walking from room to room checking for anything unusual. He finally got to her bedroom and saw Georgina sleeping.
“Hi, Frankie. Morning.” She said,
“I didn’t know you were here.”
“I’ve been here since yesterday. Quin called me after her job interview.”
“Job interview? What job interview?”
“Quin didn’t tell you? She landed a job interview with one of the biggest design companies.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, turning to Quin.
“That’s what I wanted to tell you. Let’s go to the living room.”
Quin had moved from her village to the city on board a Coast bus with nothing but a dream and a few clothes in a plastic bag. She believed she was going to be a house help after her childhood friend who lived in a humble bedsitter in Pipeline, invited her to the city. However, when she got to the city, things changed. Her friend introduced her to escorting, leveraging Quin’s good looks to get money for their basic needs.
After some time, Quin couldn’t let her friend continue to use her. She also wanted more for herself and couldn’t continue sleeping with old men for small change. She started hitting the big clubs and hotels hoping to meet rich men who could give her a better life.
There, she met Georgina and the pair became inseparable. Life was good and Quin started getting better money. She moved to a good apartment, bought a car and occasionally sent some money to her family in the village. However, she still wanted to fulfil her dream of becoming a fashion designer and after meeting Frankie, she thought it was perfect timing to pursue her dream job.
Frankie was from a rather affluent family and hadn’t worked a day in his life. He believed that Quin was also from a rich family who had bought her the apartment and car. She knew he would never understand why she was an escort. So, she had to change her lifestyle fast before he learnt the truth.
“Babe, I want to be a fashion designer.” She said, serving him a cup of coffee.
“Why though? Your parents are rich. You don’t have to stress your beautiful self.”
“It’s my dream job and I got an opportunity to work for one of the best designers in the country.”
“Why am I just learning about it?” He asked.
She pulled out her sketchbook from a bookshelf next to the TV stand. “Well, check this out.”
He looked through her sketches and smiled. “You’ve always been a badass with the fashion styles.”
She smiled as he complimented her.
“But I don’t think you should work for someone. Why don’t you start your own fashion house?”
“I’ve always dreamt of working for this company and they actually liked me.”
“Babe, you’re too pretty to work. Plus it’s not a good look. If you need money I can give it to you.”
“That’s not how I was raised and if you can’t support my dreams then I don’t think we can work out.”
“Really? You’re going to break up with me over a job? Fine. Whatever. Pack my stuff. I’ll come for them later.”
He walked out of the apartment and just like that, their relationship was over.
One of the reasons she wanted to get a job was so she could stop being an escort and start living a normal life with her boyfriend. However, she still wanted to pursue her dreams and make herself proud despite the breakup. After a little encouragement from her best friend, she went to register for a design course that same day.
Find out what happens next My Boyfriend Discouraged Me From Pursuing My Dream Job Part 3
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Her Boyfriend’s Secret Job Ruined Her Life
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