When you find out that your colleague earns more than you, yet you do the same job, it can be a very demoralizing realization. It is expected that you get paid the same amount of money when you are doing the same job. However, that fails to be the case most of the time and one may feel discriminated against.
This realization can get you wondering what they are doing differently and better than you. You even go down to check on their level of education because you want to make sense of the whole situation, and like this Reddit user, you get the shock of your life. You find out that you have an even higher level of education than him or her.
At this moment, you are left with very few options. Because things need to make sense and you have no specific way to make sense of why your colleague earns more than you. You start having some thoughts trying to make sense of the whole thing. Like this Reddit user, you ask yourself questions in line with your level of education. Should it be an issue?
Concerning the level of education, one reply here makes you see the whole issue from a different perspective.
You may find it weird to ask your colleague why things are the way they are. They might not even have an idea of why they are getting more money at the end of the month than you, for doing the same job as you. It might have been something to do with how they negotiated for pay before working.
Having that conversation with a fellow employee might be the next step you take, but will it bring in the value you want? Then of course you reason that your colleague earns more than you is not the problem and her money is not your problem. You realize that your problem is in the extra cash that he or she is getting. You too could be getting the same amount of money. You could go to the boss and complain about this issue, you would not want to cause any issues with your boss. The relationship between you has been a good one so far.
Another Reddit user, came out to shed light on how it all goes down when one decides to correct stuff here and there in an organization. Though one may have all the good intentions while bringing up such issues, it might never end well.
In your endeavours, you find out that people usually negotiate for what they want when in a job interview. That’s not all, they negotiate and get what they want. Others do not say what they want during salary negotiations and this type of person might be you.
Upon deeper digger into this issue, you realize that it is something that occurs more often than you could have imagined. That you get as much as you can negotiate for.
A Reddit user replied with a story that reflected an individual who had been earning more than their colleague, who found out about it and caused trouble.
In this case, the next best move will have everything to do with getting a pay rise in a way that won’t bring about any issues within the company. Actions within the workplace need to be well-calculated to avoid any repercussions that could harm your career. For instance, going to the management with the statement citing your co-worker’s salary might not end as well.
As you go for this move, there are several things worth knowing. First, is that companies do not come to you with the best offer you can get.
You also need to know that having a degree does not translate to being paid more money. There needs to be more.
Negotiation ought to be in line with what you bring to the table and experience is proof of this. Despite this knowledge, you ought to know that you are the only one taking a risk on your career, according to this Reddit user.
When you enter that room to negotiate for your pay rise, there is a high likelihood that you have made up your mind, it is either a raise or you leave. It is exactly what this Reddit user thinks.
If this is what you have in mind, then some caution would be just the insight you need from this Reddit user.
However, another reply to this thread is against sharing salary information openly.
When all is said and done, one thing remains clear from this post. Which is that the skill of salary negotiation is very important to anyone who chooses to have a career. To be able to stay comfortably in your place of work, and progress, one needs to feel satisfied with their job and the compensation they get.
Here are tips on how to negotiate for your salary in a new job, or a pay rise in your place of work.
- The first thing is to research the company’s salary ranges. From this research, you will get to know how much people on your level earn. Know that companies do not come to you with their best offer. This means that when you research, you will be able to have a clear idea of the best offer you can get. Information that will guide your negotiation process.
- Know every detail about what you are bringing to the table. This includes your experience and your skills. Every job has a number of requirements for you to meet at the end of the day. These requirements can only be met through the actions that come from your experiences.
- The negotiation process ought to be objective. So that it does not come from a point of resentment like it would have appeared in this story.
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