A construction site is usually a place where there are a lot of valuable materials lying about which makes it a perfect target for thieves. They will do whatever they can to get in and walk away with whatever they can. They can usually sell these things for a good price which makes it too tempting to pass up.
It is up to your company to make sure that you are doing what you can to make it secure. Luckily, there are a lot of ways that you can make your site as secure as possible. It starts with a construction site inspection and ends with a secure site that is too difficult to get into. In this article, we will go over some tips to help you.
1 – Have an inventory system
It’s a sad fact that much of the material and equipment that gets stolen from a construction site is from some of the workers. They take advantage of the fact that many construction companies are not very good at inventory control. This means that they understand that the materials missing may not be noticed for months or even never at all.
When you have a robust inventory system in place, then the missing materials will be noticed right away. It will be easier to detect if there is a thief on your staff and be able to identify who it is making off with the goods. In some cases, it can even be a delivery driver or some other person who has access to the site.
Use technology to create an inventory tracking system that will indicate right away when something isn’t where it should be. The way to do this is to implement RFID tracking and the use of scanners to detect when something is moved.
2 – Have lots of cameras
You’ll need an unfettered view of what is happening on the site so that any activity that is suspect can be seen or recorded for later viewing. When it is apparent that something is missing then you should be able to go to the video and see who took the materials.
There are many new cameras that will use motion detection and turn on as soon as there is movement nearby. An alert will then be sent to a computer or other device so it can be seen immediately if there is something happening that shouldn’t.
3 – Have a security guard
The old school idea of having a guard that walks around the site and checks in to make sure everything is as it should be still is applicable. It actually still works to have a physical presence on site.
If a person there understands that there are security cameras everywhere and a person on site then it makes them think twice about stealing something. The best way to work this out is to have people walking around the site, a checkpoint where people are checked coming in and going out, and somebody manning the cameras.